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Your health will trouble you a bit but the end of month you will become fit and fine. A long held up money might be recovered. Financial condition will keep on fluctuating, expenses shall be high. From the family end you would get only the mixed returns. Rivals shall be aggressive and frequent tiffs are suspected with co-workers and spouse. Loss is also not ruled out hence take monetary decisions wisely and may conduct outings.

Starting of the month shall be good; you will successfully perform your professional and domestic duties. Socially you would be active and may participate in any social function. In profession or business front you will try to implement new innovative ideas and might be successful partially. Your business decisions will be accepted widely. During the phase professional challenges shall be high and you might be trapped into some disputes or controversies this will divert your attention towards your professional approach. Similar situation shall be there in the family where minor tiffs shall be frequent with spouse on trifle matters. Financial condition will decrease and will be come under extreme pressure. You may plan to go out on any journey. In the second week you will develop focus again at your work and meet any VIP person and some high official. These relations will give you much profit in long run. However in the tight schedule you will give no time to your health hence some digestive problems may surface. Eventually from the finance front you will get some relief. Although the inflow of money would be thick but it would be consumed immediately before coming in hand due to rising expenses. Relations with family member and partners will improve. Frequent fluctuation in finance is witnesses throughout the month. The adverse condition is somehow generated by some external force and you get affected by it quickly resulting in diversion from the right track. Once you recollect yourself and work dedicatedly the things start to come under your control; hence you are suggested not to indulge yourself in others affairs until asked and always keep control over temper and tongue. In distress and desperation you don’t take the decision with professional approach rather you will be governed by emotions resulting in unfavorable circumstances and monetary loss. Take monetary decisions wisely avoid over reliance otherwise loss is sure and you might be cheated as well by some close one. To come over financial crisis you will follow cost cutting practice. During the third week you will devote much time in studying inspirational literature. During the time family will be quite supportive. You will give ample time to family and kids. However during the last week there might be tiff with your boss or co-worker which will result in destroying working atmosphere and your reputation will also get impacted. This shall be turning point in your attitude, family would be on the first priority; you will give most of the time to family members and building a harmonious rapport.

Virgo May 2022 Weekly Forecast

Virgo May 1st – 7th
On 1st you will successfully discharge social and domestic responsibilities efficiently and sincerely. Social acceptance will increase. Honor and reputation will also enhance. However in the profession front you would be striving to introduce some new and innovative methodology so as to increase profit margin substantially. Between 2nd and 3rd financial condition may be boosted by the recovery of some long held up money that you might have lend as loan to someone. You would be on strong financial footing. You will get astounding success in business and your professional acumen would be admired widely. You would be counted as one of the notable fellows of your streams. To attend some social function you may go out. But between 4th and 6th you could be trapped in some controversies, unexpected disputes may surface. This will bring you in despondency and restlessness. You will find yourself lax and abandoned. There could be tiff with spouse on minor issues leading to a tensed family atmosphere. You may suffer financial crunch. However on 7th you may undertake some journey and in profession you will be highly concentrated so as to complete the pending tasks on time and normalize the situation.

Virgo May 8th – 15th
You will come in contact with any VIP or very influential fellow who will be very cooperative in long run. You will develop cordial relations with high officials. With the deadly combination of these contacts you would materialize most of your pending works. Between 9th and 11th you will get relief from most of tensions and problems. But from the physical health point of view you will have to be cautious since stomach and digestive disorder may surface during the phase. Take proper rest and care of what you eat else the situation may lead to a terrifying situation. Differences and misunderstanding with the partner / life partner may dissolve amicably rather faster. Inflow of money would be thick and fast but it would be duly consumed due to mounting expenses. Between 12th and 13th you will get hold of the prevailing situation completely. In profession you will develop high dedication and focus; work efficiency will increase as a result pending works would be completed timely with high efficiency and quality. Financially you will be in better condition. Between 14th and 15th you could be trapped in controversies due to over indulgence in others affairs. Avoid poking nose in others affairs else you may suffer infamy. You may commit some folly in profession whose consequences would be fatal hence take the decisions wisely and analytically.

Virgo May 16th – 23rd
16th will be full of controversies. In monetary and other important decisions you would have to be alert and vigilant since you could be duped by some confidants. Put a check over rising temper and usage of harsh words else the situation may go against leading to a terrifying situation. Rivals and opponents would be quite aggressive during the time and they will leave no chance to trap you in their conspiracy. Differences and misunderstanding may crop with the close relations. There would be influx of guest between 17th and 18th you will remain busy in offering hospitality, may find lesser time for professional obligations. You will devote considerable time in reading inspirational literature. Economically you would be hard pressed; so you may implement some cost cutting strategies and may explore new business vistas. Between 19th and 20th you may get good money due to the conjugational effect of Moon and Ketu but it will be consumed quickly due to the mounting expenses. More or less the condition will remain same. In profession you will be efficient hence accomplish the jobs quickly. Between 21st and 22nd bonding with the spouse will become stronger. You will give quality time to family and kids. However on 23rd financial loss is suspected.

Virgo May 24th – 31st
On 24th you will have to keep your temper and tongue in control else you may have tiff with your senior or colleagues that will spoil the working atmosphere and eventually leading to embarrassment. Mentally you will be in frustrated and restless state; may not be able to come on any conclusion. You are suggested to practice meditation to keep your mind balanced and calm. Between 25th and 26th family would be the first and foremost priority. Despite of the busy schedule you will scratch out the time for family and kids leaving professional tasks aside. You would be successful in inducing harmony in family atmosphere. Between 27th and 28th you will face the challenges of life courageously and confidently. You may have to take some bold and strong decision to come over with the prevailing situation but even through you will not prefer to pull your steps back. You may introduce new changes in life style and behavior. You would be strong enough to stick on the decision that you have taken. Between 29th and 31st you will find the solution to your problems. You would be free from worldly tensions and worries. In this expedition your physical health will give full support.



Relations with family members may remain tensed, minor banter is suspected on silly issues. You will not take any significant action in professional end. However most of the day will go in day dreaming, you will not get proper returns of your endeavors. Mentally you will be tensed.Auspicious Number... Read More

Here’s an insightful overview of the Virgo (Kanya) horoscope for 2025, focusing on key areas like career, love, health, and personal development. Virgo Horoscope Overview for 2025 1. Career and Profession Strategic Growth: 2025 will be a year of steady and strategic career growth for Virgo natives. Your meticulous nature and attention to detail will serve you well as you tackle new challenges. Expect opportunities to refine your skills and take on leadership roles, particularly in areas requiring organization and analytical... Read More


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