Again you will enjoy the happiness of life throughout the month, career and profession wise this is quite favorable whereas in health there might be some deflection in the later part of month. There shall be a slight fluctuation in family atmosphere which will be affected by the prevailing circumstance. Business will grow and employees will be appreciated. Drive your vehicle safely and follow traffic rules, some minor accident may happen.
Professional and business men will remain on the top of their streams; their hard labor shall bring the desired results. They will be full of confidence and take right decision at the right time hence maximizing profit quotient. The employees shall be appreciated with appraisals or promotions. They might be transferred to the desired location or assigned with some important task which will be an additional opportunity to show their talent and earn big. The students will remain focused, with little efforts they may attain more, but they are suggested to stay away from worldly distractions otherwise deflection may ruin the outcome. Job seekers may get the better opportunity to design their career. They will perform much better in interview rather in written exams because their confidence shall be on the top. Participation in debate or any competition may be frequent and the results will be in favor. Taurus natives are suggested to remain focused because this is a turning point in their life. They will come across series of challenges in all the fields of life simultaneously that may shatter them badly. During the phase they will remain distress and depressed, but this is not the solution to the problem. You have to decide your priorities and work according. Focusing in every front will yield no result and again you may fall into misery and lax. You need to redefine yourself and start doing your assigned job. Shortly you will recollect yourself and get back to work. By the later period of month the situation will become in your favor and challenges will drain out automatically. During the phase you need to put a check on your harsh language within family and at work place if you want their support. You may involve yourself in attaining knowledge to enhance your working ability. You may take daring step to expand your business and get the desired result. Your most of the pending tasks will be accomplished within the stipulated time. Your prestige will swell and you will feel confident. You shall interact with high zeal and enhance your PR circle. May plan to celebrate an auspicious occasion and spend quality time with family and friends. There may be misunderstanding with spouse and family atmosphere will be polluted. Don’t indulge yourself in worthless arguments proactively otherwise the scene shall be created. In the love front this is good month where lover and beloved will star close to one-another. Their bonding and understanding will be good. Exchange of gifts shall be prevalent, enhance mutual communication to avoid misunderstandings.
Taurus August 2022 Weekly Forecast
Taurus August 1st – 7th
Month start would be quite conductive, 1st and 2nd would be knowledge and skill enhancement phase, you will be engrossed with knowledgeable literature and acquire knowledge to enhance professional expertise. Your overall personality will improve, people will love being in company with you. You will be very motivated, inspired and energetic which will be reflected in your every work. Confidence will be upbeat and you will hold a strong position. Honor and reputation will swell. Between 3rd and 4th you will work with vigor and vitality, significant achievements are foreseen, through hard work you will attain the heights of success. Career progress will be fast, smooth and steady. Financially you would be on the strong footing. Family atmosphere will be quite congenial and the relations would be induced with warmth. People will be attracted with your charming personality. Daily chores would be completed on time and you will lead a systematic and comfortable life style. Honor and reputation will increase drastically. Between 5th and 7th you will not afraid of taking risk in profession which will outclass the rivals. Rivals will be brow beaten. You would be riding on the winning chariot, things will move as per calculation. You would be considered as one of the successful fellows of your stream, however after noon of 7th the tide will take an adverse turn you will have to be cautious else progress pace would be hampered.
Taurus August 8th – 15th
Between 8th and 9th you will have to be cautious and alert since the tide is adverse. Mounting expenses will disturb your monthly budget, keep a track over your spend thriftiness to cope with the adverse time. Drive your vehicle carefully and take proper safety measures since some road accident is not ruled out. You will transform into negative thinker. You will be jealous of others success. Between 10th and 12th you will be blessed with an auspicious time, during the phase you will be successful in all your endeavors irrespective of work nature or field. Pending works would be accomplished with enormous speed and held up project may gather momentum, businessmen may new technologies to enhance profit margin and business expansion plans could be executed. You would be happy to see the things moving in the desired direction. Family members would be supportive and considerate. Ongoing worries would be drained off automatically and your confidence will be on the seventh heaven. Between 13th and 14th you will apart yourself from the mad race of earning money. To seek solace and mental peace you will prefer to take a break and indulge yourself in practicing your hobbies. You will enjoy the comforts of family and home. On 15th you will undertake financial matters more seriously and discharge them sincerely.
Taurus August 16th – 23rd
On 16th you will march over the red carpet, through your hard efforts you will set your own heights of success. Owing to large heatedness you will offer selfless service to the needy and deprived people. Financially you would be on strong footing. Despite of busy schedule you will take out the time for family. But the tide will take an adverse turn between 17th and 18th due to ill effect of Moon in 12th. You will have to run a lot to materialize your end, some of your past love affairs may be exposed leading to misunderstanding and differences with spouse. It would be an embarrassing situation and you will have to pass through it. Mentally you would be shattered and disappointed. However you will gather yourself between 19th and 20th. You will be fully occupied in discharging professional tasks, work efficiency shall be high hence work will be done within the time limit. You could be declined towards tantra mantra and other occult sciences, may have any secret deal with someone. Some auspicious ceremony could be celebrated at home with great joy and you will participate in the occasion hilariously. Between 20th and 23rd you will come in contact with new fellows, PR circle will enhance. In profession you will be doing well, financial condition will also improve. You will be contented and satisfied with your achievements.
Taurus August 24th – 31st
On 24th inflow of money shall be good. You will be dedicated and focused to the professional obligations, work efficiency shall be high and it would be appreciated with proper remunerations. You will prefer to do work quite methodically so as to give due attention to individual task. You need to control your spend thriftiness to cope with the adverse time comfortably. Take care of your close ones else they may turn into rebellions. Between 25th and 27th you will have some secret deal with someone which will prove quite damaging in due course of time. You will have to be prudent and vigilant since rivals and opponents would be quite aggressive and they will leave no chance to trap you in their conspiracies. In monetary matters don’t rely on others else you could be deceived. Between 28th and 29th you will realize the importance of family hence despite of busy schedule you will spend ample time with kids and family members. You will come in contact with many new fellows and materializing your end diplomatically. You will bear a positive approach to see the world, may help some of the needy friends. Between 30th and 31st you will get remarkable achievement in profession, hard work would be rewarded with proper returns. During the phase unexpectedly you may get some wealth. You would be happy, confident and strong.