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Service class shall have to work sincerely otherwise carelessness may cost deadly results; departmental investigation may take place whereas from government related cases you will get some relief. Your held up money will be recovered. Financial condition will improve while loss is also suspected at the same time. Your interest shall be diverted towards philanthropy activities. Take business decisions wisely otherwise you might be trapped.

February will give you only the mixed returns, the mid portion of the month is more favorable than the starting and ending section. Starting of the week shall be good when family differences will minimized with the siblings. Money inflow shall also be good, but this will be the most crucial period for businessmen and servicemen simultaneously. Professional and businessmen shall have to take business decisions wisely otherwise might be trapped in any conspiracy whereas the servicemen shall have to work sincerely otherwise their minor carelessness may lead to departmental investigation. During the phase you will remain restless and disgusted too. In such a condition you may leave control over your temper and language and may invite unexpected quarrels. By from the later days of first week the things will start coming in your favor and you will get relief from the government cases, in profession you will work dedicatedly, personal circle will enhance and your reputation will increase but over indulgence in love affairs may bring infamy. During the mid part of the month family including spouse will be supportive and shall provide you emotional support. Rivals would remain violent but you shall not be affected by their notorious activities. However in profession front you will achieve targets and also recover past held up money. During the second week you will be quite diverted towards friends and family. Some unwanted news may arrive from some close relative or friend. You will also get affected with the others problems. You will lose focus on your personal profession as a result your work will lag behind. You will spend most of your time in preparing legal papers including taxing and other government liabilities. Your interest will be diverted towards philanthropy activities, hence devote time in works of social welfare. You will make plans for future stability and would be successful in implementing some of them partially. During the time you will maintain focus on monetary issues and professional work hence get proper returns. For the time being you might be interested in reading knowledge enhancing text. By the end of third week professional challenges will dominate and you will lose your mental peace. In desperation you may take some wrong decision that would be very harmful. Your unstable mindset may pollute family atmosphere and professional relations. Most of the problems will get resolved amicable if you keep your temper and tongue in control. You may shift or renovate your working place. By the end of the month you may hear some favorable news and you will come out of financial crisis. Physical health will also not support and you need to take proper medication.


Virgo February 1st – 7th
You would be blessed with the favorable time between 1st and 2nd. In profession you will remain focused and dedicated, work efficiency will enhance; hard work would be appreciated and rewarded with proper returns. The conjugation of Moon and Mars will ensure good money but due to mounting expenses it will duly consumed fast. Family atmosphere shall be congenial. You will be successful in inducing warmth with spouse. However between 3rd and 4th you will have to be cautious since you could be trapped in some sort of conspiracy hatched by the rivals or opponents, hence be alert in monetary transactions. Minor carelessness in service may lead to deadly consequences hence take the things seriously and perform official duties properly. Department inquiries can be laid against you. Keep your temper and tongue in control, avoid indulgence in worthless pursuits else you will pick the quarrel quickly which may turn the situation against your leading to tiff and altercation with somebody. But between 5th and 6th you will have favorable tide. You will get relief from the government cases since most of the verdict will go in favor. On 7th you will be dedicated to professional obligations but stay aloof of love affairs else it could a matter of infamy.

Virgo February 8th – 15th
On 8th you will have a favorable time. You will get full emotional support of spouse, family atmosphere shall be cordial. Although rivals and opponents would be very active but they will not be successful in diverting your interest and you would be least affected by their ill attempts. Between 9th and 11th financial condition will be consolidated due to the recovery of some long held up money that you might have considered as bad debt. You may get the support from much unexpected corner. You will remain engrossed in finalizing financial and legal matters. Mentally you will be strong and confident and would be able to take right decision at the right time. This will ensure success in all your endeavors. Between 11th and 13th you may come across with some disappointing news from the close relative or friends. You would be distracted from the core task hence not be able to maintain professional dedication and focused as a result there would not be expected results of efforts. You will have to apply more efforts to achieve smaller targets. Between 14th and 15th you will experience a favorable time but you will waste the time in merrymaking and enjoying with the family. Better to utilize this time in some productive work or in accomplishing the pending tasks. Friends and colleagues will be considerate.

Virgo February 16th – 23rd
Between 16th and 18th you will be highly diverted towards social welfare activities, this will consume most of your time. Instead of focusing on professional duties you will give more importance to other affairs and spend considerable time in performing different tasks. You will make future plans and in financial matters you will be very serious. You would least take any action during the period. Try to escape from day dreaming and live in the real world to take the advantage of time. You will get only mixed results during the period. But between 19th and 20th some of the new projects could be launched and you may enhance your financial condition. This will give you positive energy and you will be satisfied with achievements and efforts. In profession you may make good profit. You may devote considerable time in reading knowledgeable and inspirational literature. Between 21st and 23rd you may have face confrontations and clashes, this will shatter your mental balance. You will be confused and frustrated, not be able to come on any firm decision and professional works will be kept on hold. Due to unbalanced mental status you may commit some folly that may lead to financial setback. Take the things seriously and stay cool.

Virgo February 24th – 28th
Between 24th and 25th you may remain engrossed in some renovation work at home or at office. Expenses may go beyond your expectation hence to maintain the balance you may redefine budged and may limit domestic expenses. This shall be the best move to cope with the situation. However during the phase you may lose temper quickly, hence take the things lightly and avoid indulgence in worthless pursuits which are not related to you directly. Don’t take the things on ego else you may fall in some sort of tiff; the situation will be similar in both family as well as professional front. You may fall in self introspection phase and come on the conclusion fairly. However between 26th and 27th some favorable news is suspected to arrive, you would be happier and confident. You may spoil the terms with the closed one if not controlled temper and tongue. The suspected hiccups would be self generated only, so take the things analytically and keep on moving on the winning track else you will fail to materialize your end on time. On 28th ongoing financial problems would be drained away, you will feel light and confident. You may come in contact with many new fellows.


Relations with family members may remain tensed, minor banter is suspected on silly issues. You will not take any significant action in professional end. However most of the day will go in day dreaming, you will not get proper returns of your endeavors. Mentally you will be tensed.Auspicious Number... Read More

Here’s an insightful overview of the Virgo (Kanya) horoscope for 2025, focusing on key areas like career, love, health, and personal development. Virgo Horoscope Overview for 2025 1. Career and Profession Strategic Growth: 2025 will be a year of steady and strategic career growth for Virgo natives. Your meticulous nature and attention to detail will serve you well as you tackle new challenges. Expect opportunities to refine your skills and take on leadership roles, particularly in areas requiring organization and analytical... Read More


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