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Vehicle will not support but success from the government cases is seen. Investment made in first quarter will be very beneficial. You may get unexpected money during travelling whereas some close one may deceive you. During the last quarter drive vehicle carefully, some unwanted thing may happen. Financial condition will remain modest. Homely comfort will increase along with the increase in political image.

First few days of the month will be challenging. During the time vehicle will need maintenance whereas in profession some abnormal issue may arise. The situation will be in control then after and you will get success in legal cases; social standing will also improve. You will be in much relaxed condition and invest most of the time in merriment. Although from the financial front there would not be any remarkable achievement but you will not stop. Efforts made during this period will bring the result in the coming time not immediately. Since you will spend much time with family and friends hence members will be quite supportive and your reputation will increase. An investment made in the first quarter will be very beneficial in long run. In the next quarter job seekers will get better job proposals which will improve their financial condition hence most of the worries shall be washed away. The later days of this quarter will not be favorable. Some unwanted event may occur with which mentally you will put off and will not maintain focus so far hence economic crisis will trap you. During the phase enemies shall be quite violent, be alert otherwise you might be trapped in any further conspiracy. But by the end of this quarter you will get some money while you will be in journey unexpectedly; this will give you some relief. During the third quarter you will give more time to family and performing domestic obligations. Despite of the domestic liabilities you will not overlook your professional responsibilities. You may involve in reading any motivational and inspirational book to enhance your professional skills. Your hard labor will bring the result and once again the things will be in your control. However the servicemen will perform better and will be appreciated with proper remuneration. Again the later days of this quarter will be bit harder; during the phase the rivals will leave no chance to trap you in their conspiracy. You might be betrayed by any close one leading to a financial crunch. By the end of this quarter the condition will improve and the things will start moving in the expected direction. Financially you would be in modest condition but you will remain satisfied with your efforts. Drive vehicle safely since road accident is suspected. The later days of this week too will bring some troubles; some unwanted thing may happen during the time. Family atmosphere will fluctuate; put a check on rage and language to maintain harmony. Health will improve. This period is also not long by the end of the month again the situation will turn into favor.

Libra Weekly Forecast Report

Libra April 1st – 7th
Between 1st and 2nd you will have to be cautious because you are going through an inauspicious time frame. Some unwanted thing may happen on 1st, drive vehicle cautiously and take proper safety measures. Take care of maintenance of vehicle since may demand servicing including mechanical issues whereas on 2nd you may have to face professional slams. The condition will improve between 3rd and 4th. From the government issues you will get relief since the verdict of most of the cases may go in favor. You will be highly interested in social welfare activities, may come in contact with new fellows. Social acceptance will enhance. You will enjoy happy moments with family and dear ones. You may do something new which will ensure good return in near future but in the present time financially you will be hard pressed. Between 5th and 6th you will get some due money, it may be from the insurance, government department, IT return or lend money. Financial condition is indicated to improve. Honor and reputation will increase. Family atmosphere will be congenial and family members would be supportive. You would be appreciated for good job, list of admirers will increase. Eventually on 7th you may advance in some financial investment project which will give you hefty return in near future. By the end of week you would be on sound financial footing.

Libra April 8th – 15th
It is the best time for the job seeker, they may get suitable job as per their qualification and skills. You may get relief from the long lasting worries and troubles. Those who are in politics may enjoy favorable time. They may gain higher position in their parties. Social acceptance is suspected to increase. Between 9th and 11th you have an unfavorable tide. A financial crisis is indicated; you may commit some folly which will yield harsh consequences. Take monetary and other important issues seriously else you may have to suffer financial loss. You may come across with some unpleasant news from the close relative or friend which will shatter you deeply. Mentally you will be disdainful and morose. Family atmosphere will not be healthy, no will take care of anyone and everybody will be self centric only. Rivals and opponents will be quite aggressive and they will leave no chance to trap you in their conspiracies. Between 12th and 13th you may undertake some journey that would be profitable in terms of monetary benefit. You may get wealth while in journey. Between 14th and 15th you will get relief from most of the worries and issues but there would be still financial crunch.

Libra April 16th – 23rd
On 16th family would be the first and foremost priority. You will remain busy in discharging domestic responsibilities. You would be highly considerate about the needs and requirements of family; may devote considerable time with kids and friends. Through inspirational literature you will be enhance your knowledge. Between 17th and 18th you will have a better time. In profession you will be highly dedicated and focused, work efficiency will enhance substantially and it would be appreciated with proper remuneration. Pending works would be completed on time. The servicemen will gain the support of their seniors and they may prove themselves better than the other. You will enjoy a comfortable and happy life. Inflow of money is foreseen which will enhance your economic condition. But between 19th and 21st you will have to face bit challenging time. Take monetary issues carefully and cautiously, don’t rely on anybody in such issues else you could be deceived by some trustworthy fellow. Financial loss is suspected hence take the things seriously. The time between 22nd and 24th you will be relaxed due to a favorable wave. Things will start moving in the expected direction and you will find the solution of most of the worries. You will work sincerely to cope with the situation and eventually you would be successful.

Libra April 24th – 30th
You will be blessed with an auspicious time between 24th and 25th. During the time you may come across with some good news from the close relative or friends. Inflow of money would be rather modest which will give you mental satisfaction and strength. You will come in contact with new likeminded fellows who will understand your approach, you will enjoy in their company. You will be fit and fine mentally and physically both, but you will get only the mixed return during the phase. You will discharge professional and domestic obligation on time, daily routine work would also be accomplished on time. But between 28th and 29th drive your vehicle cautiously and take proper safety measures since some road accident is indicated. Due to an unfavorable tide you will experience hurdles in every sphere of life. Ongoing projects will be held up in the mid way whereas no new projects could be launched. You may come across with some unpleasant news or any unwanted thing may take place. Family atmosphere would not be amicable and the members would not be cooperative. Mentally you will be frustrated, despondent and morose. You would not be able to do the desired things even on the application of full efforts. However on 30th you will enjoy quality time with family.



You would be blessed with a favorable phase, servicemen could be entrusted with more responsibilities whereas business prospects would be favorable. In both the conditions you will have more gain and powers. Family atmosphere shall be good, closed ones would be supportive and physically you will be... Read More

Here’s a detailed overview of the Libra (Tula) horoscope for 2025, touching upon key areas such as career, love, health, and personal growth. Libra Horoscope Overview for 2025 1. Career and Profession Balancing Work and Passion: 2025 brings new opportunities for Libra natives to strike a balance between their professional aspirations and personal fulfillment. Your natural sense of harmony will guide you to pursue work that aligns with your values, creativity, and desire for beauty and justice. Whether you're in a... Read More


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