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The month of March will give you only the mixed results, financially your condition will be fluctuating whereas from the health front you shall have to be extra cautious since some seasonal ailments may surface. You will witness both auspicious and inauspicious news during the month. Government cases will come under your favor and victory in any debate is sure. You may plan to go on any journey. Take monetary decisions wisely since loss is suspected.

March is full of dynamic changes, in profession or business you will cover two miles and again get back to one mile, same type of things will repeat throughout the month. Stating of the month shall be good; you will be able to recover long held up money. From the professional front you will gain success and get proper remunerations. At this point of time you will be in good economic condition hence your treasure will increase. You will show your business acumen to expand it partially you would be successful too, but your business rivals will be quite aggressive and they will leave no chance to overwhelm. Some discrete decision will grab you as a center of criticism and controversies. Your contact with superior officials will give support in bringing you out from the government cases; you will be relaxed to see things moving in the favorable direction. In the entire month you will witness frequent auspicious and inauspicious news but it will not affect you anymore. Your routine work will go as it should. From the health point of view you shall have to extra cautious since some seasonal infections may appear time to time. By the end of month there will be betterment in your physical status. In the mean while you will have to take proper precautions and take care of foods and drinks. In profession you will not make any mistake deliberately and perform duties sincerely and dedicatedly. During the second week you may purchase things for house and relations with partners will become warmer. At this point of time most of your worries will be drained away. From the family end you will gain the support of spouse. This is the most favorable time of the month when you will be economically sound, achievements shall also be remarkable. Your power and reputation will increase and will be able to launch future planning as well. By the end of first half the things will turn somewhat challenging, you will be disappoint on the cancellation of any big business deal, business operations will held up and there may be the possibility of monetary loss. The favorable tide will come along with the second half when your work will be duly rewarded, although rivals will still remain aggressive but you will be least affected by their conspiracies. You will keep on marching on the success path; with your innovative approach some new business project might be launched. However you will get only the mixed results. Your schedule will be very tight most of the time will spend in business meetings and professional discussion. Although your personal circle will enhance but relations with friends and relatives will become bitter. The employees will be gain the support of their superiors; their work will be appreciated with proper and timely remuneration and also be promoted to the higher designation. During the last week you may indulge in futile discussions. Due to work pressure you will remain tired; it will be hard to meet the target whether in profession or service. By the end of the month you may plan to go on journey. Health will improve.

Libra Weekly Forecast Report

Libra March 1st – 7th
On 1st you will get only the mixed results. Longs held up money could be recovered easily but it will not stay with you because of the mounting expenses. The same thing will happen with your earnings as well. To cope with the situation keep control over spend thriftiness. You may come across with some pleasant news from the close relative or friends. From the physical health point of view you will have to be cautious since some seasonal ailments may surface for shorter time. Between 4th and 5th you will have an unfavorable tide. During the period you may hear some unpleasant news from the close relation. Rival and opponents would be very active and they will leave no stone unturned to harm your interest. Partially they could be successful in their intention. You may commit some folly due to reckless mistake which may be very fatal and you will have to suffer bitter consequences. Mentally you will be shattered, frustrated and listless. But between 6th and 7th tide is going favorable which will ensure relief in every sphere of life. From the government cases you will get favorable results. Eventually you will gather focus in profession front as a result you may attain the targets which will develop confidence and energy. You may get the support of high government officials.

Libra March 8th -15th
You will remain engrossed in domestic affairs, may buy new things for home decore and domestic use. You may develop cordial relations with business partner whereas differences and misunderstanding may dissolve amicably. Family atmosphere shall be congenial and spouse will be supportive. Between 9th and 10th long disputes may resolve with mutual understanding. Servicemen would be dedicated to their work and their hard works would be appreciated with proper remunerations, may get salary appraisals or additional perks whereas the businessmen would be successful in executing business expansion plans, they may introduce new technology so as to enhance profit margin substantially. You may design and implement some future plans. You will be satisfied with your achievements. Between 11th and 12th economic condition will be consolidated. You will feel stronger and confident enough to face any challenge. The servicemen might be allotted with more responsibilities and powers. You may come in contact with any influential fellow. But between 13th and 15th you will have a bit challenging time. Any hefty deal may miss from your grab at the final stage, ongoing projects may be held up at the eleventh hour. Financial loss is also not ruled out.

Libra March 16th – 23rd
You will be blessed with a favorable time between 16th and 17th. In profession you will be highly dedicated and focused, work efficiency will increase and hard work would be appreciated and rewarded the proper remunerations. Although rival and opponents would be very aggressive during the phase but you will get least effected by their ill attempts. You will outclass them easily. You will be quite innovative, practical and positive in approach as a result you may indulge into new venture. You would be itching to do something new and innovative. You will get only the mixed results between 18th and 20th. Differences and misunderstanding with the closed ones may crop leading to tensed family atmosphere. In debating contest you will appear as a winner and some long worry is foreseen to subside automatically. Mentally you will be free and calm. Between 21st and 23rd there could be good inflow of money. You would be on strong financial footing. You will come in contact with many new fellows and may attend various seminars and meetings. The servicemen would be closer to their boss; they could be promoted to higher designation whereas the businessmen may execute business expansion plans.

Libra March 24th – 31st
The week with start with an unfavorable tide as on 24th work pressure would be very high and it would be challenging to survive in the prevailing circumstances. Mentally and physically you would be exhausted and listless. Some unpleasant event may take place which may add more worries. Between 25th and 27th more or less the situation may remain same but in debating contest you will be successful. You may participate in any social gathering or ceremony. You will devote considerable time to family and closed ones but from the family as well you will get the mixed results only. Kids may commit disobedience and folly whose consequences won’t be favorable. Progeny may add some worries. Between 28th and 29th you may undertake some journey and blessings of some senior family member will console you from the depth of heart. Keep rising temper and tongue in control and avoid indulgence in worthless pursuits or arguments else you may pick the quarrel easily resulting to tiff and altercation with someone. Between 30th and 31st there would not be any remarkable achievement but you will be satisfied with the application of efforts and from the physical health point of view,, you will enjoy good health.


You would be blessed with a favorable phase, servicemen could be entrusted with more responsibilities whereas business prospects would be favorable. In both the conditions you will have more gain and powers. Family atmosphere shall be good, closed ones would be supportive and physically you will be... Read More

Here’s a detailed overview of the Libra (Tula) horoscope for 2025, touching upon key areas such as career, love, health, and personal growth. Libra Horoscope Overview for 2025 1. Career and Profession Balancing Work and Passion: 2025 brings new opportunities for Libra natives to strike a balance between their professional aspirations and personal fulfillment. Your natural sense of harmony will guide you to pursue work that aligns with your values, creativity, and desire for beauty and justice. Whether you're in a... Read More


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