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Due to some immoral act family reputation will sink. You may lose some precious thing but you will repay old debt. Financial condition will keep on fluctuating but still you may help the needy fellow economically. Political image will improve. Health may fluctuate during the second half of month. Journey might be undertaken in connection with profession and property dispute will be settled with mutual negotiation. Some unwanted news may come.

Beginning of the month will be quite favorable when success in profession or service is sure. You may implement new innovative ideas in business expansion. This will prove right step and increase profit quotient substantially. Although your schedule will remain busy but you will enjoy it and carry on your professional and domestic liabilities comfortably. Your professional responsibilities shall increase. You may indulge in worthless quarrels which will be very troublesome and you might be trapped in any false allegation. Due to some immoral act of some family member your reputation will be shaken. During the phase you will not maintain focus on your work hence there would not be any remarkable achievements rather you will remain busy in your routine work but still your supremacy will maintain. At the start of second week you may lose some precious thing. From the progeny end you will get some good news that will make family atmosphere hilarious and you may plan to go out for dinner. In the same week only your economic condition will improve and you will repay your old debt. You will remain busy in performing house hold things and may participate in some social occasion. You would be in very creative mood hence may devote efforts in decorating home. Although you will do hard work but there shall be no any substantial gain. In the third week you may help the needy fellow financially whereas the advice of some VIP fellow shall be the guide line for you. You will work dedicatedly and most of your pending work would be completed during this phase only. You may take some bold decision and that will be appreciated with due reward, economically you will be in sound condition. However during the time you will have to be extra conscious for your health because some seasonal ailments or digestive problems may surface. During the last week you will enjoy the company of some close one who will understand you better than others and in his company you will get peace. Mentally you will be in stable condition hence there shall be proper understanding among the family members. Your personal relations will be boosted. Profession journey is suspected by the end of month. Property disputes will be settled through mutual negotiation also you will get relief from the government cases since most of them will come under your favor. By the end of the month most of your held up projects shall not only be revived but also get momentum. Some unpleasant news may arrive related to your close relative or friend.

Virgo August 2022 Weekly Forecast

Virgo August 1st – 7th
Between 1st and 3rd you will get some vital information through sources. In profession you will be highly dedicated and leave no stone unturned to achieve the target. To enhance profit margin in business you may introduce new technology or new scheme. Work schedule will be hectic since more responsibilities could be assigned to you. Due to timely reward you will not feel exhausted even on working hard long hours. Between 4th and 5th stay aloof of worthless pursuits and arguments else you may pick quarrel quickly, some false charge could be levied on your leading to infamy and disgrace. Immoral act of any family member may sully family image. It could be a shameful situation. Understanding in family will be panacea for the situation. Be patient and handle the situation will cool and calm mind. However the tide will turn favorable turn between 6th and 7th. Ongoing worries would be resolved; every family member would be responsible and considerate for each other. You will regain your composure. No substantial gain is foreseen in professional front but results would be encouraging and the things will be moving as per expectation. You will exhibit leadership qualities and will be successful in proving your supremacy.

Virgo August 8th – 15th
On 8th you will experience different colors of life; some valuable thing could be lost or misplaced hence be careful in performing daily routine works whereas from the progeny’s side you may hear some hilarious news, may plan to go out to have relishing dinner to greet spouse. The time will be good for the love birds they would be closer to one another. Between 9th and 10th you will prefer to keep your house neat and clean and in proper order, some old loans could be repaid during the same phase. You will be engaged in social function in nearby area. Family atmosphere will be good. Mentally you will be confident and physical health will be sound. Between 11th and 12th you will work hard to achieve your aspiration and get positive results. Confidence would be high and you will feel energetic. Honor and reputation will swell. During the period you will be quite innovative and creative. Those who are associated with creativity life author, artists, singers, dancers may attain the height of success. Between 13th and 15th you will work with tandem but may not get satisfactory results in terms of monetary benefit. Financially you will be hard pressed, but you will keep on working hard to pave strong path to success.

Virgo August 16th – 23rd
Between 16th and 17th you would be highly influenced by someone’s influence, you will follow his path religiously and make it the guideline to work. Work efficiency will be high and you will finish all pending tasks whether at home or office with an amazing speed so as to brighten your image. Mentally you would be cool and confident. Honor and reputation will increase. You may help some of the needy fellow financially. You may undergo self introspection phase to overcome from your inner weaknesses. Between 18th and 19th the time is quite beneficial for those who are associated with politics or public relations, they will attain big heights. Politically or socially you would be very popular, social acceptance will increase. You will be able to convince masses. In spare time you will prefer to continue study and research work. Eventually between 20th and 21st you may take some bold decision to enhance earnings substantially, professional prospects will be bright and you will be successful in your endeavor. Between 22nd and 23rd you will have to be extra considerate for your physical health because the conjugation of Rahu and Moon in 12th may impact severely on health. Seasonal ailments are likely to surface. Don’t take risk in financial matters else loss is suspected.

Virgo August 24th – 31st
Between 24th and 25th you may undertake some journey in connection to profession which will give encouraging results. During the period you will be highly attracted by someone special, you will find much relaxed, peace and happiness in his/ her company. You will find a true friend in him/her. Personal relations with everyone will be warmer. Between 26th and 28th you will give preference to family and kids, you will invest quality time with them and exchange advices. Some ticklish problems could be realized and solved through mutual understanding. Long property disputes could be resolved through negotiation and intermediation of any senior family member or any influential fellow. However you will be engrossed in discharging financial obligations. Between 29th and 30th you will get relief from the government and legal issues, since most of the verdict may go in your favor. You will be delighted and feel stronger. In profession held up works may develop momentum, things will move in the positive direction. The situation would be quite conductive. Family atmosphere shall be good. On 31st some untoward news is suspected to arrive which may disturb you deeply and you may lose your composure.



Relations with family members may remain tensed, minor banter is suspected on silly issues. You will not take any significant action in professional end. However most of the day will go in day dreaming, you will not get proper returns of your endeavors. Mentally you will be tensed.Auspicious Number... Read More

Here’s an insightful overview of the Virgo (Kanya) horoscope for 2025, focusing on key areas like career, love, health, and personal development. Virgo Horoscope Overview for 2025 1. Career and Profession Strategic Growth: 2025 will be a year of steady and strategic career growth for Virgo natives. Your meticulous nature and attention to detail will serve you well as you tackle new challenges. Expect opportunities to refine your skills and take on leadership roles, particularly in areas requiring organization and analytical... Read More


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