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Financially this is a favorable month heavy gains are expected however from the health point of view you will have to be considerate; some digestive problems may impact your health. Property disputes will be settled with the interference of any senior family member whereas with the impact of some influential VIP fellow; your held up projects will come into action. Some unwanted news may arrive.

Starting of the month shall be fabulous; heavy financial gain is expected but your health will not support you, some digestive troubles along with seasonal ailments may surface. Deteriorating health of any family member will also add some worries. During the time you will have to keep your temper and tongue in control otherwise the consequences shall not be in your favor and your project work might be held in the starting only. Professional and businessmen will perform better; they will remain focused and dedicated adding more and more achievements in their part. Their efforts shall be duly rewarded with proper remuneration. Reputation will also increase.  Most of the time will go in performing business operations and making future business planning. There shall be frequent financial activities. Those who are in partnership mode will attain more. There will be cordial relations with your partners and co-workers, but over reliance on partners, co-workers or subordinate may be harmful. However the employees shall remain dear to their superior. They will be obedient and dedicated towards their duties, shall cover extra miles to fetch extra benefit to their organization hence their efforts shall be acknowledged with salary appraisals or promotions. Property disputes will be settled with the interference of any senior family member. However in the professional and business front there might be some challenges too but with the impact of some influential VIP fellow those problems will get resolved and the held up projects will get the momentum. From the family front you will stay satisfied, the spouse and progeny shall be quite supportive; love life will also be tension free but over indulgence in love may invite infamy. By the end of third week you may come across some unpleasant news that will distract you from your winning track and due to lack of focus your professional work will suffer. During the phase the opponents shall be aggressive beware of them. Although work pressure will be high but any how you will manage both professional and domestic liabilities comfortably. By the starting of last week most of the things will come under favor and you will be back on your previous track. Pending projects will get momentum, financially your condition shall be strong and you will be blessed by the senior family member. This is the time when you will feel relaxed from your health as well. Guests may populate at your house. Students will remain dedicated towards their studies and may attain success in various exams and interviews. However in the last few days of the month you may again hear some shocking news from friend or close relative.

Virgo Weekly Forecast Report

Virgo March 1st – 7th
The week will start with the combination of Moon and Mars that will ensure financial gain. Focus on the professional tasks since monetary gains seem very strong. Inflow of money shall be thick and fast. You will enjoy all the worldly comforts and may buy new things, but between 2nd and 3rd you will have an inauspicious time. During the phase you will have to keep temper and tongue in control else you will spoil your won interest. The deteriorating health of some family member will divert your concern. From physical health point of view you will have to be cautious since some stomach and digestive disorders may surface hence take care of food and drinks. Between 4th and 5th you will again enjoy the favorable time. You may get hefty money. This will give you a sound financial footing and you will feel stronger and confident. Work efficiency will increase and hard work would be appreciated with proper remuneration. During the phase you will be successful in all your endeavors. Family atmosphere shall be good and friends would be quite supportive. The servicemen would be closer to their seniors and bosses. However between 6th and 7th honor and reputation will experience and upward swing. You will be very positive and constructive in approach.

Virgo March 8th – 15th
You will be blessed with a very favorable time between 8th and 10th. You will be successful in all financial matters. From everywhere you will hear only the favorable news. Utilize this important phase in some constructive work. The blessings of some senior family member will also help you to get success in all your endeavors. Family atmosphere shall be congenial and the spouse will be quite supportive. You will remain engrossed in finalizing financial issues. Some of the long disputes will be settled amicable. However between 11th and 12th you will have to go through with unfavorable tide. Physical health may deteriorate. Take proper care of diet and take proper rest otherwise you could be caught by some seasonal ailments. You will have to apply more efforts to achieve smaller targets. This would not be the suitable time for the love birds too; differences and misunderstanding may crop between the personal relations. Between 13th and 14th you will be successful in inducing warmth with spouse and the rapport will be far better. Mentally you would be cool and witty. On 15th you will again have a wonderful day. On this day you will be successful in all your endeavors. You will be satisfied with your achievements and efforts applied.

Virgo March 16th – 23rd
Everyone will be quite supportive between 16th and 17th. You would be benefited by the advice of any senior family member on property matter. Property matters would go in favor with the intermediation of some senior family member or some influential fellow. But the deteriorating health of some family member will divert your concern and you could be distracted from the core task. Those who are in partnership business will enjoy better results but they are warned to stay alert and don’t rely on the partner blindly else you could be duped. Your personal health may deteriorate since some seasonal ailments including digestive disorder may surface time to time. Between 18th and 20th pending and held up works may be not be only revived but also be completed due to the impact of some influential fellow who will take your side strongly. In profession you will be highly dedicated and focused, work efficiency will increase and hard work would be appreciated with proper remuneration. The employees will gain the support of the seniors, may get the advantage in near future. Family members would be quite considerate and they will consider your emotions. Between 21st and 22nd you may come across with some unpleasant news from the close relative or friend which will disturb you a lot. Ongoing projects would be held up in the final stage. Rivals will be active. On 23rd you will be engrossed in discharging domestic liabilities.

Virgo March 24th – 31st
Influx of guest will be high between 24th and 25th. You will welcome them warmly and invest quality time with family members. Due to over involvement you will get lesser time to discharge professional responsibilities as a result work pressure will grow gradually, but due to high efficiency level you will manage the situation comfortably. You may develop new techniques or inculcate modified working patter to get over the situation easily. Between 26th and 27th you will enjoy the favorable time, financial gain is indicated, inflow of money shall be thick and fast. You will get support from every corner including friend, colleagues, relatives and family. By the influence of any VIP or influential fellow held up projects might be revived or even completed during the same time. However between 28th and 29th your will experience betterment in physical health. You could be blessed by some senior family member for good conduct. This will boost up your confidence and you will focus over the professional tasks with verve and vitality. You would be happy to see the things moving in the expected direction. But between 30th and 31st you may come across with some unpleasant news from the close relative or friend that would be the matter of disappointment.


Relations with family members may remain tensed, minor banter is suspected on silly issues. You will not take any significant action in professional end. However most of the day will go in day dreaming, you will not get proper returns of your endeavors. Mentally you will be tensed.Auspicious Number... Read More

Here’s an insightful overview of the Virgo (Kanya) horoscope for 2025, focusing on key areas like career, love, health, and personal development. Virgo Horoscope Overview for 2025 1. Career and Profession Strategic Growth: 2025 will be a year of steady and strategic career growth for Virgo natives. Your meticulous nature and attention to detail will serve you well as you tackle new challenges. Expect opportunities to refine your skills and take on leadership roles, particularly in areas requiring organization and analytical... Read More


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