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New sources of income may generate, health will remain fine, due money might be held up but philanthropy activities will be more. Any VIP fellow may visit home as guest and religious feelings will be high. Pleasant and unpleasant news will come during the entire month. Take monetary decisions wisely else monetary loss will incur. You may finalize and real estate deals whereas in interview you will be successful. Bu the end of month picnic or outing might be conducted.

In the month of July you will get only the mixed results. Some happy news will greet you in the starting of the month whereas the coming days will be somewhat challenging. Professionals and business men will not be able to implement their innovative ideas even their running projects will be held up at the final stage. However the employees might get warning or slighted with their superiors for not performing as per the matrices. The time shall be tough for the earnings fellows in their existing profession whereas some new sources of income may generate. Job seekers may get better job proposals. From the family end you will not be mentally free since differences with the spouse may crop whereas from the progeny end some hilarious news will cheer you up. In profession you shall have to apply more efforts but the income shall not be in proportion. During the entire month you will remain declined towards religious and philanthropy activities; social causes will be the matter of your concern. Politically and socially you will remain active and may attend related functions. The second quarter will give you the favorable results. In profession you will be successful in implementing new technologies to enhance profit and you will get very encouraging results too but your past due money might be held up unexpectedly. The property disputes shall be settled with the interference of any senior family member, but there will be differences with the brothers. Relations with friends and relatives shall be cordial. This is good time for the students they will remain focused and will perform better in competitive exams. You will come in contact with new persons including any VIP fellow. In the third quarter you will remain engaged with family because deteriorating health of any senior family member would not let you spare time anywhere else. You will remain in holiday mood and spend most of the time with family and friends. Despite of hard work there shall not be any significant achievement rather but in monetary decision you will have to be cautious else you might be trapped in financial loss. Opponents shall be highly aggressive. During the fourth quarter some innovative idea will make you to fly in colors. You may finalize any property deal and in profession front you will march forward. Financial condition will improve. With the impact of any VIP fellow government related worries will be subsided. During the time you will maintain a high level of focus and dedication at work whose results shall be wonderful. By the end of the month some picnic or outing might be planned with family.  

Libra  July 2022 Weekly forecast 

Libra July 1st – 7th
Month beginning will not be good. You will have to be cautious and alert between 1st and 2nd. In profession unexpected problem may hamper career growth, ongoing projects will be held up at the final stage, you may commit some folly whose consequences would be severe; you could be deceived by some confidant. The servicemen could be slighted by their superiors on silly issues. Do your work sincerely and dedicated and avoid any argument, take important decisions only after proper analysis and open mind based on the practical applicability. Misunderstanding may crop with spouse leading to tensed family atmosphere. Between 3rd and 4th you may participate in some social gathering or political meeting. Job seekers may get better job opportunities, sources of income may enhance and you may design future plans. Between 5th and 7th you may come across with some hilarious news related to progeny which will induce harmony in family. Ongoing domestic issues will be subsided and you will feel much relaxed. You may go out to purchase something new for household purpose. The time is favorable for the love birds they will fly in colors, their relations may get warmer, differences and misunderstanding may dissolve. You will be interested in religion and cautious for physical health.

Libra July 8th – 15th
Due to the positive effect of planetary conjugation you will experience a favorable time between 8th and 9th. In profession you would get some remarkable success. Mentally you would be confident and humble by nature, may held some of the needy fellow. Family atmosphere would be good and members would be supportive. Between 10th and 12th students will be focused and dedicated to the subject of their interest, may expect favorable results. But in profession due money could be held up at the last moment with no valid reason. Between 13th and 14th family property related issues might be subsided with the intermediation of any influential fellow or senior family member. There could be tensed relations with the brothers but relatives and friends would be in support. You may come in contact with new fellows including any VIP one. Honor and reputation will swell. Family atmosphere would be congenial. Those who are suffering from long illness may experience fast improvement in physical health. On 15th you will have to keep a track over rising temper and usage of harsh langue, since minor banter with spouse is indicated, which in turn will impact the family atmosphere. New persons would be added in your friend list. 

Libra July 16th – 23rd
Between 16th and 17th you will be highly drawn towards religion and social welfare hence may devote considerable time in participating such activities. You will be in holiday mood and invest maximum time with family and closed ones. There would be good understanding with friends and relatives. Life would be full of comforts but no major achievements are foreseen in professional end. Between 17th and 18th deteriorating health of senior family member may divert your concern. In profession you will try hard to materialize the things but despite of hard effort no significant is suspected, you will get only mixed results. Mentally you would be frustrated and listless. Between 19th and 20th you may come across with some unpleasant happening. Rivals and opponents would be very aggressive and they will leave no chance to trap you in their conspiracy. They may over power you. Working condition may not be favorable there could be banter or even altercation with someone. Monetary transactions should be taken wisely else you may suffer financial loss. Over reliance in important matters could be harmful, take the command and lead from the front. Between 21st and 23rd work pressure would be very high but even then you will take out considerable time for family and discharge the domestic obligations religiously, although there would not be any significant achievement in professional end but you would be satisfied with your efforts and achievements. 

Libra July 24th – 31st
24th is an auspicious day for those who are associated with creative field, they will get remarkable success. In profession you may take some innovative step which will prove quite benefic in terms of monetary and career progress. Students and job seekers may expect favorable results in exams and interviews. Between 25th and 26th you may remain busy in finalizing real estate deal. In profession you would be focused and dedicated, seniors will be quite happy with your efficient work. You will experience a new surge of positive energy and work with gusto. Honor and reputation will increase. At this juncture of time financially you would be on strong footing. Between 27th and 29th you may come across with some unpleasant news from the close relative or friends. With the help and influence of any VIP government issues may speed up. You would be happy to see the things moving in the right direction. Family atmosphere would be congenial and members would be supportive. Between 30th and 31st you may plan to go out on picnic or sightseeing trip with family and closed ones. In profession you would be performing well and your high skills would be acknowledged and appreciated. Honor and reputation will swell.


You would be blessed with a favorable phase, servicemen could be entrusted with more responsibilities whereas business prospects would be favorable. In both the conditions you will have more gain and powers. Family atmosphere shall be good, closed ones would be supportive and physically you will be... Read More

Here’s a detailed overview of the Libra (Tula) horoscope for 2025, touching upon key areas such as career, love, health, and personal growth. Libra Horoscope Overview for 2025 1. Career and Profession Balancing Work and Passion: 2025 brings new opportunities for Libra natives to strike a balance between their professional aspirations and personal fulfillment. Your natural sense of harmony will guide you to pursue work that aligns with your values, creativity, and desire for beauty and justice. Whether you're in a... Read More


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