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Your priority will keep on changing, in the first week profession will be the first and in the second family priority. You may meet your old friend. May undertake few business related journeys. You may have tensed relations with some of the much closed one. You shall have to keep control on your harsh language. You will purchase some valuable furniture for home and may get the opportunity to be promoted.

You will have a good start of the month. You will receive only the positive news from everywhere. You will get the desired results. You will obedient to the senior family member and take their guidance in turn you will get their blessings as well. Since everything shall go in the right direction hence you will be high flame during this period you will give less importance to your family than profession. You may start a new venture in which you shall have to work very hard to earn a little. You may undertake business outing. You may meet some of your old friends where you will feel pride on your social and economic status. In monetary issues you shall have to be cautious because some loss is suspected. This is due to your overconfidence and greed to earn more. Decisions taken in passion may incur loss. You may have to face opposition from some of close one. You may come across introspection in order to find the issue and amend it within the time. You shall have to make tremendous efforts to enhance your bank balance. During the phase family would be your first priority hence you will enjoy quality time with family and closed ones to drain out misunderstanding. From the profession end you will not feel satisfaction, there would be a series of hiccups in the way of success, and most of your projects will remain half done. This will embarrass you and may fall in worthless debates which will make the things worse. You may find yourself helpless and disappointed. You will be busy in acquiring knowledge to enhance your skill. You may meet somebody who is more impressive and you will be delighted. You will prefer to move towards spiritualism. Your hard work shall be acknowledged, you shall be honored. During the phase you will be full of confidence and energy so you will try your level best to utilize the time utmost. Tour might be planned. Gifts may be given in your honor, in order to uplift your living standard you will purchase some costly furniture for home. Inflow of money will be moderate. By the end of month you shall have to control your ego, because it may surpass some lucrative opportunity and finally you will feel embarrassed. You are going through a tough time where you have to use your head instead of heart. You will not be able to utilize your time properly. You need to work on yourself and decide your priorities firmly and follow the track religiously.

Taurus Weekly Forecast Report

Taurus April 1st – 7th
You would be blessed with an auspicious day between 1st and 2nd. You would be successful in all your endeavors irrespective of the nature of work. Family atmosphere would be very good, might be blessed by any senior family member for good conduct and career progress. Inflow of money shall be thick and fast, but it may not stay in coffers since mounting expenses will soon consume it. Between 3rd and 4th you would be highly dedicated and focused on professional obligations, work efficiency will increase and it would be duly appreciated with proper results. You may join new ventures or partnership business which would be fruitful. In connection to profession journeys could be undertaken. You would be confident enough to face the challenges of life. Mentally and physically you would be strong. Between 5th and 6th you may get good money, through you will have to apply more efforts to get it. You may come in contact with any of your old friends. People around you would be quite considerate. Honor and reputation will increase and you would be satisfied with your condition. However on 7th you will have to be more cautious and alert since the tide is unfavorable. Financial loss is foreseen. In business operations and important decision don’t trust on anybody else you could be duped.

Taurus April 8th – 15th
On 8th you will have to put a check over rising greed else you may lose whatever you have just to achieve more. Take the decisions analytically based on the practical applications, speculation pursuits may not be suitable during the phase. You may suffer loss. You may come across with some unpleasant news form the close relatives or friends. Between 9th and 11th you will have to be extra cautious in monetary issues, you will try your lever best to earn more but only mixed results are indicated, so don’t not disappoint and keep on working consistently very soon you would be blessed with good time. You may undergo self introspection phase to know the ultimate aim of life. You would be highly considerate for family and close ones. Between 12th and 13th you will spend good time with family members and relatives, misunderstanding and confusions would be eradicated with mutual understanding and relations will be induced with warmth. Between 14th and 15th you will accomplish the tasks with amazing speed, work efficiency would be high. From the family point of view you will have to be cautious since some seasonal ailments may surface. You will spend quality time with family and friends. Honor and reputation will increase.

Taurus April 16th – 23rd
You will be going through a tough time between 16th and 18th; hence you will have to take extra care in finalizing any important deal. You will not get the proper results of efforts; even smaller target will require more efforts. Keep a track over rising temper and usage of harsh words, avoid worthless arguments and debates else the situation may go against. Avoid poking nose in others affairs and also don’t project yourself as an object of pity. Between 19th and 21st you will experience some betterment in the prevailing situations. In spare time you will enhance knowledge through knowledge enriching literature. You will feel light in the company of some close friend. Due to the positive time any of your coveted wish could be fulfilled. In profession you will get proper results of efforts. During the phase you would be drawn towards spiritualism and religion, may spend considerable time in offering prayers and performing religious rituals. Between 22nd and 23rd you will have an auspicious phase. Remarkable success is indicated in professional front. You would be successful in all your endeavors irrespective or work nature. Business expansion plans could be initiated. Inflow of money shall be thick and fast. You would be on sound financial footing. Living standard will be improved, may gain high order of honor and reputation. You may undertake some journey.

Taurus April 24th – 30th
Between 24th and 25th you may spend liberally on lavish items, you may purchase some furniture or decorative items for domestic use. Some gift is also expected. Professionally you would be performing well. At this juncture you will strike a perfect balance between professional and familial life. You will have to keep a check over spend thriftiness so as to cope with the unfavorable time. Between 26th and 27th you may miss career promotion due to rising ego. You will have to be patient enough to face the situation, take time in taking vital decisions and think liberally, don’t take the issue personally on ego else you may spoil the existing sources. During the phase some of your misbehavior can also be exposed leading to embarrassing situation. Mentally you would be listless, feeble and confused. However between 28th and 29th the tide would be favorable and the things may move in the expected direction. You will develop required focus and dedication in profession as a result held up projects may gather momentum, pending works would be completed within the stipulated time. You will successfully discharge domestic liabilities. You may come across with some favorable news from the close relatives or friends. You will enjoy good time with family members and give time for personal development. More or less the condition will remain same on 30th.


You will waste most of the time in worthless pursuits and possess less focus over professional tasks. Honor and reputation may sully down, friends and closed one may not support. You may feel lax and lethargy. Vehicle may incur investment in maintenance. Think before you speak.Auspicious Number :... Read More

Here’s a detailed overview of the Taurus (Vrishabha) horoscope for 2025, covering key aspects like career, love, health, and personal growth. Taurus Horoscope Overview for 2025 1. Career and Profession Stability and Progress: 2025 brings steady progress in your career. Hard work and persistence will yield results, and you’ll find yourself gaining more recognition in your workplace. Opportunities for Advancement: You may encounter opportunities for promotions or new responsibilities. Keep an eye out for leadership... Read More


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