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Capricorn September Weekly Prediction Report

Capricorn September 1st – 7th
Between 1st and 2nd you may get some unwanted news form the close relatives or friends. Since the planetary conjugation is unfavorable hence think practically before joining new platform, because your own friends may criticize you. Ongoing works would be left unattended and you will not be able to maintain dedication. Some unwanted person may come to your home that will make you tensed and listless. Expenses may increase drastically whereas the income will be negligible. Between 3rd and 4th the time will be favorable and you will get the proper results of your endeavors but to achieve your aspiration you will have to show consistency and put all your efforts else the opportunity may slip from your coffers. You will gain your lost confidence and work with more prudence. Between 5th and 6th you will perform better in the professional field but family peace could be hampered. Family members may appear as demanding and it would be a challenge to meet their requirements. Take proper care of your physical health, since some seasonal ailments are likely to surface. However on 7th you will be blessed with an auspicious phase as a result you may get spectacular success in every work you undertake. The employees will be close to their seniors and promotion chances would be bright.

Capricorn September 8th – 15th
Between 8th and 9th you will establish cordial relations with coworkers and partners. Socially you would be active and popular, may meet new people and also participate in political activities. During the period financially you would be better off and family atmosphere will improve. Honor and reputation will increase. Those who are related to politics or public relation may attain big success. Between 10th and 11th you will have to control raising anger else you may pick quarrel quickly leading to tiff, clashes and confrontation, which may spoil familial peace and working atmosphere. You ego could be a big hurdle in success. You may develop a jealous attitude for others which will in turn incur loss in profession. Rivals and opponents will be very active and they may try to overpower you hence be aware of their moves. During the period most of the time will be wasted in worthless pursuits. Between 12th and 13th rivals will outclass you but at this point colleges will be in support. You may feel lax and lethargy and lose interest in professional obligations. Between 14th and 15th you will have better phase, long property disputes may come to an end amicably through intermediation of any influential fellow or senior family member. You may come across with some pleasant news from the close relative or friends.

Capricorn September 16th – 23rd
Between 16th and 17th no significant achievement is foreseen in professional field but you will maintain consistency which will give you satisfaction. In domestic life you will be active and discharge duties on time. Family life would be comfortable and spouse would be considerate, marital life will be sweet. The tide is suitable for love borne relations, they will be close to one another and differences will dissolve with mutual understanding. Between 18th and 19th more or less the condition will remain same but you may get some unpleasant news from your enemy. In profession life you will achieve nothing despite of hard efforts. You will be considerate for family and some senior family member may console you which will develop confidence again. Between 20th and 22nd you will be highly drawn towards religion and spiritualism, may devote considerable time in offering prayers and practicing religious rituals. Family atmosphere will be better and members will share emotions liberally. During the phase you may not give proper time to professional task hence no significant development is foreseen. On 23rd you will have better phase, honor and reputation may experience an upward swing. You may go to someone’s home as guest.

Capricorn September 24th – 30th
On 24th you may experience a new surge of positive energy and get back to work with verve and vitality which will bring encouraging results. You will feel delighted to see the things moving in the expected direction, stay with cool and patient mind else in overconfidence you may harm yourself. Glory will be added to life. Between 25th and 27th you will be blessed with a very favorable phase. In profession you may achieve some substantial gain, businessmen will make good profit, and business expansion plans could be undertaken whereas the employees will work efficiently, salary appraisals or promotion chances will be brighter. Inflow of money shall be thick and fast which will give you a sound financial footing. You will develop a positive and constructive approach to see the world, confidence will be upbeat and relations with family members will be warmer. With the support of friends you may score high in career. Between 28th and 29th take proper care of your health since some seasonal ailments are likely to surface. Due to adverse effect of planetary conjugation some valuable thing could be misplaced, lost or theft. Be alert of your belongings. On 30th you may buy new things for house hold purpose and also to raise living standard.

You may come across some unpleasant news, loss in business is suspected; rivals will be highly aggressive you could be trapped in their conspiracy whereas the colleagues will be cooperative. Property issues shall be resolved amicably with the intermediation of any influential fellow. Financially you will remain hard pressed, the condition will improve in the last quarter but you may caught by some seasonal ailment during the period. You may lose something precious.

The month is very dynamic; you will experiences different phases of life within very short span of time. You will get some unpleasant news in the starting of the month; financial loss is also suspected in the first quarter. Time is not favoring you hence stay aloof of joining any new venture otherwise the results will be embarrassing. You mood could be disturbed due to the arrival of any unwanted fellow at home. To get proper returns you are suggested to maintain focus on to your existing profession, your hard work will bring fair results, although you will have to put considerably hard efforts to achieve your aspiration. Financial condition will improve which will directly affect your mental status. You would be mentally strong and confident. Family atmosphere will also become good and amicable. From the health point of view you will have to be cautious the entire month since you could be caught by seasonal ailments frequently. By the end of this quarter the employees may get chance of being promoted whereas the businessmen will perform better and enjoy good earnings. During the second quarter relations with coworkers and superiors will become closer; your hard work shall be considered and you will get due remuneration on time. Financial condition will improve. You will be engrossed in social and communal welfare activities. Few days after you will be trapped in the conspiracies of rivals and you will be blamed for all mishaps because the rivals will be very aggressive during the phase but the colleagues will be cooperative and considerate so it may not harm you much. You will waste most of the time in worthless pursuits. Property disputes shall be resolved with the intermediation of any influential fellow. From the family end you will get full support even in the most adverse circumstances, you will devote good time with family members and perform domestic responsibilities timely and happily. Although in the professional front there shall not be any remarkable achievement but you will be satisfied with your efforts. Religious feeling will be waving. By the end of third quarter your honor and reputation will swell. However the last quarter is the most promising; you will make good money, glory will be at its peak. Your attitude will be quite positive to view the world. You would be attractive by every beautiful thing; may buy comfortable things for home. Friends and relatives will assist you in enhancing the pace of growth. But by the end of the month you will experience professional hurdles and any precious thing may get lost.


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