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You may conduct some business trips that will be fruitful in near future. Health will improve but financially you will get setback. Misunderstanding may crop with the relatives especially daughter or son in law. Although there shall not be any major achievement in profession front but you will remain busy in performing different professional tasks. You may come across with some unpleasant news. 

Opening of the month shall be very good, you will get handsome money, but due to mounting expenses it will be neutralized before coming in hand. This will relax you up to some extent. You will be highly interested in Meditation, Yoga and religious activities hence devote considerable time in offering prayers and reading religious literature; may visit shrine to seek the blessing of your deity. You may undertake frequent business trips that will bring good results in near future. You will be very focused and dedicated in profession hence accomplish the assign tasks timely and efficiently. Your superiors will be highly pleased with you. However from the relations you may get some worries, misunderstanding may crop with daughter or son in law, although it shall be for a shorter time but till the time the situation will be tensed. For the students it’s a good time, they will remain focused and may get the expected results if they keep themselves away from the worldly distractions. During the second quarter you will still remain busy in discharging professional responsibilities hence it will be hard to establish balance between professional and domestic duties. This may develop some eradicate family peace up to some extent. You may introduce new technologies for optimizing profit percentage, you may indulge in any new venture or new project might be launched. Your hard work will bring the desired results and you will get success in whatever you do. During the phase you will be filled with upbeat confidence and energy which will be reflected through your body language. Health will also improve this time. By the end of second half some due money could be held and you may come across with some unpleasant news from the closed ones. During the third quarter you will work with more energy so as to achieve the target, in this expedition you may change your daily schedule to yield more productivity. This will surely give strength to your financial condition and you may get something precious as a token of reward or your hard and efficient work. You will study enlightening and inspirational literature to enhance skills and professional know how. Held up projects will get momentum while the new projects may get started. During the last quarter financially you will not be comfortable since some monetary loss is feared. Rivals will be very active during the time and they will no chance to overwhelm you. More or less you will manage the situation; eventually the situation will come under your control through your efficiency and talent. Some future plans might be implemented. At this juncture you will be free from most of the worries. You will get some lucrative earning opportunities.

Aquarius Weekly Forecast Report

Aquarius March 1st – 7th
Planetary conjugation of Moon, Mars and Venus is casting a favorable sing on economic development. On 7th you will get the money for sure but due to mounting expenses it would be neutralized earlier. In profession you will get success whereas family atmosphere would be very conductive. You would be highly drawn towards spiritualism, Yoga and meditation which will definitely improve your mental and physical health. Between 2nd and 3rd you will have to undertake some business trips which will yield positive results in coming days. At this juncture of time you will strike a perfect balance between professional and domestic obligations. In profession you will be highly dedicated and focused as a result superiors would be very considerate and convinced. However some family issues may surface between 4th and 6th. Differences and misunderstanding may crop with son or daughter in laws end, and that will take a little long time to dissolve. The situation may caste a minor impact on your professional field but you will not let others know about the prevailing family situation. You may undergo with financial crunch. 7th would be the best time for the students, they will be focused and dedicated to the subject of their interest without being distracted from the worldly attractions. You may inch towards progress.

Aquarius March 8th – 15th
You will remain engrossed in welcoming guest and offering your hospitality on 8th. You will invest quality time with family and closed ones. Ongoing misunderstanding may dissolve with the relatives during the same period. You would be successful in inducing warmth in familial relationships. Between 9th and 10th you would be much busy in professional duties, you may introduce new methodology in profession to ensue enhance profit margin. Due to the implementation of new working method you would be very busy and find no time for any other work including your personal one. You will lead the expedition from the front and may get expected results. Between 11th and 12th you will prefer to do work systematically and encourage your subordinates to do the same. Mentally and physically you would be strong enough to face any crest and trough. You would be happy to see the things moving in the expected direction. You would be successful in all your endeavors. You would be confident and contented. However between 13th and 15th you may experience some setback in professional front. Due money could be held up unexpectedly with no valid reason. Sudden hurdles will hamper ongoing professional works. During the same phase you may come across with some unpleasant news form the close relative or friends. You will have to be cautious since some miss happening may occur.

Aquarius March 16th – 23rd
Between 16th and 17th you will develop a practical approach. Seeing the reality of the applicability of things you will work patiently and sincerely. Due to the impact of Mars you would be hard worker and bear a never give up spirit. Through this approach you may attain success, may get something valuable in the form or reward or appreciation which will delight you. In spare time you will prefer to enhance knowledge and professional skills through knowledgeable literature. Between 18th and 20th you will make necessary changes in working pattern, these alternations will prove fruitful and helpful in accomplishing tasks within the stipulated time. You would be happy to see the things moving in the right direction. Despite of work pressure you will manage the domestic responsibilities very efficiently. Honor and reputation will experience an upward swing. Family atmosphere would be conductive and the members would be considerate. Between 21st and 22nd you will get success in all your endeavors. Your hard work will bring desired results. Financially you would be on the strong footing. Inflow of money shall be thick and fast. Pending works would be completed and held up projects may gather momentum. However the time never remains same, on 23rd you will experience series of obstacles in every sphere of life. This may disappoint you deeply.

Aquarius March 24th – 31st
You will have to be cautious and alert since the time is unfavorable on 24th. In profession financial loss is foreseen, don’t trust on stranger on monetary issues and take the decision analytically. Rivals and opponents would be strong enough to overwhelm you. You may come across with some unpleasant news from the close relative or friends. Between 25th and 27th you will some betterment in the situation. In profession you may achieve target through your tact and prudence. You will exhibit outstanding skills in profession and it would be appreciated by the seniors. At this juncture you will strike a perfect balance between professional and domestic obligations. Between 28th and 29th some long old worry may come to an end. You would be happy to see the things moving in the right direction. You may design future plans, some of them could be executed as well. Family would be quite supportive and marital life would be blissful. Between 30th and 31st you may come across with new vistas of opportunity through which career progress pace can be speedup. At times you could be confused but come on the right track after proper analysis. The month will end with a happy note.


Service class will be closer to their boss which may pave a strong path to promotion. Businessmen may make good profit but you may remain occupied due to progeny issue. Something new could be purchased for household use. Life would be easy and smooth.Auspicious Number : 8, Auspicious Color : Blue... Read More

Aquarius natives will have a lot of ups and downs in 2024. The year will be exceptional for students, and they can achieve their academic goals by putting in the hard work. Friendships can be a significant distraction. Hence, it is essential to stay calm and take focused efforts towards your goals. The year will also be useful for traders and will bring a lot of success and travel opportunities. Business trips may come up and will prove to be favorable. For working people, the year will have a good beginning. However, the mid-year will be a... Read More


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