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Drive vehicle carefully else you might met any road accident. Financial loss is suspected, neither give money nor take money during the second week else you would not be able to either recover it or repay off loan. From the progeny end you will get some worries. Businessmen might be trapped in any conspiracy whereas the employees might be rebuked by their boss for their inefficient work. By the end of month you may meet any VIP. You may purchase something for home.

Rival will be very active in the starting of the month they will leave no chance to overwhelm. Drive your vehicle safely otherwise any road accident may occur. From the government cases you will not get any relief, you may keep on following them. Family atmosphere shall be polluted because there may be tiff with the spouses whereas from the progeny end you will get maximum worries. You will try to impose your dreams on children that might bring them under depression. The students will not be able to maintain focus they might be misdirected whereas the job seekers may get better offers. However the service class will be in comfortable position they might be promoted or get some extra benefits. Professionals or businessmen will have good contacts with high officials which would give them benefit in the long run. In profession or business you will get the support from the most unexpected fellow. However in business you shall be very cautious, perform the job with sincerity and loyalty and rather avoid taking any risks. In money matters you will have to be self dependent because over reliance on subordinates or partners may incur loss, you never know who will change his loyalty. During the second week don’t give money or take money else it would be hard to get it back or repay off your loan. You may come to know about some unpleasant news form the close relative or friend. To develop harmonious atmosphere in the family you will devote much time, at this juncture family would be your first priority but you will get only the mixed results. During the second half you will earn good money better than ever before, you could materialize your aim by hook or crook. You will develop an impressive personality. During this period you will get the best results of your past deeds but the later part of second half would bring much challenges. Most of your professional work will remain unattended or incomplete stage whereas this is the most unfavorable time for employees. They might be scolded and warned by their boss for showing lethargy, blunder and inefficient work. They might be trapped in conspiracy by some internal fellow.  During the last week you may meet any VIP who will help you in future. You may purchase something for house. Somebody will try to tempt you which will be a distraction from your existing way; take decision patiently and analytically. Monetary loss is again seen at the end of the year.


Relations with family members may remain tensed, minor banter is suspected on silly issues. You will not take any significant action in professional end. However most of the day will go in day dreaming, you will not get proper returns of your endeavors. Mentally you will be tensed.Auspicious Number... Read More

Here’s an insightful overview of the Virgo (Kanya) horoscope for 2025, focusing on key areas like career, love, health, and personal development. Virgo Horoscope Overview for 2025 1. Career and Profession Strategic Growth: 2025 will be a year of steady and strategic career growth for Virgo natives. Your meticulous nature and attention to detail will serve you well as you tackle new challenges. Expect opportunities to refine your skills and take on leadership roles, particularly in areas requiring organization and analytical... Read More


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