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Taurus September Weekly Prediction Report

Taurus September 1st – 7th
Month start will not be favorable. Between 1st and 2nd family atmosphere will be tensed and you will have to cope with the misbehavior of family members. Your cautious attitude will become a bone of content, take the things on practical grounds and act accordingly. Over analysis may divert you from the right track. Mentally you will be tensed and listless. Between 3rd and 4th you will spend liberally over luxuries and amusements. Landed property could be purchased during the same phase. You may develop an adamant attitude which will not be suitable for family atmosphere. Take the suggestions from other family members on important property like issue it will give you confidence and relations will induced with warmth. Involving others will help you coming on the right decision in finalizing the deal. Between 5th and 6th those who are seeking higher education will get better opportunity. Honor and reputation will experience an upward swing. Physical health will remain in sound condition. You will be very careful in taking important decisions. You will show professional acumen and discretion powers. On 7th you will have very good phase, you will be successful in all your endeavors irrespective of work nature or field. Financially you would be on strong footing.

Taurus September 8th – 15th
Between 8th and 9th you will have quite a conductive phase. Pending tasks would be completed on time; you will be successful in interviews, tests or contests. To celebrate your achievement you may go out for dinner. Rapport with colleagues, friends, relatives and family members would be congenial and all will be supportive. Life would be comfortable and peaceful. However the tide will take an adverse turn between 10th and 11th; family atmosphere will be tensed due to banter between kids and neighbors will spoil mental peace. Be cautious some valuable thing could be misplaced or theft. In profession no achievement is indicated despite of your hard efforts. There would be improvement in the condition between 12th and 13th. Most of the worries will come to an end. You will be happy to see the things moving in the right direction. In profession you will be dedicated as a result you will get encouraging results. Misunderstanding and differences between the family members would be dissolved with mutual understanding. Family atmosphere will become normal. Marital life would be blissful. Between 14th and 15th more or less the condition will remain same, although there would not be any significant achievement in professional part but you would be happy and satisfied.

Taurus September 16th – 23rd
Between 16th and 17th you will be engrossed in financial matters, may get some extra income. Financial condition will improve. In profession you will work with gusto and energy which will bring satisfactory results. You will be satisfied with your achievements. Mentally and physically you would be sufficient enough to handle any situation. The service men will be loyal and dedicated, may gain the support of their seniors. Honor and reputation will swell. Between 18th and 19th you will bear an adamant attitude which will distant you from others. Unnecessarily you may feel tensed and worried. Professional duties will appear burden for you and you will feel quite exhausted. Between 20th and 22nd you will regain your calm and pleasant composure. Professional and domestic obligations would be duly completed within the stipulated time. You will be very considerate and kind for family members and closed ones. To brighten your image you may participate in charity and selfless social welfare activities. You will be very active in domestic chores. Family atmosphere will be very good and the members will be cooperative. On 23rd you will be highly dedicated and focused to professional duties, work efficiency will be high and it would be rewarded with proper remuneration. Satisfactory results will delight you.

Taurus September 24th – 30th
On 24th you will give first priority to professional obligations since you would be full of energy and keen to earn good sum of money. Work efficiency will be high and you will not be afraid of doing hard work, you will get encouraging results of your endeavors, career progress pace will be boosted whereas in personal life you will establish cordial relations with closed ones. Between 25th and 27th you will prefer to do work quite systematically so as to give required attention to every individual task. Pending works would be completed, in profession new methodologies could be introduced to enhance profit margin. Physical health will remain in good condition but you may feel bit lethargy and exhausted. Due to unfavorable planetary conjugation between 28th and 29th you will have bit challenging time. Some untoward event may take place around you. You will have to be cautious and alert in every work, think on practical ground and then come on any conclusion else the decision may cost you heavy. Despite of hard work nothing would be achieved in professional front. Mentally you would be listless and tired of fighting with the situation. However on 30th you will get relaxed; due to favorable time held up projects will be revived and pending tasks would be accomplished. You would be happy to see the things moving in the right direction.

You will remain restless without any clear reason. There may be quarrel with neighbors or among the kids and you may lose something precious. Students will perform better in exams whereas you may go out with family for having meals. There will be considerable investment of books, property and jewellery. By the end of the month you may come across with any unwanted happening.

The month is quite fluctuating become one day will be favorable while the next may be troublesome. The entire month you shall have to fight with yourself in normalizing your mental status although from the economic front you may not face any big challenge. From the family end there shall be some misunderstanding among the kids which will tense the atmosphere. You will try to fix the problem through your end and this will be the embarrassing situation. If you want to live and happy then you have to take the things as they are and don’t blame you for the cause. Stay away as much possible otherwise nothing will come else mental tension, even your interference will not make the difference while there will not any disaster without your interference. So this is astrological and psychological suggestions to develop of habit of accepting the things if you want to progress. First half and later part of month will give you much mental tension. During the phase you will remain restless without any justified problem where as in the second week there may be friction with the neighbors or among the spouse. In the first week you may have to cope with the anger of any senior family member. You will shortly lose control over your language and the situation will become worse. From the professional point of view in the second week you will feel lethargy and procrastinate your assigned job whereas in the third and fourth week you will focus on it and hence will be appreciated with due rewards. Despite of minor challenges you will perform well in your profession and inflow of money will also be good. In the third week only you will involve in some social work which will help in raising your reputation and as a result you will feel happy and satisfied. In the first week you will spend liberally on books, jewellery and property. In the second week you may plan to go out for dinner with family to relax family atmosphere. Between third and fourth week you will gain the support of family and reputation may hike. In the fourth week there shall be good relations with high officials, in the same week some unwanted news may arrive. Your health will remain fine although there may be some minor infections. By the end of week you will fill with confidence and energy because your held up projects may come into execution. This will give you the stamina to start a new journey in the next month. You should practice meditation to give strength to your mind. Most of your worries are nothing but mentally generated.


Today you may initiate to make any investment but don’t do the things in emotional vein because you will get better opportunities to enhance return. In profession you will inch towards success, new people will come in contact and you will have sympathy for the weak and down trodden.Auspicious... Read More

The Taurus people are bound to experience numerous ups and downs in the year 2024. Lord Saturn is going to impact your sign and provide you with opportunities. Working individuals shall be offered a couple of benefits, whatever their professions may be. On the other hand, the year shall meticulously test the business people. You shall face some problems at your workplace, but your success should skyrocket between April 2024 and September 2024. Moreover, Lord Saturn will make sure you do not fall short of money this year, which implies a year... Read More


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