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Job seeker may get better job opportunities. Good time for the unmarried; may get suitable match. Overconfidence in business might be harmful, monetary loss is indicated. Frequent journeys will be undertaken. Division of family property will be settled amicably. Seasonal ailments may surface along with digestive problems. Positive attitude will explore vistas of success, financial condition will be consolidated. Family will be your first priority. Delay in legal cases is expected.

The month is very dynamic, favorable time is filled with tough time scattered evenly throughout the month. You will be relaxing mood in the starting; family will be your first priority throughout the month. Despite of worldly challenges and busy schedule you will scratch out the time for family and kids. You will spend time in discharging domestic responsibilities. During the first quarter you will wear, eat and drink of your liking only, but be cautious about food and drinks else it will be harmful for your health. Along with seasonal ailment stomach disorders may surface. The month is good for the job seeker, they may get better job opportunities whereas the unmarried fellows who are waiting for marriage may get suitable match. Aquarians will be bear positive attitude which will be reflected in their work where it is professional or domestic. The house ladies will show their expertise in cooking while the professional will attain the heights of success. Financial condition will improve. You may finalize any big deal whereas the employees might be entrusted with important responsibilities. In profession you may introduce new methodology to maximize profit, business will be expanded; new projects might be launched during the same phase. In shopping you could be cheated. The second quarter will begin will an unwanted news from the closed one. Professional decisions should be taken analytically financial loss is indicated because of silly carelessness. You will have to conduct frequent business trips. You will be highly diverted to religion hence may devote considerable time in offering prayers and seeking blessings. Bonding with the family members will enhances. Business expansion plans might be executed, but you may fall in emotions at periodically. Financial condition will improve. During the second half stay aloof from the worthless pursuits since some tiff on trifle issue with coworkers or partners is suspected which will pollute the work atmosphere. Avoid taking and lending of money this time otherwise it will be hard to either repay or recover it. You will feel lethargy hence professional responsibilities shall be procrastinated; the same thing will happen with legal issues. By the end of this quarter you will hear some good news; family property issue will be settled amicably. Vehicle may go kaput in the next quarter and will cost heavy. Inflow of money will stop all of sudden. By the end of the month your reputation will experience an upward swing. Many fellows will come in your contact whose benefit will be taken in near future. The month will end with sound financial condition; health will also improve.

Aquarius August 2022 Weekly Forecast

Aquarius August 1st – 7th
Month start will be favorable as between 1st and 3rd you will enjoy good time with family and closed ones. Most of your endeavors will be family oriented only hence discharge domestic responsibilities happily. Job seekers may get better earning opportunities as per their qualification and interest. You will bear a positive and constructive approach to see the world. You may find time to practice your hobby; house ladies may learn new cuisines and enjoy relishing dishes. Family atmosphere will be very conductive. Between 4th and 5th financially you will be on strong footing. Businessmen may crack some big deal, new methods can be introduced to enhance profit margin substantially, supplementary sources of income may generate; those who are in service could be entrusted with more responsibilities which will provide earning opportunities as well. Between 6th and 7th take care of food and drinks since some stomach related issues like indigestion, diarrhea or stomach ache ailments may surface. Life will be happy and peaceful with lesser physical activities which may give birth to minor ailments. You will have to be cautious in sale purchase transaction else you could be cheated.

Aquarius August 8th – 15th
On 8th you may come across with some unpleasant news from the close relatives or friends. In professional front you will have to be cautious, take important monetary decisions carefully based on the practical applicability else you may suffer a loss. Between 9th and 10th you will remain engaged in conducting free journeys, although profession wise your schedule would be very busy but family would be the first priority and you will give ample time to family and kids. The unmarried may get better matrimony prospects. The time is good for the love borne relations; they will be closer to one another. You will be drawn towards religion and spiritualism. During the period you may explore new vistas of quick earning opportunities. Between 11th and 12th you will experience lot of ups and downs of life and get only mediocre results. You may try hard to bring the situation in control and the result will be right in proportion to the application of efforts. Between 13th and 15th business expansion plans could be undertaken which will give you satisfactory results. At this juncture you will strike a perfect balance between professional and personal lives. Financially you will be better off.

Aquarius August 16th – 23rd
Between 16th and 17th you will have a challenging phase. Clashes and confrontation will consume most of your time on minor issues. There would be tensed relations with friends, colleagues and relatives. Don’t lend money or incur loan else it would be hard to recover and repay the loan. In monetary transaction don’t rely on others else you could be cheated. Procrastination and lethargy will be prevalent, court cases will be postponed and tasks will be left unattended. Mentally you will be unstable and tensed without any valid reason. The tide will be favorable on 18th. You may undergo self introspection phase and realize the needs and priority of life. To adjust with the circumstances you may bring necessary changes. You will regain your composure and develop a positive attitude for life. Between 19th and 21st you may receive some good news from friends or close relative. Paternal property issues will be amicably solved with the intermediation of some senior family member. Things will move on in favorable direction. Between 22nd and 23rd you will gain health benefit with the assistance of spouse. Family atmosphere will be good and marital life would be sweet.

Aquarius August 24th – 31st
Between 24th and 25th you may get hurt emotionally by the rough attitude of closed ones. Vehicle may not work properly and you need to incur money on repair or servicing. During the same time some unpleasant news may arrive and you will feel uncomfortable. Mounting expenses will trap you in financial crisis situation. Between 26th and 28th there will be less professional engagement rather you will be highly active in domestic affairs. Ongoing matrimony prospect may develop momentum which will prevail happiness in family atmosphere. You will pass happy moments with family and kids. The time is favorable for the unmarried ones; they may expect hilarious news soon. You may meet some of the influential fellow and feel delighted. Between 29th and 30th you will be full of confidence and energy which will be reflected in professional field. Honor and reputation will experience an upward swing. You may establish new contacts which will prove quite beneficial in long run. You will be happy and satisfied with your achievements. On 31st you would be performing well and financial condition will improve. You will be happy to see the things moving in the expected direction.



The day is favorable, you will be dedicated to professional obligations, working pattern would be quite systematic. You will get proper returns of your endeavors. You would be contented and confident. Financial condition will improve, you will inch towards progress.Auspicious Number : 8, Auspicious... Read More

2025 promises to be a transformative year for Aquarius (Kumbh) natives. Ruled by Uranus and Saturn, Aquarius thrives on innovation, independence, and social connections. This year, you will experience shifts in your personal and professional life, offering opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and new beginnings. Here’s a detailed look at what 2025 holds for Aquarius in key areas like career, love, health, and personal development. 1. Career and Profession Innovation and Creativity: Aquarius is known for being... Read More


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