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The opening of the month will bring some negative phase in your life. You may face some loss which will be more than your earnings. This will shake you deeply. You will feel abandoned and restless but the coming phase will be quite busy. You will remain busy business meetings, seminars, conference, interviews and parties. You may have to go out for business purpose where you will perform well and your talent will be acknowledged; they you may take out some time for sightseeing purpose and feel delighted. This is the comfortable phase of the month when you will feel quite peace and comfortable because your talent will be admired and rewarded with monetary benefit as well. You may invest money in some project which is high yielding. This phase will remain continue till the starting of next week and slow down till the end. You will not have to do anything worthwhile which will make you feel lethargy and distress. There may be some loss of money and you may have to support someone without your personal interest. Students and employees will not perform well due to laziness and they might be instructed to do better by their superiors. You will help your colleagues and friends in performing better although your will come back to the right track and again start to do normal. In the mid of the month you will earn good profit which will reflect in your personality hence the family atmosphere will become good. New professional relations may develop. Again this phase will continue for a short while and you will generate any surplus source of income. This is a pleasant period when your will mentally and economically balanced. You will get support from family; there might be any good news from progeny’s end which will delight you much. The second half of the month is quite hectic because the deteriorating health of any senior family member may cause some worries. You may come across with some selfish offers from your old contact; you are suggested to analyze them properly before going ahead. You may be invited to some auspicious occasion from your close ones. This is a good time for youth because during the phase they will be full of enthusiasm and as a result they will perform astoundingly in their work field. By the end of the third week you may be honored for your some good work and achievement. Your prestige and social reputation will increase which will develop solid confidence in you and you will be flying in colors. You may become some experimental and try to innovate new techniques to improve your work skills. Your rivals will also admire your outstanding skills. Your savings will be big. The bond with the siblings will be worm but by the end of month you will have to keep a check on your temper because there may have some worthless quarrels with your spouse. During the time you will have to control your ego and straight language.


Aries February 1st – 7th
You will have to be cautious since between 1st and 2nd you may suffer financial loss, take business and other important decisions carefully and analytically. There would be more expenses in comparison to earning in professional field so as to professional things go on. Mentally you will be restless; whereas between 3rd and 4th you will have a better time. During the time you will remain engrossed in attending business meetings, parties and conferences. You may undertake trips in connection to profession there you will work and enjoy simultaneously. Your energy level would be very high and you will perform professional work more efficiently. Your confidence would be very high between 5th and 6th, family atmosphere shall be very good, mentally you would be in peaceful and contented status, your talent would be recognized and it would be duly rewarded with proper remuneration. Inflow of money shall be thick and fast overall financial condition will be consolidated. On 7th you may advance in some investment project which will be very gainful in due course of time. The professional and business class may start some new venture or launch new projects; however you will be satisfied with your achievement and efforts.

Aries February 8th – 15th
Starting day of the week would be an auspicious day. You will be filled with confidence and energy, in working area you will feel yourself as a powerful person. You will be delighted to see the things moving in the right direction. However during 9th to 11th you would have bit harder time, you will lose professional focus and dedication, due to lethargy and procrastination ongoing project will be held up, no substantial gain is suspected whereas financial loss in indicated in professional area. During the phase you may have to support someone totally against your will, this will make you disappointed and embarrassed. The students will waste most of their time in worthless pursuits and the service class will have to work hard to escape from the unfavorable behavior from their superiors or boss. A minor carelessness may lead to troublesome condition. Between 12th and 13th the situation will be in control. You will be successful in inducing warmth in personal and family relations. You would be quite supportive to friends, coworkers and subordinate, may help someone at work place. However financial condition will improve between 14th and 15th, businessmen and professional will earn good profit, they may implement some new technology to enhance profit margin substantially. From the health point of view you will be rich.

Aries February 16th – 23rd
You are blessed with the favorable time between 16th and 18th. You would be successful in all your endeavors. You would be successful in generating more than one source of earning. May get some money from any of the sources, family atmosphere will be quite congenial, however from the progeny end you may hear some good news, spouse will be supportive. In professional life you may join some new venture or may start some new project with fresh associates. 19th and 20th will be quite trying phase, hurdles will come from every direction and you will not be able to maintain dedication over professional areas. The deteriorating health of any senior family member will divert your attention and you may have to incur heavy on medication. To expect any support from any of the closed or old friends would be of no use because no one will come in front. You will have to face the situation alone only. You will have to spend only on the necessities so as to maintain things going on else may fall in economic crunch. You would be very sensitive. But the things will be better between 21st and 23rd. You will perform daily chores properly family will be supportive, in profession held up project may develop momentum. You may come across with some good news from the close relative or friends, may attend some auspicious function.

Aries February 24th – 28th
You have a wonderful time between 24th and 25th, work efficiency will improve hence your hard work would be appreciated widely. You may achieve something substantial during the phase it will be highly appreciated and admired by everyone including your rivals. Overnight you will become hero of all. You may bring some new change in working pattern in order to enhance gain. You will be successful in every endeavor, may advance in some investment prospect which will prove very beneficial in due course of time. You will be happy to see the things moving in the expected direction. Honor and reputation will increase considerably. Between 26th and 27th you will receive gain in every pursuit irrespective of the nature of work. Success is sure in all your endeavors. Those in the service will perform better, they will be closed to their superiors, hard and efficient work will be appreciated with salary appraisal or promotion. Rapport with friends, relatives, coworkers and family will be warmer. From the family front you will get proper support. However the last day of the month shall go in despondency. You may fall in some arguments resulting in minor tiff that will shatter your mental balance.


Today you may take some bold decision in profession to enhance profit margin, due to high work efficiency pending works will be accomplished with high speed, may hold a strong position in office, your supremacy may establish both in domestic and professional fronts.Auspicious Number :  9,... Read More

Aries is the fire sign, which indicates the natives of this zodiac always ready to face challenges in life. The horoscope chart 2024 predicts fortune for Aries natives on many occasions. But you will go through several ups and downs to enjoy happiness. Always step up to achieve your dreams. Don't neglect your mind and body this year. This year is not a sound period in terms of your health. The movement of Rahu and Ketu can create stomach related issues. Thus, take care of your diet. Besides, you can also suffer from fatigue, tiredness,... Read More


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