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Interesting facts about Yellow Sapphire stone is also known as Pukhraj

Interesting facts about Yellow Sapphire stone is also known as Pukhraj

Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) is a mineral, a stone that contains elements of aluminum, hydrosol, and the florin in it. It is very much famous in some countries like Australia, Burma, Brazil, Cambodia, East Africa, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, United States, and Russia for it is believed that it came from these places. It is found in yellow color and different shades of yellow, but it comes with white and orange colors, too. It is considered as one of the most prominent and powerful stones in the astrology. It is also believed by many that it strongly influenced by the planet, Jupiter.
In the solar system, the biggest and strongest planets Jupiter. It is described as yellow in color. It can be understood that the sameness in color influenced a lot this beautiful stone.

Benefits of Wearing a Sapphire Stone

Wearing a gem would add to your personality become so influential with a very high dignity. People often describe someone wearing a gem as a powerful person in the society. In wearing a sapphire stone, or the Pukhraj, there are certain things that you need to observe. See to it that you will wear it in your index finger and it should be on a Thursday. Before wearing it, you have to dip it in a cow’s milk for at least 10 minutes. And in wearing it, it should not touch your skin; therefore, it should be placed in the top part of the ring. The gem should be at least 3.25 carats. It is believed that this gem will influence the one, who wears it for four years, 3 months and 18 days. Do not wait until the gem will get darker in color so you must clean it regularly with a very soft brush.
In wearing it, you cannot just simply wear it on. There are steps that you need to follow. Here are as follows:

  • Consult an astrologer first before wearing it. It is very important so you will be informed of the effects in hearing it, especially the Dos and Don’ts. Your astrologer will let you know if wearing a sapphire stone suits you or not.
  •  Buy a natural sapphire stone in a trusted dealer because if you will get the fake one, you will get the bad luck instead of the good luck you have ever desired.
  •  Choose a good and compatible metal for it. You can either have gold or silver as your top choices since it is believed that both suits this gem. Make sure that it is positioned well to give the positive energy to the wearer.
  •  Wear it on Thursday as it is its lucky day and Jupiter’s day.
  •  As you wear it on Thursday, face northward or northeast. Make sure it is still drenched in cow’s milk.
  •  After you did it in a cow’s milk, place it in a yellow cloth.
  •  Lastly, burn 5 incense sticks while offering flowers to Jupiter and chanting “Aum brim BrahaspatayeNamaAum” for 108 times.

Benefits and Precautions in Wearing It

It is believed that Yellow Sapphire brings prosperity to anyone that wears it, and it is one of the most popular and beneficial gemstones among the Navaratnas. It is believed to improve the economy of the wearer as well as bless him or her with good health, wealth, fame, name, honor and success. Some countries, Yellow Sapphires are considered to be auspicious, that brings peace and prosperity and ensures the continuation of the family. Yellow Sapphire symbolizes Divine grace. It is the safest gemstone. Yellow Sapphire is the gemstone of knowledge, wealth and loving relationships and provides general well-being and spiritual knowledge of the one who wears it.

The Yellow sapphire is believed to give wearer good health, wisdom, property, longevity, name honors and fame and protects from evil spirits. Students wearing Yellow Sapphires are believed to do well in their studies. In some countries, you will see many student wearing gems. It helps to not delay the way of marriage for a female individual. If there is the chance in getting a suitable match for a girl, she gets a suitable match by wearing a yellow sapphire. It brings stability and love in married life and the wearer is blessed with children. Yellow Sapphire units divorced couples again or lovers, and gives a marital blissful life among the couple.

The wearer of yellow sapphire will become knowledgeable of law, ethics, becomes witty, wisdom, worldly happiness, Para physical bliss, physical power, cleverness, long life, good health, food grains, prosperity glory and mental peace, intelligence, physical strength, good health, better behavior, long life, worldly happiness and prosperity in life and blessings. It helps people perform better in their fields especially those who are legal experts, professors, spiritualists, soldiers in the army, envoys of peace, people in public service and public welfare. This gemstone is believed to be a great help for those who are philosophers, geologists, architects, and scientist, administrators of schools and colleges, computers. This gemstone helps those who wants to avail and had acquired higher positions in the government or companies. In business, this gemstone can help those who are engaged in dairy products, textile, finance, cosmetic items, yarn, and business concerned with artistic products. Those who are cinematographers and are in production of films can also benefit from it. Yellow sapphire helps to people who are writers and make money a lot of money out of it. It will especially help people who make money with the help of their finer intelligence.

This gem is believed to be medically effective to heal diseases and prevent them from attacking the wearer. It cures throat infection, protects the livers, lungs, ears and blood circulation, dropsy, flatulence, dyspepsia, abscess, disorders of the pancreas, tumors, skin troubles, cerebral congestion, regulates the circulation of blood in the arteries and fat in the body.

Always wear a natural, unheated and flawless Yellow Sapphire. Do not wear cracked, broken or chipped gems, as they can have a very bad effect. Inspect the gems for defects before buying them. A defective gem will cause the wearer trouble or bad luck.

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