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In business you will perform better although obstacles will try to close your way. There could be more than one source of earning. Family atmosphere will be fluctuating; there may be friction with parents or siblings. You may invest in property. Good time for love, unmarried may meet their soul mate and married will enjoy the bliss of life. Job seekers will get better opportunities.

Those who are in joint venture will earn better and enjoy the good company of honest partner. You may initiate any other source of earning this will prove right decision. There may be expansion of your existing business or profession. You may come across some hurdles in implementing new business ideas. You may face various difficulties to settle down them. The employees will work dedicatedly and their efforts will be appreciated with extra income. There might be frictional relations with your parents and family atmosphere will ruin. You will be confined in acquiring knowledge. You shall take extra care for your subordinates. At time your spiritual feelings will wave and you devote time in practicing religion and finding the real aim of life. Your approach may become philosophical. You will feel divine peace and calm inside you. Job seekers will get better job opportunities. Despite of the busy schedule you will find time for your personal interest and hobbies. In the mean time you will meet an extraordinary fellow. You will feel much delighted and full charged with energy and enthusiasm. This will reflect in your work and you will attain success in every field. Your expenses will increase and again you will find yourself struggling for finance. Your money will be held up and mentally you will be tensed, in turn family atmosphere will also become tensed. Most of your projects will lag behind or remain incomplete. There may be diversion in your interest and find no interest in your present profession. After a short while you will realize your responsibilities and again get back to work with immense zeal. You may take some bold decision to enhance the success pace. This will bring positive results and your all worries will get vanished. Again you will be financially strong and mentally cool. You will keep on working consistently and dedicatedly as a result your pending projects will be completed. Although during the phase you shall have to do extra efforts to cope the circumstances but eventually you will appear as victorious. You are quite efficient in your work hence you will extract time in enjoying good food out of home with family. You will develop more than one source of earnings. Now you will take out the time for your family and feel quite satisfaction. You will accomplish your domestic affairs on time without neglecting your professional tasks. Being a good learner you won’t life to repeat the previous mistake again. But for the love birds this is the best time, unmarried who are looking for true love may meet their soul mate. They shall have to be honest with their partner because misunderstanding will waste the important love period.


Taurus February 1st – 7th
Between 1st and 2nd you will have a favorable time, from the health point of view you will be rich whereas in professional life you will be focused and dedicated, despite of the busy schedule you will be able to maintain and equilibrium between domestic and professional life. During the same time you may go on shopping. Between 3rd and 4th you will be bit worried about the future, may remain tensed but you will come in contact with many new people this will surely enhance your personal circle. This is the best time for love and romance, the youth will enjoy the memorable sweet moments with their beloved whereas the married ones will enjoy marital bliss. The personal bond will be strengthened. Work pressure will be high but you will be successful in generating extra sources of earning. Between 5th and 6th you will be very sensitive since emotions will be very high, don’t take any decision emotionally else may suffer unfavorable consequences. During the period you will be highly diverted towards metaphysical and spiritualism; may devote considerable time in offering prayers. However on 7th you will be happy and satisfied with your achievement. Daily chores will be duly completed on time and you will maintain professional dedication.

Taurus February 8th – 15th
The first day of the week shall be quite favorable, on 8th you will initiate some new project; may also join any new venture, you may start any partnership venture that will be very fruitful in long run; financial condition will improve. This is the good time for making financial investment you will get expected return in future. Between 9th and 11th the period will be bit challenging since you may have to face unexpected opposition; ongoing projects will be held up due to obstructions and mishaps. No any initiative in the field of livelihood is indicated during the period. Despite of the hurdles and opposition you will inch toward your objective, partial success is also indicated. Mentally you will be hard pressed and physically exhausted; difference and misunderstanding with the sibling or parents may arise for the shorter time period. Between 12th and 13th you will have a knowledge enriching phase, may remain engrossed in inspirational and knowledgeable books. You will be focused and dedicated to the professional responsibilities and financial prospects. You will be highly considerate for the subordinates. You may invest in some property, however between 14th and 15th you will be highly diverted towards spiritualism, you will develop a philosophical approach and may be keen to know the real meaning of life and devote considerable time in offering prayers and reading spiritual literature.

Taurus February 16th – 23rd
You are blessed with quite a favorable time between 16th and 20th mentally you will be contented and in peaceful state, you will get all around progressed irrespective of field you will be quite successful; may initiate a new venture as well that will give you fair results only whereas the job seekers may get suitable job according to their qualification and skills. You will find ample time to practice your hobbies and may spend the time in entertainment. You will be free from worldly tension. You may come in contact with some influential personality that will impress you a lot. This will be the favorable time for the love birds too whereas the nubile may get suitable matrimonial prospects. Bonding in personal relation will also enhance. But the tide would be against between 21st and 23rd you will have to go through with series of problems in both professional field and domestic affairs. Ongoing projects will be held up in the mid way, some due money could also be held up unexpectedly. Work pressure will be very high but you will not be able to maintain focus and dedication. There would be tensed relations with spouse, family atmosphere will be polluted. Mentally you will be upset and lax, may fall in despondency and introspection. You will be confused and distracted from the target.

Taurus February 24th – 28th
You will have an alarming phase between 24th and 25th, but you will come on certain decision and will remain stick to it, this will help you to develop professional dedication and focus. Despite of opposition and distractions you will not be diverted from your decision which will ensure success in near future. Between 26th and 27th you will accomplish the lot of work including pending jobs, your hard work will be appreciated and rewarded with proper remuneration. Inflow of money shall be from more than one source. Despite of the busy schedule you will manage quality time for practicing hobbies and family without neglecting professional responsibilities. Honor and reputation may swell. You will feel quite confident and enthusiastic as a result you will manage daily chores properly and maintain a perfect balance between professional and personal life. You will relish food and happy time with closed ones. On 28th you will be blessed with an auspicious day, you will be successful in all your endeavors. Although there shall not be any significant achievement but you will be contented and satisfied with your achievements and efforts in the month end.


Today you may initiate to make any investment but don’t do the things in emotional vein because you will get better opportunities to enhance return. In profession you will inch towards success, new people will come in contact and you will have sympathy for the weak and down trodden.Auspicious... Read More

The Taurus people are bound to experience numerous ups and downs in the year 2024. Lord Saturn is going to impact your sign and provide you with opportunities. Working individuals shall be offered a couple of benefits, whatever their professions may be. On the other hand, the year shall meticulously test the business people. You shall face some problems at your workplace, but your success should skyrocket between April 2024 and September 2024. Moreover, Lord Saturn will make sure you do not fall short of money this year, which implies a year... Read More


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