Holi, also known as Holika dahan or Holika Utsav, is a festival of colors practiced throughout India. The celebrations are done on full moon (Falgun Poornima). It is a festival celebrated at the beginning of spring, when a pleasant weather prevails. In many places, it is also referred to as Vasantotsav.
For the year 2020, Holika Dahan will be performed on 9th March 2020, while holi will be celebrated with colors (also known as Rangwali Holi or Dulhandi) on 10th March 2020.
What does Holi Really mean?
We indulge in festivities, color playing, gujiya eating in and around holi, but do we know what it really means? Spiritually, it is said that the paraphernalia for holi can be started after Maha Shivratri. Holi is said to bring out the negativity, shortcoming and weaknesses and pledge to not repeating the mistakes so encountered and recognized. The sins, weaknesses and negativity are all cluttered together and sacrificed to fire, hence confirming the pledge of non repetition.
What the legends say?
The most popular legend surrounding Holi is the inspiring story of the faith laden believer, Prahlad. While Prahlad’s father, Hiranya Kashyap, was a non believer and had extreme hatred for his son’s faith. The evil father, along with his sister, Holika tried to hamper Prahlad’s faith through evil tactics. By virtue of his immense faith, Prahlad shined through the test of faith and was protected by the almighty while his aunt, Holika flamed into the air.
There is another popular legend related to Holi. According to the Puranas, Lord Shiva, opening his third eye out of furiousness, incinerated the God of Desire, Kaamdev. Hence, it is also a popular culture in many parts of India where people sacrifice something that is very close to their heart. A period known as Holashtak prevails through eight days before the full moon. No holy rituals, tasks and projects are undertaken during holashtak.
Worshipping Holi
Women gather around fire a day before Dulhandi for Holika dahan. They pray for prosperity of their home and children. Dry woods are fired up and holi is lightened up.
- Relevant Muhurat for Holi 2020
- Holika Dahan will be held on 9th March 2020
- The Muhurta for Holika Dahan will be from 6:22 pm to 8:49 pm
- Bhadra Punchha will be from 09:37 am to 10:38 am
- Bhadra Mukha will be from 10:38 am to 12:19 am
Celebration of Holi
Holi is not only celebrated throughout India, but is also celebrated worldwide. In many states like Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, Holi as a festival lasts for about 10 days and the festivities become a week long affair. In pious regions of Mathura and Vrindavan, holi continues for about 24 days. There are many folk songs associates with the festival of Holi.
Holi is a popular festival with great relevance in Indian mythology. Bringing people together through folk songs, holi milan, gatherings, greetings and delicious gujiyas, Holi ends the winter’s depressive tone and brings about the jubiliance through playfulness and notoriety. However, people get too carried away with the playfulness. Therefore, safety with respect to celebration is advised. It is a peaceful festival that celebrates the recognition, identification and demolition of the weaknesses. It is helps us pledge towards a better future.