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Your political image will improve and property disputes will come in your favor. First half is better than the second one in approximately all the respects. Financially you will be in fine condition, with the influence of any VIP vistas of opportunity will open. Put control over temper and language, stay away from the worthless arguments otherwise your friends will convert into foes. To establish in business you may take some hard decision.

The month will start with some unpleasant news but your personal family and professional will not be affected much. You will perform your daily tasks very well but stay away from worthless arguments and confrontations. Your political image will improve since you possess and impressive and dominating personality. Social acceptance and reputation will also increase. Property disputes will be settled easily in your favor. Financial condition will be consolidated and may hear some good news. Although your profession will require much attention but you will give ample time to friends and relatives. To expand the business you may take some bold and innovative decision that will increase profit substantially. Second week require some precautions. In profession or business take the monetary decisions wisely and analytically, over reliance on subordinates or co-workers may be harmful. Don’t share business secret because you never know who will change his loyalty. In the second week only you may start a new venture with the support of your close friends or relatives. During the phase you will lead a very busy life and may get success in recovering held up money hence your economic condition will keep on improving. However the second half of the month is bit challenging where worries and challenge will populate the way of success. You will be over pressed to accomplish the work within the stipulated time; your due money might be held up unexpectedly. Your trusted fellows may advocate your opponents and deceive you. Get ready to hear some unpleasant news as well. During the time you will come in contact with any graceful VIP person who will open the vistas of opportunity. With his influence you will be filled with courage and confidence again and start working with verve and vitality, your hard work will bring the result soon; by the end of third week you will see that the things will start turning into favor. You will get much relief from the worldly worries and tensions but financially you will be still suppressed. During the last week you will be successful in defeating your enemies; their all efforts to trap you will drain out ridiculously. You will take some bold decision and with its effect you will be able to establish your bright image. Although the time is favoring you; but control your rage and tongue in control, this is quite a crucial phase your minor explanation might be taken as argument hence tiff and altercation is suspected which can convert your friend into foe. Keep your emotions control for a short while very soon the things will convert into your favor without indulging in any type of argument.  Very soon you will gather yourself and again maintain focus onto your assigned job, hard work will be appreciated with due remuneration. This will boost your confidence and you will feel comfortable, satisfied and happy. You may make fresh plan for new association.


Libra Horoscope January 1st – 7th

Greetings of the New Year; Libra natives will not have an auspicious beginning due to the ill effects of 4th moon you may come across with some unpleasant news from the close relatives or friends. Keep control over your rising temper and harsh words, avoid indulgence in any worthless pursuits and arguments else you will pick quarrel easily resulting in tiff and altercation with somebody. Between 2nd and 4th you will experience influx of guest; most of the time will go in entertaining them whereas during 5th and 6th you may plan to celebrate New Year outside home, you may plan some outing with family. You have a favorable tide hence may plan to join new venture. If you are associated with politics then your position shall be consolidated and you will feel strong, socially you would be widely accepted. However the property related issues will be settled amicably, you will spend considerable time with family, friends and closed ones, financial condition will be improved and worries will be drained out automatically. You may come across with some auspicious news. Your health will improve on 7th and in business you may take some bold decision which will give you the expected results.

Libra Horoscope January 8th- 15th

An adverse time is going on between 8th and 9th, you will have to very cautious during the mentioned time period else you would be in heavy loss. In profession or business you are suggested not to disclose your business secret in public or in front of any well known and reliable fellow else it would be harmful. In monetary issues take the decisions wisely and analytically, use head instead of heart, over reliance on subordinates or coworkers will be harmful otherwise you could be deceived by someone close. Whereas the situation tide will turn favorable during 11th and 12th, family members, friends and relatives shall be quite cooperative and understanding with the partner will also be good, you may join new venture with the help of closed ones. However between 13th and 14th you will remain busy in discharging your professional responsibilities, work load shall be very high, it would be troublesome for you to take out time for own self. On 15th you would be successful in recovering held up money, financial condition may improve and you will feel strong and confident. By this time only you may take some bold decision in profession to assure professional growth in near future.

Libra Horoscope January 16th - 23rd

On 16th you will get only the mixed results because of Rahu Moon Conjugation, you will remain busy in discharging your professional duties, work pressures shall be more you will not make out the time for yourself while on the other hand the meeting with some influential fellow may open vistas of success. You will have more earning opportunities than before. Between 17th and 20th you will experience in every sphere of life, ongoing projects will be held up in the mid way, money due to you could be held up at the final stage unexpectedly. In monetary transaction you will have to be vigilant because the adverse time is going on where your trusted ones may change their loyalty anytime, you could be deceived hence take proper precaution and avoid over reliance on important issues. During the same phase you may come across with some unpleasant news as well. But the coming days shall be favorable; onwards from the 21st evening you would be relaxed to see the things moving in the expected direction. Most of your worries and ongoing problems would be subsided during 22nd to 23rd. but the impact of bad time will still be there, inflow of money may start but it will be very less in comparison to your requirement, you will have to pass through financial crisis situation.

Libra Horoscope January 24th – 31st

The week will start with favorable time, although there shall not be any significant achievement during 24th to 26th but you will be satisfied with your efforts. The rivals and opponents would not be able to harm your interest anymore, you would be professional centric and take the things seriously. In profession or business you may take some bold and innovative decision to enhance the profit margin substantially, with is favorable effects you will be admired by all for your professional acumen and discretion, professional image will be brighten. If you want to make the things keep on moving in the expected direction then you will have to be very cautious because next two days will not be in your favor. Between 27th and 29th rising tempers and feeble mental status may invite unexpected troubles like quarrels and disputes with the near ones. Avoid indulgence in worthless arguments and pursuits to remain cool and calm else the situation may become adverse. However in professional front your decisions will cast adverse effect as a results friends and associates may act differently, take professional matters seriously and take the decision only after analyzing pros and cons effect properly, better to take the suggestion will the experienced one, monetary transaction require additional attention. Between 30th and 31st the things will turn in favor and you will make new plans enthusiastically.


You would be blessed with a favorable phase, servicemen could be entrusted with more responsibilities whereas business prospects would be favorable. In both the conditions you will have more gain and powers. Family atmosphere shall be good, closed ones would be supportive and physically you will be... Read More

Here’s a detailed overview of the Libra (Tula) horoscope for 2025, touching upon key areas such as career, love, health, and personal growth. Libra Horoscope Overview for 2025 1. Career and Profession Balancing Work and Passion: 2025 brings new opportunities for Libra natives to strike a balance between their professional aspirations and personal fulfillment. Your natural sense of harmony will guide you to pursue work that aligns with your values, creativity, and desire for beauty and justice. Whether you're in a... Read More


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