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You will remain busy in renovation or construction work, stay away from the illegal pursuits else you could be trapped. Some suspicious fellow may try to dupe. Family property issues will be settled with the mediation of any senior family member. Change of profession or job is indicated. Journeys shall be fruitful. Health will remain well, family will be supportive and financial condition will improve. To please friends and closed ones you may offer gifts.

July is quite a favorable month; you will experience very little unfavorable time so plan the month accordingly. You will remain busy in construction or home renovation work at the start of month. Although you will be doing well in profession but during the first quarter it will be hard to crack any of the fresh deals; if you are involve in any type of illegal pursuits then stop them at once otherwise you could be trapped. Any suspicious fellow may try to dupe you through his sweet talks. The later days of this quarter will go in amusements including watching movie and spending good time with family and friends. Family property disputes might be settled amicably with the mediation of any senior family members during the second quarter. You will remain focused to profession; your hard work will be appreciated hence financial condition and reputation will increase simultaneously. Inflow of money will be nice and you will enjoy the quality time with friends. To oblige and greet you may offer precious gifts to your friends. Projects will be completed within the stipulated time. You shall be more cautious about your personality; in order to enhance it you may take the required measures. But during the later days of this quarter you will remain indisposed. You will be shatter with the criticisms of others and may waste most of the time in useless things. In the next quarter you may take a bold decision of changing profession or job. You would be very optimistic about your new venture and may advance to take risk to materialize your aspiration. Your hard and smart work will bring the expected results. To maintain good health you will emphasize over physical needs carefully. You may participate in any auspicious function. In order to enhance career growth you may meet some professionals to seek guidance. You will perform well in profession. There shall be thick and fast inflow of money. Journeys if undertaken during the time shall be very fruitful. By the end of this quarter you will be tensed due to some serious issue. During the last quarter you will remain engross in personal research and studying inspirational literature. As a true entrepreneur you will practice the subject before presenting it in public. This will bring astounding performance and you will be appreciated with due remuneration. The new work will be of your liking hence you will do it with enormous energy as a result financially you will on the sound footing. By the month end you may regret on your past deeds.

Pisces  July 2022 Weekly forecast 

Pisces July 1st – 7th
On 1st you may undertake home construction or renovation work. The day shall be favorable but you will find lesser time for own self. Expenses shall be high but you will be ready for it. You will pay equal time to profession and family. Family atmosphere will be good and members would be cooperative. Between 2nd and 4th you will have a challenging phase. Due to the presence of Saturn in 9th your fortune will not favor at all. Those who are associated in illegal affairs will have to be very cautious and alert else they could be caught red handed. Better to avoid any illegal activity during the phase. Nothing will go as per expected, you will experience a plethora of hurdles in every sphere of life. Mentally you would be tensed, frustrated and listless. Keep a track over spend thriftiness. Avoid indulgence in worthless pursuits and arguments else the situation may go against. Honor and reputation may hamper. In profession there will be no or minor gain despite of bone breaking efforts. However between 5th and 7th the tide will take a turn and you will experience some betterment in the prevailing conditions. Stay away of sycophants they may try to dupe you at any phase through their sweet dipped words. You will have good time in the company of closed one, may enjoy movie or get time to practice your hobby. Business expansion plans can be implemented; comforts will be added to life. Those who are in service may experience favorable working atmosphere.

Pisces July 8th – 15th
Between 8th and 9th family property issue would be resolved amicably with the intermediation of any influential fellow or senior family member. At professional end you would be doing well, honor and reputation will hike. Leisure time will be invested with family and closed ones. Mentally and physically you would be sound. Between 10th and 12th you will have favorable time. Remarkable success in professional end is foreseen, held up projects may gather momentum and ongoing work would be completed within the stipulated time. Those who are in service will be close to the seniors, may expect favorable results in near future. Working condition shall be quite conductive. Financially you will be on sound footing. You may offer gift to any of your friends to strengthen the relationship. During the phase you will emphasize over personality development. People will be attracted with your charming personality. But the tide will take an adverse turn between 13th and 14th, some serious charge can be levied on you, which will hurt you deeply and you may fall in melancholy. Most of the time will be wasted in worthless pursuits. However on 15th there would be some betterment in the prevailing situation. Things will start turning in the favorable direction. 

Pisces July 16th – 23rd
On 16th profession change is indicated, you may not find more potential in the existing profession. In order to enhance income you may either change profession or join any other venture. However in both the situation you will be profitable. You will be successful in all your endeavors. In order to fulfill your materialistic need you will not afraid of taking risks. You will be quite conscious for your physical health, to keep fit and fine you may inculcate regular exercise in daily chores. Between 17th and 18th you may come in contact with some professional who will guide you to enhance career progress. You may attend some auspicious occasion. Inflow of money shall be thick and fast and you will be on sound financial footing. Between 19th and 20th remarkable achievement is indicated with the positive effect of Venus who is in his own sign. Life will be filled with material comforts and harmony. Family atmosphere shall be good and members would be supportive. However there would be an adverse turn between 21st and 22nd. Unexpected worries may hamper career progress. You may remain tensed and listless. The threat of exposure of past affair will keep you worried. On 23rd you may undertake any journey in connection to profession which would be quite fruitful.

Pisces July 24th – 31st
On 24th those who are associated with research and specific studies work may get remarkable success. You will enhance your knowledge through inspirational literature. Before showcasing your proficiency you will prefer to do thorough rehearsals. This will built up your confidence and give you due appreciation. The time is quite conductive for stage performers. Between 25th and 27th you will experience a new surge of positive energy and work with tandem, because the work will be of your interest. You will exhibit a high order of proficiency. You will be drawn towards religion, spiritualism and sports. You will attain eternal peace and happiness in undergoing such pursuits. Family atmosphere shall be quite congenial, mentally and physically you will be sufficient enough to face any life challenge. Between 28th and 29th you will be successful in all financial matters. You will discharge professional duties quite sincerely and timely. You will be in holiday mood to get over from the hectic schedule. However between 30th and 31st you will be affected by the adverse tide. In profession you may commit some folly whose consequences would be severe. You may have minor banter with someone, but afterword you will realize the things. 


Due to rise in income you will spend liberally on household things, expenses would be high which will neutralize your raised income. At this juncture you will strike a perfect balance between professional and familial lives. You will be filled with energy and work with gusto.Auspicious Number : 3,... Read More

As the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces (Meena) embodies compassion, intuition, and creativity. In 2025, Pisces natives can expect a year of profound transformation, emotional growth, and opportunities for personal and professional development. This overview highlights key aspects of your career, love life, health, and personal growth in the coming year. 1. Career and Profession Creative Endeavors: 2025 will be a year where your creative talents shine brightly. Whether you work in the arts, healing professions, or any field that... Read More


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