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You shall be honored at any event. Any serious charge might be levied and you will lose composure. Health will not stay fine as some blood and stomach related problems may arise. By the end of first half there might be tiff with somebody. Financially you will be on the sound footing. Social acceptance and honor will increase. You will get prestigious recognition.

You shall be warmly welcomed at any event publically which will give you an honorable recognition, this shall be the memorable phase of life, all things will go in favor during the time. This will develop confidence and energy in life. You will leave no stone unturned to accomplish the assigned task; also family disputes shall be settled with the intermediation of any senior family member. You will prefer to do all the things in proper and disciplined manner including daily routine chores. In profession you may try to bind everyone in discipline by presenting self example. During the phase rivals would be very aggressive and they will leave no chance to trap you in their conspiracies; hence any serious charge might be levied on you. This will shatter you deeply and you will lose mental balance. During the second quarter the things will improve and you will develop professional focus and dedication again. You will try your level best earn as much as you can for future betterment. Your extraordinary perfection and business acumen shall be praised widely and you will emerge as a successful person of your stream. By the end of first half financial condition will improve hence most of the worries will drain out automatically. This shall be the grand time, you will enjoy the time in entertainment and feasting but at the same time a tiff may occur with somebody. During the third quarter you will have to be careful about health since blood and stomach related issues may surface. If the medication is not taken time then the situation may become horrible. Due to over load of work you will feel lethargy and exhausted. You may plan to implement some changes in life pattern. In profession you will get due money easily on time which will add peace and material comforts of life. Although there shall be thick flow of money throughout the month but it would be hard to save it for future use because of mounting expenses. To maintain the balance between earnings and expenses you will have to keep a check over spend thriftiness. To enhance business you will increase the product quality although it could be troublesome but rewarding too at the same time. This will increase profit margin substantially. The last few days of the month shall be very promising. You might be awarded for some outstanding performance in your field of interest or in some creative domain. Your achievements shall be appreciated widely. You would be recognized as a successful fellow. The month will end with a good not of success, glory, recognition, happiness and finally satisfaction.

Sagittarius  July 2022 Weekly forecast 

Sagittarius July 1st – 7th
You will be blessed with a very wonderful day on 1st; everything will go in favor only. You would be warmly welcomed at any public place, honor and reputation will increase. In profession you will keep on working well. Between 2nd and 4th you will prefer to do work more systematically. In profession you would be highly focused and dedicated, work efficiency shall be high and your hard work would be appreciated with proper remuneration. Disputes with sibling will be dissolved with the intermediation of any senior family member. Due to adverse effect of planetary combination between 5th and 7th you will have to suffer an unfavorable phase. You will have to work very hard to achieve smaller targets. Nothing will go in favor. In profession you may commit some folly whose results would be quite severe hence analyze the pros and cons properly before taking any important decision. Rivals and opponents would be very aggressive and they will leave no chance to trap you in their conspiracy. You would be distracted from the core path. Mentally you will be shattered and disdainful. The employees may commit silly mistake which may lead to severe consequences. Students would be distracted from studies and ladies will be quarrelsome. The adverse effect may slow down by 7th and you will start getting favorable circumstances. 

Sagittarius July 8th – 15th
Between 8th and 9th you will be close to family, friends and relatives and enjoy happy moments. You will attain the heights of success through hard work and consistency. Financially you would be on strong footing. You may come across with some good news from the close relatives or friends. Family atmosphere shall be congenial. You would be successful in all your endeavors irrespective or work nature. Assignments would be completed within the stipulated time with maintaining high quality. Between 10th and 12th you will be considered as an ideal fellow. By nature you will bear kindness, discretionary wisdom, good conduct and loyalty. In service you could be entrusted with more responsibilities, although work pressure would be high but you will manage them all effectively. Honor and reputation will increase. You will enjoy more powers. Between 13th and 14th you will be satisfied with your achievements and efforts. Financial condition will be consolidated; despite of work pressure you will find time to practice your hobbies, entertainment and feasting. However on 15th you will have to be cautious, stay aloof of worthless arguments and pursuits else you may pick quarrel quickly leading to tiff with anyone. You would be very possessive.

Sagittarius July 16th – 23rd
On 16th you will have to be cautious for your physical health, your immune system would be weak, you will feel lethargy and exhausted with minor exertion. Some seasonal ailments including BP issues may surface for shorter time. Take medication immediately once the symptoms appear delay may turn the situation adverse. The period between 17th and 18th would be knowledge enriching. Through inspirational literature you will quench your thirst. You would be itching to bring some changes in life pattern. You will be filled with extreme energy and will not stop till you get satisfactory results. Family would be supportive. Physical health will also improve. You would be quite profession centric. Between 19th and 20th you will get good money. Financial condition will be boosted. Through hard and dedicated work you will achieve remarkable success in profession. Comforts and luxuries would be added to life. Marital life would be all sugar and honey. The time is good for the students they will be dedicated and centric to the subject of their interest. Between 21st and 22nd you will enjoy rare familial peace. Everything will move on smoothly and you would be thankful to God. However on 23rd you will have an unpleasant time but the situation will be in control.

Sagittarius July 24th – 31st
24th would be ache giving day. You may suffer severely from stomach or head ache. Physical health will not support you at all to inch towards career progress. Almost the whole day will go on in coping with the situation. Expenses would be very high in comparison to income, you will have to put a check over rising spend thriftiness. Between 25th and 27th you may cover extra miles to expand business area, for this you may raise the quality of product which will be a hectic task but ultimately you will get favorable results. The employees may inculcate new methods to enhance work skills whereas job seekers may get suitable job opportunities. At this juncture of time you will strike a perfect balance between professional and personal life. Between 28th and 29th you would be awarded for doing outstanding work. Honor and reputation will increase widely. This will be the time when people will come to know your real potential and high skills in the niche of creativity. Popularity will be honed up. You will feel a new surge of positive energy and see the world in different manner. Financially you will be sound. In profession you will keep on working with perfection. Between 30th and 31st your hard and skilled efforts will bring big achievements in your part which would be widely admired. Honor, reputation, popularity and money all will come simultaneously. You would be very satisfied and happy with your achievements. 


You will be interested in religion and spiritualism, may devote time in offering prayers and practicing religious rituals. Towards profession you would be very serious and committed, work efficiency would be high and you will achieve your targets within the stipulated time.Auspicious Number : 3,... Read More

Here’s a detailed overview of the Sagittarius (Dhanu) horoscope for 2025, focusing on key areas like career, love, health, and personal development. Sagittarius Horoscope Overview for 2025 1. Career and Profession Expansion and Growth: 2025 will be a dynamic year for Sagittarius natives in their career. Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and wisdom, you are naturally drawn to exploring new opportunities and seeking growth. This year will offer opportunities for career advancement, especially through travel, education,... Read More


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