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You may have a tiff with your senior and altercation with any close male is suspected. In the first half there might be some good offer which shall give you thick money whereas success in any completion is sure. You may get some important news through mobile or sources. In the second half you may meet any inspiring personality and may recover held up money that you have considered as bad debt. Loss and financial crisis is seen by the end of month while you may receive some bad and good news in the last week only.

The month will give you only the mixed returns; the starting will be good when you will maintain focus on to your work, your hard work shall be appreciated with appropriate reward. Financial condition will keep on improving. Although your rivals will be aggressive and they will leave no chance to trap you in their conspiracy but fortunately they will not be successful in their aim since you are satisfied with your existing job. You will move slowly and gradually towards your ultimate aim without being diverted in worthless pursuits. Professional challenges will appear time to time but you will face most of them with firm determination and cool mind, for a short while it may make the situation panic but in long course they will not impact you so much. The inflow of money will keep on fluctuating but you will remain satisfied. In the first month you may get some very lucrative offer through which you will earn more whereas during the last few days of the month your financial condition will shake and you may have to bear loss. During the second half you shall be successful in recovering some held up money that you have probably considered as bad dept. Your subordinates and employees shall be obedient and faithful, they will work dedicatedly and honestly but in the first half there may have tiff with your superior. From the family end you will not remain satisfied all the time because in the first half there may have altercation with any close male of the family on the contrary misunderstanding with brothers will minimize during the same period, hence you are suggested to keep a check on your tongue otherwise you will invite the troubles yourself. Education and matrimonial prospects of progeny may give you some worries in fact these are not worries but the expected responsibilities only. Socially your reputation and honor will increase. You may get some important information through mobile or some electronic mode of communication. You will meet some influential fellow. With his influence you will put more efforts to implement new business ideas and increase your profit margin also advance towards charity and other philanthropy activities. The employees may be promoted and business might be switched to the next level. During the last week you will come to know some bad and good news within a difference of few days. There may have some auspicious happening.

Leo June Weekly forecast 2022

Leo June 1st – 7th
You would be full of positive energy and confidence between 1st and 2nd. Work efficiency would be high and it would be appreciated with proper return, may initiate some long coveted project, new technologies to enhance profit margin. Rival and opponents would be very aggressive but despite of their all ill attempt you would be least affected. Between 3rd and 5th you may come in contact with some VIP or influential fellow. You would be worried about the rising expanses, put a track over spend thriftiness to cope with the situation, but even then you would be successful in casting a positive impact over coworkers, superiors and subordinates. Everyone will respect your hard labor and high efficiency. Honor and reputation will increase. You may get some important news through sources. Between 6th and 7th subordinates will be obedient and responsible. In profession you will be highly focused and dedicated as a result positive developments are foreseen. Financial condition will improve. Family atmosphere shall be good and relations with spouse shall be more conductive. You may design future plans and some of them could be implemented as well. You would be happy and satisfied with the achievements and efforts. Honor and reputation will experience an upward swing.

Leo June 8th – 15th
Between 8th and 9th you will witness different shades of life. Differences and misunderstanding may crop with seniors and boss, you may lose professional interest whereas in familial life father – son tiff is indicated leading to tensed family atmosphere. From both the ends you will get the same gesture. But you will get relief from the government related issues, since most of the verdict may go in favor. Between 10th and 12th influx of guest would be high and you will welcome them warmly. Due to Sun in 10th you will get multiple opportunities through which earnings could be increased. Financially you will be well off. You my undertake business expansion plans, some of coveted projects could be launched. Honor and reputation will increase. The time is good for research students they may attain the heights of success. You may enhance knowledge through literature. Between 13th and 14th you will be successful in competitions. Differences and misunderstanding among brothers would be dissolved and the relations would be induced with warmth. Through sources you may hear some important information. Family atmosphere will improve. Mentally and physically you would be strong and confident. On 15th you will enjoy happy moments with family and closed ones.

Leo June 16th 23rd
Between 16th and 17th after long deliberation you may take some vital decision related to profession. You would be appreciated for good work, work efficiency will be high and it would be duly rewarded with proper remuneration. Rapport with friends, colleagues, neighbors and family members will enhance. Nubile may get suitable matrimonial prospects. Between 18th and 19th minor seasonal ailments may surface for short time including body ache, headache. Although there would not be any significant achievement in professional end but you would be satisfied and happy with your efforts. Between 20th and 21st socially you would be very active, may participate in some selfless welfare activity. You would be highly drawn towards literature. During the phase you will manage a perfect equilibrium between professional and familial life. Family atmosphere would be good and members would be supportive. You will pass time in merrymaking with close ones. Between 22nd and 23rd some long held up money could be released that you would have considered as bad debt. Financial condition will be boosted up. Service class may get promotion opportunity. You will come in contact with some influential or VIP fellow. To materialize government or legal issues you may have to spend money.

Leo June 24th – 30th
You will be blessed with an auspicious time between 24th and 25th. During the phase you will come in contact with some saint like holy man and you will be highly influenced as a result you may advance in charity and selfless welfare activities which will give you eternal peace, happiness and satisfaction. You will work hard to re establish in business, which will bring tremendous results and you would be successful up to a great extent. Between 26th and 27th you may come across with some unpleasant news from the close relative or friends. In profession you may suffer financial loss, career growth may hamper. Rivals and opponents would be very aggressive and they will leave no chance to trap you in their conspiracies. Financially you would be hard pressed. Mentally you would be listless and worried since nothing will go in favor. Between 28th and 29th there would be some betterment in the prevailing condition. You will work with more courage and confidence as a result success will come in your part. You will keep on moving ahead maintaining high level of dignity and self respect. During the same phase you may witness some favorable event. However on 30th more or less condition will remain same, the day will give you mixed results only.


You will work with verve and vitality which will ensure fast career growth in near future. Although instantly you will not get any significant gain but it is indicated in coming days. Mentally you would be strong and confident to face any life challenge. Family atmosphere shall be good.Auspicious... Read More

Here’s an insightful overview of the Leo (Simha) horoscope for 2025, highlighting key areas such as career, love, health, and personal growth. Leo Horoscope Overview for 2025 1. Career and Profession Leadership and Recognition: 2025 is a powerful year for Leo natives when it comes to career growth. Your natural leadership abilities and charisma will shine, earning you recognition and opportunities for advancement. Whether you’re in a managerial role or aspiring to one, this year will provide chances to take on greater... Read More


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