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During the second half avoid lending money or taking loan otherwise you would never recover the lend amount nor repay the debt. Financial condition will keep on fluctuating. Contacts will grow including some VIP and influential fellows will come in your contact. Diversion towards religion and spiritualism will increase. Job seekers may get better job opportunities. Take monetary decisions wisely since loss is also seen.

Starting of the month shall be very good when the things will move as per your wish. Money will come thick and fast. You will take some wise decision in profession. You will come in contact will many fellows and these contacts shall be fruitful in long run. Despite of professional challenges you would be able to maintain the focus, you will perform your professional and domestic responsibilities successfully. You will be filled with courage and zeal hence you will be successful in consolidating professional terms. During the first week only you may get better job opportunity or some hefty deal in business. In profession or business some important decision might be taken to gain stability. But during the starting of second week you could not achieve anything even on hard labor this is the impact of Saturn Dhhaiya. During the phase take monetary decisions wisely otherwise loss is suspected, over reliance on your colleagues, superiors or subordinated may be harmful. You will have to remain focused and dedicated to the assign task. Efficiency and skills will improve. As an employee your hard labor shall be appreciated by seniors and boss. You will get the support of past contacts that will help you to grow. The later part of the week will go in maintaining your health. You will devote time in physical activities to stay fit and fine. During the phase you will also devote time to family and develop harmonious relations. Family shall be quite supportive. By the end of the week financial condition will improve and you will spend on domestic affairs liberally. However from the progeny end you get some worries but tackle the situation wisely and don’t impose your ambition over them and let them seek their own way. It shall be a two way winning situation. In profession you will learn new skills. During the third week don’t give money or take money otherwise you will neither recover it not repay off debt. Regarding money matters you would have to be selfish. By the end of third week you will feel much relaxed and satisfied. Your diversion towards religion and spiritualism shall be more; it will not only help you to bring out from the adverse circumstances but also eliminates weaknesses. In the fourth week your income will improve and with the impact of some influential fellow your progress pace will also increase. Increasing income will give you strength but any wrong business decision may again bring you in distress and embarrassment. Over reliance may be harmful. During this time you shall have to take proper care of your health. By the end of the month your work will be duly rewarded.

Virgo July 2022 Weekly forecast 

Virgo July 1st – 7th
Beginning of the month shall be auspicious as between 1st and 2nd you will work very seriously and wisely without being distracted from the worldly attractions. In profession you may take some bold and innovative wise decision whose benefits will keep on coming in long run. You will be drawn towards religion, may fall in self introspection phase to find the ultimate aim of life. During the period some of coveted projects can be initiated and dreams could be realized. Family atmosphere would be good and the members would be supportive. Financially you will be strong, mentally confident and physically strong. You will come in contact with many people, PR circle will enhance. Between 3rd and 4th unexpected worries would be added to life, but you will face them courageously and patiently. Both professional and domestic obligations would be completed properly but work pressure would be very high. You will have to apply more efforts to achieve smaller targets. Between 5th and 7th job seekers may get good offers whereas employees may seek promotional opportunities. In profession some big deals are indicated to crack or you may take some bold decision to enhance profit margin substantially. Financial condition will improve.

Virgo July 8th – 15th
You will have to be cautious and patient between 8th and 9th because the time is totally adverse. During the period you will not get any positive result even on the application of bone breaking hard efforts. Patiently you will have to pass this time. Over reliance on important matters on anyone might be harmful whose consequences would be severe and you would be forced to repent them. Mentally you would be tensed, frustrated and disappointed to see the things moving in the adverse direction. Between 10th and 12th it would be trying phase. You will try to impress seniors and boss through hard and efficient work. Work pressure would be very high and you will leave no stone unturned to accomplish them but you will get partial success of your endeavor. You could be helped by any influential fellow.  Between 13th and 14th you would be much interested in maintaining physical fitness hence you may indulge in outdoor sports and inculcate various exercise in daily routine. Family atmosphere shall be conductive and members would be supportive. You will pass happy moments with family and kids. On 15th you will make new friends. You will be filled with positive energy and constructive approach. Inflow of money shall be thick. 

Virgo July 16th – 23rd
On 16th you will enjoy blissful marital life. The time is suitable for the love birds too; they will be close to one another. You will be engrossed in sale purchase transactions. It would be a learning phase. Treat progeny liberally don’t impose your ambition over them let them find their own way else they may rebel. Family atmosphere shall be good and you will take much interest in domestic obligations rather than profession. Between 17th and 18th you will have to be cautious and alert. Don’t lend money or incur loan else it would be troublesome to recover lend money or repay loan within the time limit. In financial transactions take proper precautions and don’t rely on other else you may get cheated. Between 19th and 20th most of the ongoing worries will dissolved amicable and you will feel much relaxed from the hectic schedule. You will be highly drawn towards religion and spiritualism which would be helpful in maintaining faith and confidence. You will face the life challenges bravely and surpass them successfully. Your overall personality will enhance, honor and reputation will increase. Between 21st and 22nd you will be focused and dedicated to the professional obligations, work efficiency will increase and it would be appreciated with proper remuneration. Professional success is indicated and you will be quite helpful to some of your friends. 

Virgo July 24th – 31st
You will be blessed with an auspicious time on 24th. Some of your dream may come true. You will come in contact of any influential fellow who will be highly helpful in materializing your end. Career growth shall be fast and steady. You will be happy to see the things moving in the right direction. But the time will take an adverse turn between 25th and 27th. Unexpected worries will be introduced; mentally you would be puzzled, tensed and morose. In desperation you may commit some folly in profession whose consequences would be severe but you would be forced to bear them. Over reliance on anybody could be harmful, take monetary decisions wisely and sincerely else financial loss is sure. You could be trapped in some seasonal ailments. Due to positive effect of planetary conjugation there will be some betterment in the situation between 28th and 29th. You will develop a positive and constructive approach. Your overall personality will enhance and people will love to be in your company. Social acceptance will increase. In profession you will regain required focus as a result positive development are foreseen. However between 30th and 31st you will be engrossed in discharging professional and domestic liabilities but only mixed results are suspected. Ongoing worries may slow down giving you mental reli


Relations with family members may remain tensed, minor banter is suspected on silly issues. You will not take any significant action in professional end. However most of the day will go in day dreaming, you will not get proper returns of your endeavors. Mentally you will be tensed.Auspicious Number... Read More

Here’s an insightful overview of the Virgo (Kanya) horoscope for 2025, focusing on key areas like career, love, health, and personal development. Virgo Horoscope Overview for 2025 1. Career and Profession Strategic Growth: 2025 will be a year of steady and strategic career growth for Virgo natives. Your meticulous nature and attention to detail will serve you well as you tackle new challenges. Expect opportunities to refine your skills and take on leadership roles, particularly in areas requiring organization and analytical... Read More


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