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Any investment made at the start of month shall be very fruitful for future. Property related disputes shall meet to a favorable end. Although the financial condition will keep on fluctuating but you will be successful in getting rid form the debts. You will come in contact with any influential fellow who will help in materializing some of your big coveted projects. There shall be frequent tiffs with family members and others on worthless issues. Religious feeling shall be dominating.

The month of March will give you only the mixed results. In the starting of the month you will remain focused to profession and successfully perform professional and domestic responsibilities. Success will come from every direction. But as soon as you advance to the end of first half of month the challenges will keep on becoming deeper. In profession you will perform better in the starting but need to apply extra efforts to materialize the same task few days after. Then after it will be challenging to do the same task even on putting your best whereas by the end of first half the task will not even complete. This might be the embarrassing situation and you will feel lethargy and lax most of the time. This will be directly reflected in your work efficiency. Whereas from the business end third quarter is the most promising, you will not only get success but the inflow of money shall be very nice. Any of your dream projects might be launched with negligible efforts. In the same quarter you will come in contact with someone very influential who will help you in materializing your task whereas during the last quarter you could plan business trips which shall be fruitful but they will not bring very favorable results. You may plan to expand the business during the phase since everything would be in proper control but you will get only the mixed returns. At this juncture of time your financial condition will be consolidated and you will be successful in repaying of past debts but further growth is seemed challenging. By the end of the month you may fall in financial crisis hence you are suggested to keep the budget in control during the entire year so that you could face the situation in better way. From the family end there might be tiff with brother on some minor issue. Family atmosphere will keep on fluctuating time to time. However you will be highly diverted towards religion hence devote more time in carrying religious practices. You will also be attracted towards arts, music, dance and literature. They will become the part of your hobbies. During third quarter you shall have to take extra precautions since some accident may occur and you shall have to consult physician. Property related worries will get resolved amicably during the second quarter. You will remain busy in progeny issues during the same quarter. You might be cheated during the first quarter hence take financial decisions carefully. By the end of the month there shall be tiff with someone on silly issue.

Capricorn Weekly Forecast Report

Capricorn March 1st – 7th
Between 1st and 3rd you will experience many changes in life. In profession you would be highly centric, work efficiency will increase up to an extent. You will get relief from the government issues since most of the verdicts may go in favor. You would be drawn to religion and spiritualism as a result you will spend a considerable time in offering prayers and practicing religious rituals. Differences may crop with brothers on trifle issue which will turn family atmosphere tensed. You will have to be cautious in taking major decision else you could be cheated. You would be quite future centric but you will have to work very hard to achieve minor things. At times you could be emotional, frustrated and egoistic that will caste a negative image within the family and also is will not be good in professional life. Between 4th and 6th you may invest some money that may bring expected returns in future but not in the current time. This is a favorable time for the students; they will remain focused and dedicated to the subject of their interest without distracting from the worldly attractions. You may come across with some good news from the close relative or friends on 7th. In profession you will perform better your abilities and talent would be acknowledged and rewarded.

Capricorn March 8th – 15th
On 8th you will be worried for progeny’s career perspective, getting him admitted in preferred college would be bit troublesome, apart from this you will remain busy in discharging domestic responsibilities whereas in profession you would not be able to maintain focus as a result no major achievement is foreseen in professional front. It would be a trying phase between 9th and 10th, taking the support of family members you may try to achieve something, but your efforts will not bring satisfactory results. However in profession you will have to put all your efforts to turn things. Between 11th and 12th religious feelings would be waving, you may devote good time offering prayers and practicing religious rituals, you will be engrossed in shopping for festival, spend good time with family members, guests may drop in and personal relations will be strengthened. However there would be no major achievement in professional front whereas the service class could be assigned with more responsibilities. Financial condition will keep on fluctuating. Between 13th and 15th you will be much interested in aesthetic things like fine arts, dance, literature, music and literature. You will come in contact with many new fellows, PR circle will enlarge. You will be successful in finding the solution of property disputes. Worries will decrease.

Capricorn March 16th – 23rd
Between 16th and 17th you will maintain equal balance between professional and personal life. In profession you will discharge the responsibilities fairly, you would be filled will lot of energy and enthusiasm which may bring favorable results whereas in personal life you will find time to practice your hobbies which will give you happiness, satisfaction and also your confidence would be boosted. During the period you may come in contact with some influential fellow who would be very helpful in due course of time. Any of your old close friends would be very cooperative and with his suggestions you will achieve big things easily. Between 18th and 20th you will establish cordial relations with neighbors and colleagues. Since the time is favorable you may launch any of your long coveted projects which would bring only the expected results. You may achieve big target with very less efforts. However between 21st and 22nd you will have to drive vehicle cautiously since some road accident is not ruled out. Take proper safety measures and follow traffic rules religiously to avoid unwanted happenings. Rivals and opponents would be very active and they will leave no chance to trap you in their conspiracies. On 23rd you will engage yourself in outdoor activities.

Capricorn March 24th – 31st
You would be highly focused towards professional expansion plan and for the same you would have to conduct journey which will give you the expected returns. New ventures or long coveted plans could be initiated on 24th. Between 25th and 27th you will get remarkable success in profession, financial problems would be solved up to an extent. You would be satisfied to see the things moving in the right directions. Loans would be duly paid and held up money could be recovered with lesser application of efforts. Expenses will be proportional to the earnings. Work pressure would be very high; you will find less time for own self. At times you could be rude, may lose temper frequently on minor issues leading to tiff with someone. Between 28th and 29th you will remain engrossed in finalizing financial obligation, legal and tax related documents. Work pressure would be very high, it would be troublesome to cope with the situation but you will manage it anyhow. However between 30th and 31st you will have to be cautious and vigilant in finalizing important issues else you may suffer financial loss. Mentally you may remain tensed and upset. You may lose temper frequently, avoid indulgence in worthless pursuits else you will pick the quarrel quickly leading to tiff and altercation with somebody.


The day is all yours. You would be inspired and motivated to do something potential, energy level would be high and achievements would be in proportion to efforts. Financial condition may improve. You may come in contact with some of your old friend and fall in nostalgia.Auspicious Number :... Read More

The year 2024 would bring a new definition to the Capricorn natives. 2024 will be a special year as Saturn is placed in your sign. According to the Capricorn astrology, you are expected to get the outcome results of your work front. If you talk about the career, you may have put lots of effort into getting what you want. This year will be productive for your efforts. You are going to have a prosperous 2024.  According to the financial point of view, it will be a moderate year. As per the astrology forecast year, 2024 will bring you... Read More


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