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Health will fluctuate some seasonal infections might surface. Frequent journeys shall have to be undertaken. Old help up money might be recovered. Month of May will give relief to the unmarried fellow some striking new will cheer them. You may finalize some property deal. Familial relations will also vary time to time; ladies will be supportive while progeny may add some worries. Altercation with friend or relative is suspected. Road accident is suspected during the second half, take proper precautions. Take monetary decisions wisely since loss is also not ruled out.

You will get good response in the starting of the month. You will feel energetic and enthusiastic hence perform all your personal, domestic and professional duties on time. From the government cases you will get relief. During the period your diversion toward religion will be high, spend most of the time in religious activities. Family atmosphere shall be good and members will be supportive, whereas the ladies of the family will be most active. Friends and relatives shall be supportive. The things will go adverse during the later part of first quarter. You will face obstruction in every aspect of life whether it is related to profession or personal life. You will be in confused state hence it will be hard to focus on one task with dedication hence financial condition will become stagnant or even slow down. During the second quarter your expenses will increase. Health will also not support some seasonal infection may surface. Anyhow you will manage to work on your existing task, during the time you will remain very busy and feel over burdened. The later part of this quarter is fair hence you will gather yourself during the period and get due response of your work. Long held up money will also be recovered. At this point of time most of worries will be drained away and once again you will be in comfortable position. Some property deal may be finalized and you will get the blessing of some senior family member. However the third and fourth quarters shall be the trying phase where you will get very less although you put your best; relations will subordinates and coworkers will be strained progeny will also add some worries. You may jealous with the growth of your friends and closed ones which may result in altercation even. Despite of your bone breaking labor you will get very less or none the same thing will happen in your domestic life. Despite of hundreds of challenges you will make out the time for kids and family. Drive vehicle safely since some road accident is suspected. In the money matter take the decisions wisely and don’t fall into any speculation project otherwise loss is for sure. Some big deal may be bounced whereas in the government cases you will get relief. With the influence of any VIP your held up projects might get momentum. By the end of the month some hefty deal will wash away your financial crisis all of sudden.

Libra May 2022 Weekly Forecast

Libra May 1st -7th
In profession you will be highly focused and dedicated as on 1st, work efficiency will increase and it will be duly rewarded with proper remuneration. Government related cases may go in favor. You will be filled with extreme energy and confidence. Between 2nd and 3rd religious feeling would be waving with great altitude as a result you will devote considerable time in offering prayers and practicing religious rituals. You will also get inspired from others devotion. Homely atmosphere would be rather cordial and members would be quite cooperative. The servicemen will gain the support of their superiors, they will be happy with the good work of their employee. Between 4th and 6th closed ones will be quite supportive and you will achieve your aspiration with their support. This would be time to yield the result of good work. Inflow of money shall be good. But between 6th and 7th you will have an unfavorable time. Life would be full of obstacles, you will experience hurdles in every sphere of life. Ongoing projects would be held up and no new project could be initiated. Differences and misunderstanding may crop among the family members. Family atmosphere may go tensed. You would be confused and distracted from the core path and may fall in financial crunch.

Libra May 8th – 15th
On 8th you will have to be cautious about your physical health since some seasonal ailments may surface. Expenses would be very high; it would be difficult to cope with the situation in current earnings. Professional tasks would be held up because of unexpected hiccups. Between 9th and 11th you may have to undertake frequent journey in which you will get only the mixed results but marital life would be blessed with marital bliss. You will be extra considerate for your life partner. Work pressure would be very high and you will remain busy in neutralizing the pending works. It would be the hard phase for the students they would strive hard to maintain focus over the dedicated tasks. They may not attain their ambition. Between 12th and 13th you will experience a favorable tide. Some long dispute is suspected to settle down through mutual understanding. Most of the worries and troubles would be drained away automatically which will give you mental peace and satisfaction. It would be the best time for unmarried; since matrimony prospects may develop momentum. You will discharge domestic obligations properly and on time. Honor and reputation will increase. Between 14th and 15th held up money could be recovered. Financial condition will be consolidated and you may finalize some property deal.

Libra May 16th -23rd
Between 16th and 18th you will have to go through with a challenging time. During the phase you will lose mental balance and not able to come on any decision. You would be in confused state. Due to flickering attitude you would spoil relations with subordinates and closed ones. Electronic and mechanical appliances may go caput. Things may happen abnormally. This would be a trying phase. You would have to apply great efforts to achieve smaller targets. Drive vehicle cautiously and take all safety measures since some road accident is not ruled out. You would be jealous of others success. As a critic you would be successful. Between 19th and 20th work pressure will be high but even then you will take out considerable time for family. Life would be full of challenges at every step. Between 21st and 22nd you will be highly diverted towards love affairs. Despite of the busy schedule you will find time for love making. Worries will also be added by progeny. You will be going through hard time financial crunch may arise. Keep temper and tongue in control else tiff and altercation with someone is suspected.

Libra May 24th – 31th
24th is good for physical health but in the professional front you will not gain anything rather put your steps in the direction of progress. Between 25th and 26th drive vehicle cautiously and take proper safety measures since some road accident is foreseen. Follow traffic rules and don’t let your children drive your vehicle independently. In monetary transaction you will have to be analytical and vigilant. Don’t invest in any speculation prospects which seem like hot potatoes else you may suffer hefty financial loss. In profession you may miss some big deal. You will be desperate to seek success in very lesser span of time. This greed would be harmful for you. Between 27th and 28th you have favorable time. You will be fortunate in the government cases since most of the verdict will go in favor. Held up projects may develop momentum with the influence of any VIP. Between 29th and 31st you will come in contact with many new fellows. PR circle will widen including some influential fellows. You could be successful in materializing your end with the support of new contacts. Financial gain is indicated.


You would be blessed with a favorable phase, servicemen could be entrusted with more responsibilities whereas business prospects would be favorable. In both the conditions you will have more gain and powers. Family atmosphere shall be good, closed ones would be supportive and physically you will be... Read More

Here’s a detailed overview of the Libra (Tula) horoscope for 2025, touching upon key areas such as career, love, health, and personal growth. Libra Horoscope Overview for 2025 1. Career and Profession Balancing Work and Passion: 2025 brings new opportunities for Libra natives to strike a balance between their professional aspirations and personal fulfillment. Your natural sense of harmony will guide you to pursue work that aligns with your values, creativity, and desire for beauty and justice. Whether you're in a... Read More


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