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Indian Astrology a Trusted Trend from Time out of Mind

Indian Astrology a Trusted Trend from Time out of Mind

We live in present, every second that is passing is becoming our past; we can see it but unfortunately to rectify it no power exists. Astrology is the only resolution to this irony. Yes!, It the proven science, with this future cannot be seen only but also can be designed for the utmost benefits. The world derived from Latin language which means `account of stars’ while `Astonomia’ is the scientific name. In the early times it was considered as the most sacred knowledge that was limited to revered saints hence they use it for some special cause like prediction of weather, wars, floods and other natural calamities, but later on this knowledge became popular and eventually universities from across the world started teaching; graduation, post graduation and even doctorate degrees were designed as per the knowledge standard.


As per the Hindu methodology, Lord `Brahma’ is considered as the originator of Astrology. He transferred this knowledge to his son `Narayan’; who is considered as `Dev Rishi’. He transferred this heavenly knowledge to the revered saints. Saint `Parashar’ wrote the very first book which was dedicated to Astrology, but unfortunately very few pages of his manuscript are available. Saint `Gargi’s’ contribution in this field had become the ideal among the learners of astrology. The `Vedas’ also light on astrology, the oldest `Rig Veda’ consists of around 40 formulae; rest of the Vedas also depicts many astrology formulae which prove its authenticity.

The roots of astrology were deep penetrated among the ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia, Maya, Greek, Arabs, Roman Chinese and Western Europe they also know well about this art. As of now the modern Universities across the world offer various courses for the astrology learners.

Breaking the myth:

Most of us consider this proven science as a subject of making fool and baseless; this is because at times we come across such fellows who claim themselves as a profound astrologist but infact they are nothing else than the manipulators. This science is based on the typical mathematical calculation of the movement of stars. As per naturologists when water is kept in sun of different color bottles cures different diseases while the sun rays are same for all then why their effect is different. This is because colors also impact our life. In the same way our entire life is affected by various things like color, direction, numbers, days, location where we live, planets and stars.

Streams of astrology:

Astrology is the super class and the mode of prediction differs from place to place; this difference is there because of their place of origin and the method which is well taught. This super class can be fragmented into Palmistry, Numerology, Tarot reading etc. Since it is very ancient before the advent of different religion hence it is practiced by all of the religions. Later on with the advancement this was modified which shows some difference from religion to religion. As of now there are three streams in which prophecies are done are the most popular they are Hindu Astrology, Western Astrology and Chinese Astrology. Each one has different formulae for prediction none of them can be compared with another but the final result comes same if the correct calculation is done.

Hindu Astrology is also referred as `Vedic Astrology’ the key tool of it is horoscope. Horoscope is the cannot be exactly same of two fellows because it horoscope bears the current position of the stars and planets with respect to place; since the celestial bodies never stop they keep on moving. With the horoscope an efficient astrologer can predict about the entire life of that person including his behavior, physical appearance, profession, education, love – marriage, off springs, diseases everything. Just knowing the things is not enough if the possible slum is not get resolved. Almost all the prevailing or upcoming problems have sure shot resolution is also there in astrology. It may be through performing some rituals, mantras or bearing prescribed stones.

Here we provide the best suitable resolution which suits your life style, it is hard to accept but believe me very simple things like saying `om’ as the very first word of the day can resolve your hectic challenge. Different challenges have remedies very much like medicine. Our panel of astrologers is highly educated and bears vast experience in this field. Astrology is not to frighten but to simplify the life and make it smoother and happier.

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