Health will keep on fluctuating; some digestive and BP problems may surface along with seasonal ailments whereas family member’s health will also dispose. From the finance front you will come across frequent crests and troughs. You may meet some saint like fellow, buy some new thing for home, rivals shall be active and you might be trapped in their conspiracy. Your past secret including love might be exposed. Change of residence is also suspected this month.
Opening of the month shall not be auspicious since you may come across some unfavorable news from close relative or friend. Health wise you shall have to be cautious; digestive and BP problems may surface along with the seasonal ailments. Health of any senior family member will also take your concern. Your past secret including love affair might be disclosed during the month, you might be cursed for your past deeds. All these things will make you distress and restless. In profession you will put your best efforts hence gain the expected results. You will maintain the focus and keep on perform better than before, you may try to expand business by takings some solid decision. During the first week only you will meet some saint like fellow and seek his blessings. Although your professional achievements shall not be significant but still you will feel satisfactory. You will work more sincerely and honestly maintaining high quality of outcome, your hard work shall be duly rewarded with proper remuneration. During the second week you may purchase something for increasing the comfort of home. During the same period rivals will be quite aggressive and they will leave no chance to trap you in their conspiracy, past love secret might be exposed to embarrass you publically. This would be the transition phase but you will maintain mental equilibrium and stay focused towards your target. No more achievement will be added to second week rather BP problem may bother you. Property disputes might be resolved with the intermediation of any senior family member in the third week. Your consistent efforts will bring vital achievements in profession, better job opportunity or hefty deal will neutralize your financial crisis. You will be passing through a period of Saturn Dhhaiya; with its impact you would have to work harder to achieve lesser. It is the tendency of Saturn to keep you running around. Change of residence or transfer is seen whereas from the health issue of your parents you will have to visit hospital. This shall be a troublesome phase for you because you shall have to perform your professional and domestic responsibilities simultaneously hence you will remain hard pressed as a result there might be tiff with spouse. Don’t take monetary decision in hurry since some heft loss is also suspected. Rivals shall be more active than ever before hence handle the situation calmly and patiently. By the end of the month financial condition will improve and you will be successful in every competition of life. Job seekers may get better job opportunity. However the last few days are not favorable, here loss is again seen. Keep a check on your expenses. You might be trapped in any false allegation. The things will improve at the last day of month.
Virgo June Weekly forecast 2022
Virgo June 1st – 7th
You will have to be cautious as between 1st and 2nd you will experience an unfavorable phase. You may come across with some unpleasant news from the close relatives or friends. Mentally you will be disappointed and listless whereas physical health may also deteriorate. Family will likely to suffer from the same condition. In profession no major development is foreseen. Pre occupations will directly impact your working style. You would be very possessive and fearful about the future. However the situation will improve between 3rd and 4th. You will gather yourself and get back to work with verve and vitality. During the phase you will get the return in proportion to the application of efforts. You will try hard to make the situation conductive and ultimately successful. You may adapt new methods or change work pattern to optimize productivity. Approach to see the world would be widened and you would be able to see beyond the illusion. You may come in contact with a saint like holy man, may seek his blessings as well. Physical health will improve and you will feel stronger and confident. Between 5th and 7th you will be focused and dedicated to profession. During the phase you will get the mixed results only. Although there would not be any significant achievement in your part but you will be satisfied and happy with your efforts.
Virgo June 8th – 15th
You would be blessed with an auspicious time between 8th and 9th. Due to favorable planetary impact you would be successful in all your endeavors irrespective of work nature. In profession you will maintain focus and dedication, work efficiency will enhance and it would be rewarded with proper remuneration. You will exhibit high proficiency and quality at work, something new would be purchased during the phase. Family atmosphere will be more conductive and personal life would be tension free. Financial condition will improve. But between 10th and 12th you will experience a downfall in every aspect of life. Nothing will move in the positive direction. Ongoing works will be held up at the eleventh hour. Money due to you could be held up. Rivals and opponents would be very active and they will leave no chance to trap you, they will overwhelm and you could be trapped in some conspiracy. Honor and reputation may sully. Some of your past love secrets could be reveled; leading to embarrassing situation. Between 13th and 14th more or less the condition will remain same, seasonal ailments including BP problem may surface for shorter time. No major development in profession is indicated. On 15th you will engross in knowledge enriching through inspirational literature. Profession will be on high priority.
Virgo June 16th – 23rd
Between 16th and 17th family property dispute would be resolved amicably through the intermediation of any influential fellow or senior family member. In profession you will perform well, some big and hefty deal is suspected to crack giving you long term benefit. Financial condition will improve. Residence change is suspected, you would be transferred to another location. Your interest could be diverted because of deteriorating health of any senior family members. Since Saturn Dhaiya is on between 18th and 19th hence you will get anything only after long and hard application of efforts. Nothing will come easily; you will have to run a lot to materialize your end. Minor misunderstanding and confusion may crop in personal relations. Work pressure would be high and it would be challenge to maintain required focus and dedication. Between 19th and 21st you may commit some folly in profession whose consequences would be severe, financial loss is suspected. Mentally you would be confused and listless, you would be itching to do something but the concept would not be clear. Keep a track over rising temper else you may pick quarrel quickly leading to tiff with spouse. Family atmosphere will be tensed. Between 22nd and 23rd you will pay emphasize on personality development, position at work place may improve, your opinion would be considered first.
VirgoJune 24th – 30th
24th and 25th will be the most paying for job seekers. They may get suitable job offer as per their qualification and skills. Working condition will enhance; rapport with colleagues, relatives, friends and family member will be cordial. You would be helpful for all, may help some needy fellow. Mentally and physically you would be strong to face any challenge of life. You will sort out the life challenges with courage and confidence. Between 26th and 27th victory in completion or contest is indicated. You will be serious for professional obligations, personality will be enhanced and people will love to be in your company. Socially you would be popular and new fellows will be included in friend list. Between 28th and 29th you will suffer hard time. Expenses would be high and financial crisis life situation may prevail. Put a check over spend thriftiness and employ cost cutting techniques to cope with the situation. You could be trapped in some false allegation, hence don’t rely strangers on important matters and take the decisions thoughtfully. Again the tide will take a favorable turn on 30th. You may grab some hefty deal which will boost up your financial status. Working condition will be more conductive. Family atmosphere would be amicable. You would be happy and satisfied to see the things moving in the expected direction.