Astrology means the science of the effects of planetary movements in our lives. Astrologers need to know the exact and correct positions of the stars and planets at any given time for the same. By this, astrologers can prepare charts representing their positions and their movements in our lives; he can make a wide range of conclusions based on the positions of these stars and planets.
Now, Vedic Astrology basically refers to the Indian or Hindu astrology. It is a system that was originated in the ancient India; it is concerned about determining our destiny. It has been practiced for many thousands of years. The earliest stories or writings can be found in the Vedas (it is the ancient spiritual texts of the Hindus and are the oldest books in existence, written about 5,000-8,000 years ago).
Vedic Astrology is the fundamental form of astrology and considered as an important of the ancient time, it is found in the Vedas which are the source of knowledge having six important parts. In the modern era, Vedic Astrology is considered as the most powerful astrology throughout the world.
There are twelve zodiac signs, nine planets and twelve houses according to the Hindu Astrology. All the things are linked with each other according to the basic principle of Vedic Astrology. It is considered that Vedic Astrology provides more accuracy than the Western Astrology. It is the great tool for depicting the exact accuracy of the trends, changes and the movements in your life. This is the reason, the Vedic astrologers likely to talk less about you.
There is a difference between the Vedic Astrology and Western/Tropical Astrology, i.e., Vedic Astrology uses the fixed zodiac signs instead of the moving zodiac. In Vedic Astrology, the planets are considered as the representatives of God. The father of Vedic Astrology ‘SagarParashara’ believes that the knowledge of this astrology was first passed on to sage Vyasa by Lord Krishna. It is the astrology which was originated in the Hindu culture but now it has gained a lot of interest in the Western side too. This astrology has a great power of depicting one’s weaknesses, features, and also suggests the best and perfect directions for them related to their career, finances, and marriage etc.
These are some of the reasons due to which Vedic Astrology is also called the ‘eye of the Vedas’. It helps in deriving the self-knowledge and truth. Sun has a great importance in the Vedic Astrology as it is life giver and has the ability to enlighten the whole world and build your own identity. According to the Vedic Astrology, Sun is a sign of authority, which also have a control on our health; it can fill us with energy, confidence, and courage.
Sun takes one complete year to complete its zodiac cycle and it spends about a month in each of the signs. Thus, Sun is considered as an important planet in Vedic Astrology as we can survive without the blessings of this planet.