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Lapses and loss are suspected. You shall have to invest in vehicle maintenance and rivals shall be defeated. Family atmosphere will fluctuate but there shall be good understanding with the life partner and you will enjoy of bliss of marriage. Take precautions while dealing with strangers in money matters else you could be duped. Financial condition will be consolidated. Its good time for the love birds whereas the unmarried may get a suitable match.

First two days are very lucky and favorable related to money matters, you may earn very huge money with the effect of ‘Mahalakshmi Yoga’. Through scheme or speculation you may make money so plan this period accordingly whereas most of the valuable time will go in introspection. During the period any of the coveted projects might be implemented but the hurdles will come from the next day, even the running projects will be held up at the final line. Your all efforts to make good money shall bring no or minute results. You may ask someone close to help in this juncture but he will not be able to help you in any ways. You would get only the moral support. Financial condition shall be fluctuating but there shall be good relations with family, friends and relatives. Despite of the hurdles you will maintain focus towards the assigned task whose return you will get in near future. You will devote considerable time in reading inspirational literature to enhance your working skills. After analyzing the situation you may bring some remarkable change in working pattern to ensure profit in business. Take monetary decisions wisely and avoid over reliance on others otherwise it could be harmful and you may suffer monetary loss. Minor lapses are also witness during the second quarter. Lapses and loss could be repeated during third and fourth quarter as well if not taken monetary decisions wisely. You will be filled with emotions hence may take decisions in emotion, that could also be a matter of lapse. Use head instead of heart in professional operations. By the end of second quarter you will get hilarious news of winning any conquest. This will spread happiness in the entire family. During the third quarter you will help some needy fellow; in profession you will take some bold decision that will give you a solid financial footing leaving the enemies far behind. You will be simple, kind, humble and liberal by attitude hence could be duped easily by strangers. Think analytically before taking any action. By the end of third quarter vehicle will need money for maintenance. The last quarter is the most suitable for the love birds, sharing of gifts shall be prevalent and there shall be good rapport between the couple. Those who are unmarried and waiting for suitable match; their search may meet to an end whereas the married will enjoy the bliss of marital life. There shall be good relations with friends, relatives and neighbors. You may again fall in introspection phase during the period you will prefer to do the things methodically.


Capricorn February 1st – 7th:
You will be blessed with ‘Mahalakshmi Yoga’ between 1st and 2nd which ensures good money. You would be engrossed in professional responsibilities, work pressure would be high but family would be on high priority hence devote considerable time to family and kids. At times you may go in self introspection phase and find out your real aim. Businessmen would be able to implement new technologies, plans, ventures to enhance profit margin substantially; however you may face financial disturbance between 3rd and 4th. In profession ongoing projects would be held up at the last stage whereas no new project could be initiated. You will have to apply more efforts to achieve smaller targets. Financial fluctuation will be prevalent. Between 5th and 6th you would be very emotional, personal relations would be warmer but you would be slightly diverted from professional responsibilities which will hamper career growth. Almost all works would remain in pending state; influx of guest may be high. On 7th you may come to hear any good news from the close relative or friends. This would be the better phase for the students they will remain focused and dedicated to the subject of their interest. You may acquire professional knowledge or skills through inspirational and knowledgeable literature.

Capricorn February 8th – 15th
You may bring necessary changes in working pattern to enhance work efficiency on 8th. You would be itching to learn something new or new technology for the same you may join any course or indulge in self studies but family life would not be healthy. Differences may crop in personal or marital relations. Between 9th and 10th you will respect the opinion of family members and seek their suggesting before taking any important decision. In property issues you may discuss with the family members and act according to the collective decision. Honor and reputation will increase. You would be very rich in physical health during the period. However you may face financial loss between 11th and 13th. In profession you may commit some folly leading to severe consequences. Minor lapse are also indicated, you will have to be alert and cautious to avoid such circumstances. Use head instead of heart in taking major decision. Between 14th and 15th you would prefer to invest considerable time in knowledge enhancement through interacting people and reading knowledgeable literature. Success is indicated in any competition or context; you will hear concerned news through sources. In professional field you will get only the mixed returns.

Capricorn February 16th – 23rd
Between 16th and 18th rivals and opponents would be very aggressive and they will leave no chance to trap you in their conspiracies but they will not be successful in their attempts in distracting your interest, rather you may overwhelm them. However on the contrary you would be very humble, kind, submissive and ready to help the needy fellows. This attribute will raise honor and reputation widely. You will enjoy a comfortable, peaceful and prosperous life between 19th and 20th. In both the fronts you would be performing very well. In profession you could dare to take bold decision whereas in domestic life you will set priorities and work accordingly. During the period you will establish a wonderful equilibrium between both the pans. Financially you will be on strong footing, but even through you are suggested to be cautious and alert in monetary issues else the situation may go against. Between 21st and 23rd take precautions while dealing with less known fellow or stranger else you could be duped. Mechanical and electrical appliances may go caput hence give proper attention to keep them in working condition. Vehicle maintenance or servicing may incur heavy over your pocket.

Capricorn February 24th – 28th
You are blessed with a positive time period between 24th and 25th. You would be successful in all your endeavors; career will experience an upward swing, you would be happy to see the things moving in the right direction. The tide is favorable for the love birds, there would be astounding understanding between lover and beloved, exchange of gifts would be frequent and the relations may develop warmth. Friends and neighbors will come closer. Between 26th and 27th you will have a general day with no major changes; you will accomplish routine chores on time and get to work usually. You may fall in self introspection phase to search the ultimate of life, in profession you would prefer to do work methodically and convince others to work accordingly. By the month end you will find the solution to some big and long coming problem, you would be quite satisfied and happy. The matrimony prospects of nubile may gather momentum. At this juncture of time financially you would be strong enough to face any challenge.


The day is all yours. You would be inspired and motivated to do something potential, energy level would be high and achievements would be in proportion to efforts. Financial condition may improve. You may come in contact with some of your old friend and fall in nostalgia.Auspicious Number :... Read More

The year 2024 would bring a new definition to the Capricorn natives. 2024 will be a special year as Saturn is placed in your sign. According to the Capricorn astrology, you are expected to get the outcome results of your work front. If you talk about the career, you may have put lots of effort into getting what you want. This year will be productive for your efforts. You are going to have a prosperous 2024.  According to the financial point of view, it will be a moderate year. As per the astrology forecast year, 2024 will bring you... Read More


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