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Pt. Radhekrishna Shashtri - Astrology, Numerology, Vastu Expert

Pt. Radhekrishna Shashtri

About Pt. Radhekrishna Shashtri

He belongs to a respectable family of Shashtri from Banaras. Shashtri family was known for its outstanding contribution to Hindu religion and astronomy. He was highly inspired by his father and forefather who perform religious rituals on specific occasion for royal families and at temples. So he decided to carry on with the same profession. Being the only son he was motivated and guided by his father and forefather to carry on the family profession but he wanted to cover extra miles because merely performing religious rituals he may earn an honorable life style but not name and fame. To get higher education he went to Haridwar. After completing Acharya Degree from Haridwar in 1981, he engrossed himself in research work over Brihad Samhita and studied Ved, Puran, Vedanga.

He assisted many regional magazines and national news journals with his predictions, wrote more than twenty thousand articles dedicated to Vedic astrology ,  numerology, Fengu Shai and other related subjects which were published between 1987 – 2011. During the period he stayed at various places and made hundreds of disciples.  Although Banaras is his native place but he does not stays there throughout the year. He frequently visits different ashrams situated in different parts of India spreading the knowledge of astronomy because he says that the best way to serve knowledge is to spread it as much as you can.

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