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Property disputes will be settled with mutual understanding. Your hold in office affairs will increase. Legal case will come under your favor whereas in business some bold decision will enhance your profit margin substantially. In the second half any road accident is suspected, in profession you might be deceived. Financially you will keep on increasing however something unwanted may happen because of your own irresponsible attitude.

April is very favorable for Virgo natives in all respects. Financially your condition will keep on increasing and health will remain sound barring some seasonal infections. In the starting of month you will be in holiday mood but perform routine work in time. Enjoy most of the time with family and friends in merrymakings. Your social acceptance will increase. You may be some mean while cracking jokes with friends, your attitude may become irritating from others aspect although you would not have been willing to harm anyone deliberately. You will be highly diverted towards aesthetic senses including fine arts, music, dance and literature. You would prefer to devote time in gardening instead of wasting in worthless pursuits. In the starting of the second week something unwanted may happen with your close relation or friends. Although you would keep on attaining the heights of success but over reliance on money matters may be harmful. Very soon you will emerge as an influential personality hence you will hold better position in your office. You will do purchasing for your home and your selection shall be appreciated. You will be going through a positive phase of life where success will find to embrace you. You will get relaxed from the government related issues. By the end of first half you will take some bold business decision that will increase profit proportion substantially. Your attitude would be liberal this time which is not suitable. During the second half you career graph will go down slightly because of series of challenges but it will not be a longer phase; very soon you will get over the circumstances and again ride on the horse of victory. During the adverse phase your work will slow down, you will feel much lethargy and lax, during the same period some road accident is also not ruled out; hence take proper safety measures and follow traffic rules religiously. Any close one may deceive you hence beware of suspicious fellows. During the transition phase you will be in much work pressure, but you will not pull your steps back. Your hard work will bring the results and achievement will come in your part. Your intelligence and talent shall be admired widely. Your reputation will grow in all directions. Although during the last week there may be some fluctuation in your health but your achievements will take over them all. Your social circle will elaborate and you will feel financially safe and secured. Some unpleasant thing may happen because of your own irresponsible attitude. Your behavior might change, keep control over rage and tongue and avoid indulgence in worthless arguments. The employees shall be close to their superiors and might be appreciated with salary appraisals or promotions. Life will move comfortably and happily.

Virgo Weekly Forecast Report

Virgo April 1st – 7th
Between 1st and 2nd you invest considerable time in worthless pursuits. Although you will be in holiday mood but accomplish routine work before time. During the phase you may indulge in some bad company and addictions. Most of the time will go in merrymaking and exchanging jokes. Be alert as some of your practical joke on some friend might be fatal and you could be trapped in controversies. You will be highly diverted towards aesthetic senses like fine arts, music or literature. Between 3rd and 4th honor and reputation may increase. You would be highly drawn towards social welfare activities, you will perform social responsibilities very efficiently and sincerely as a result social acceptance will enhance. In the domestic life you will be very active, may discharge domestic obligations on time happily. You may participate in performing domestic works including gardening or cleaning works. Family atmosphere will be congenial and you will enjoy happy moments with family members. Property matters may be resolved amicably with the intermediation of some influential fellow. Between 5th and 6th some long held up money could be recovered that will boost up your financial stability. PR circle will grow. However on 7th some unpleasant news is suspected.

Virgo April 8th – 15th
Starting of the week shall be bit challenging as on 8th some unpleasant news are event is suspected to happen with close relative or friend whereas in monetary issues you will have to be cautious and vigilant else you could be cheated by someone close. But between 9th and 11th you will be relaxed by the influence of favorable tide. The things will start turning in the favorable direction. You may hold a strong position at office or work place. Seniors will be supportive and juniors will be obedient. You may purchase some new thing for home or office decore. You could be appreciated on this act. Between 12th and 13th you will be free from worldly tension as most of the worries will subside automatically and easily. Progeny matters will come to an end. From the legal cases you will get only the favorable results since most of them will go in favor. This will boost up your confidence and you will feel much stronger. However between 14th and 15th in order to enhance profit margin substantially in profession you may introduce some bold and strong decision that will bring only the expected results in near future. Your business acumen would be admired and appreciated. You would be very flexible and adjustable in every situation which would not be suitable for business management.

Virgo April 16th – 23rd
Between 16th and 18th you will get only the mixed results. On 16th financial gain is suspected but on the contrary you will have to face the challenges till 18th. During the phase you will witness frequent crest and troughs in every sphere of life. You will remain depressed and morose seeing the things moving in unexpected direction. Drive your vehicle cautiously and carefully, take proper safety measures to avoid any accident. In monetary issues and in other important affairs you will have to be self dependent, over reliance on anyone can be harmful since you could be duped by someone close. However the period between 19th and 21st is the suitable period for the students. They will remain focused and dedicated to the studies and the subject of their interest and may get the expected results too. Since work efficiency will be low hence you will not be able to accomplish professional works on time. Work pressure will be very high and you will find no time for own self. You will perform domestic and routine chores timely but not the professional works. However between 22nd and 23rd you will show your outstanding work performance through high quality work. Hard work will be appreciated and rewarded with proper remuneration. Honor and reputation will increase.

Virgo April 24th – 30th
Between 24th and 25th there may be remarkable achievements in your part despite of the fluctuating physical health condition. Take proper rest and take balanced diet to overcome health challenges else it may create trouble. You would be full of energy and confidence. You would be happy to see the things moving in the expected direction. You will advance toward career progress. Between 26th and 27th you will have to alert and cautious since your own carelessness or any wrong decision may bring fatal results leading to serious consequences. Some unpleasant event is suspected to happen because of irresponsible deeds. You will be frustrated and embarrassed. Keep temper and tongue in control, avoid indulgence in worthless pursuits and arguments else you may pick the quarrel quickly leading to tiff and altercation with somebody. Between 28th and 29th you will gain the support of any senior official who could materialize your end in near future. The servicemen could be promoted to the higher designation. However on 30th you may introduce some daring decision in profession. Honor and reputation will increase.


Relations with family members may remain tensed, minor banter is suspected on silly issues. You will not take any significant action in professional end. However most of the day will go in day dreaming, you will not get proper returns of your endeavors. Mentally you will be tensed.Auspicious Number... Read More

Here’s an insightful overview of the Virgo (Kanya) horoscope for 2025, focusing on key areas like career, love, health, and personal development. Virgo Horoscope Overview for 2025 1. Career and Profession Strategic Growth: 2025 will be a year of steady and strategic career growth for Virgo natives. Your meticulous nature and attention to detail will serve you well as you tackle new challenges. Expect opportunities to refine your skills and take on leadership roles, particularly in areas requiring organization and analytical... Read More


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