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In the first half you would prefer to lead a simple and happy life instead of participating in blind race of success and may meet some influential fellow who will enlighten you and drain off your all confusions of life. During the second half you will give much preference to your outfits and personality. You might be honored as a chief guest; may plan a sightseeing short journey or picnic with family.

The beginning of the month will be fine when you will appear as a victor, all your government related matters shall be settled in your favor. Differences with spouse shall be amicably resolved and family atmosphere will come comfortable. During the phase you will be quite in comfortable mode; where family will be your first priority hence you may show some procrastination and lethargy at work. You may fall in introspection phase and separate yourself from the mad race of economy. You will prefer to lead a simple and happy life instead of gathering worldly comforts. In the profession front you will do work sincerely and calmly that would be relatively beneficial for future growth. You may invite unexpected problem due to your harsh words, you are suggested to stay away from worthless arguments and debates. During the second week you will witness various challenges related to your profession, the rivals also try to over whelm and demoralize. Despite of hurdles you will inch towards progress since mentally you are sound. You will take decisions wisely and with cool mind that will prove very profitable for future. You may meet some very influential fellow who will guide you the real way of life and with his impact all your confusions shall be washed away and your vision will become much clearer. This will also increase your work efficiency, and shall remain focused towards the assigned tasks. You will complete all the assigned tasks on time with high precision. Your seniors will praise your efficient work. This will encourage you and you will work with more energy and gusto. In the second half you will come across with some bitter facts; this will lead in developing an unknown fear in your mind all the time. This will be the phase when you will give more importance to your physical fitness and outfits. You may join any physical fitness program and may buy some new garments for yourself. During the phase you may get some extra and unexpected income. This shall be a comfortable time and you will enjoy in parties. You may associate with any new venture. Last few days shall be challenging when your most of the projects would be kept on hold, but money inflow will be thick. You might be honored as a chief guest at any important occasion. This shall be the party time and you will enjoy happy moments with family at any journey or in the picnic. Your reputation and popularity will increase, all these things will reflect in your personal life as well; family atmosphere will be quite contented.

Cancer Weekly Forecast Report

Cancer  March 1st – 7th
Government related issues will go in favor on 1st and you will be successful in all your endeavors whereas in the domestic life misunderstanding and differences with the sibling will be dissolved leading to cordial relation with family members. You will have full control over the situation between 2nd and 3rd and you will prefer to live life in your own way. During the phase you may fall in self introspection phase and come on a satisfactory conclusion. Mentally you will be balanced and patient hence you may take time in coming on conclusion but when it will be decided you will follow it religiously this will ensure success in long run. You will be highly dedicated and focused in discharging professional obligations. You will lead a simple life and the approach would be humble. Between 4th and 6th you may crack some hefty deal which will enhance your financial condition. The businessmen will make good profits and contractors will gain new contracts. During the phase you may enter in any new venture. However the tide will be bit unfavorable on 7th causing worries unexpectedly in every sphere of life. Keep yourself aloof of worthless arguments and debates else you may lose temper and the situation may go against.

Cancer March 8th – 15th
You will have to be alert and cautious on 8th since the tide is unfavorable, the rivals would be very aggressive and they will leave no stone unturned to harm your interest, they will try to empower you and you will feel suppressed. You will not be able to maintain required professional focus and dedication as a result professional chores will be held up and procrastinated. But between 9th and 10th you will have a favorable time, during the phase you will take some bold decision which will be very suitable for you and profit yielding in long run. You will come in contact with some influential fellow and due to his impact you will work with much gusto and precision. Mentally you will be balanced and may focus on the basic requirement of the time; this will vain off most of the worries. Your vision will be clear. Between 11th and 12th monetary obligation will be duly accomplished giving you much mental relief whereas in the domestic life you will be sincere and considerate. Pending jobs will be duly completed within the stipulated time frame. Between 13th and 15th your highly efficient work would be appreciated by the senior; honor, reputation and moral will be boosted.

Cancer March 16th – 23rd
Week starting would not be favorable. Between 16th and 17th you will have to face a challenging time, some harsh facts would be exposed and you would have some bitter experiences. You will remain terrified with some unknown fear and mentally you will be listless and confused. Opponents and rivals would be very violent more than ever; they may hatch conspiracy to trap you. Eventually they would be successful in damaging your interest. There could be intervention of any outsider in your personal life but you will fail to stop him. However between 18th and 20th you will have favorable time, the things will start turning in favor and again you will grab control over your life and actions. During the period you will be highly interested in enhancing your personality; so as to attain the objective you will give much time to physical exercise and practicing hobbies. Unexpected money is suspected to arrive between 21st and 23rd. financial condition will improve. You will be very active in social activities; may participate in some auspicious occasion or social gathering, you may start new project or venture during the same phase. In the starting of venture you will get only the favorable results. Interest towards religion and spiritualism shall be high hence devote considerable time in offering prayers.

Cancer March 24th – 31st
You will be blessed with an auspicious day on 24th you will get only the favorable news from every corner.  You will be success in all your endeavors, in profession you will be highly focused and dedicated as a result assigned tasks would be accomplished within the stipulated time. But between 25th and 27th you will have to face a challenging time. During the phase you will experience the plethora of hurdles in every facet of life. Ongoing projects will be held up in the mid way whereas no new project or venture could be introduced. Although work pressure would be high but you would not be able to complete the pendency but you would be on sound financial footing. Differences and misunderstanding with the spouse will be dissolved and the relations will experience warmth. However between 28th and 29th you will develop required professional focus and dedication, work efficiency will increase and your hard work would be appreciated with proper remuneration. Honor and reputation will enhance broadly and may attend some auspicious occasion. Any sightseeing or picnic trip might be undertaken during the same period. Between 30th and 31st honor and reputation will be boosted and you will be successful in increase your income substantially.


You would be dedicated and focused in profession, work efficiency will be high, your hard work would be appreciated, pending tasks would be completed within the stipulated time. Financial matters would be resolved. Mentally and physically you would be strong and confident.Auspicious Number : 2,... Read More

Here’s an in-depth overview of the Cancer (Karka) horoscope for 2025, focusing on key areas such as career, love, health, and personal growth. Cancer Horoscope Overview for 2025 1. Career and Profession Steady Progress: In 2025, Cancer natives will experience steady progress in their careers. You may not see immediate leaps forward, but consistency and dedication will pay off in the long run. New Opportunities: The year brings new opportunities for growth, particularly in the second half of the year. If you’ve been... Read More


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