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You should thank God for such a wonderful month of life. You will be in winning position in every respect throughout the month despite challenges. Family relation will be warm. In the second week you may meet any minor accident. You might be diverted to occult science including tantra mantra to settle your worries and may celebrate an auspicious occasion at home. Your some secret affair may be revealed.

In the starting of the month you will remain busy in studying and gaining knowledge for enhancing skills and work performance. This will give you lot of support in your profession or business affairs. The employees will perform much better than before hence remain close to their superior. Their dedicated effort shall be acknowledge and may be appreciated with salary appraisals or promotions. They may gain extra perks apart from their due remunerations; whereas professionals and business men will attain the height of success leaving behind their business competitors. They will be filled with extreme energy and positive attitude that will help them to appear as a winner in every aspect of life. Health will remain good even betterment could be seen. You shall bear a wonderful and charming personality. There shall be various achievements in your part. From the family front peace and harmony will prevail and members shall be cooperative. In over flame you may throw challenges before your professional rivals. There would be some deflection in the winning track and you may have to suffer from the hardships and economic challenges because of your spend thrift habits. You may be jealous to others. Very soon by the end of second week you will regain your previous powers and all your pending projects shall be completed. During the phase you may take initiative to start new ventures as well. Despite of mad race of success you will manage the time for relax and personal well being. You will be cool from mind and move ahead to help the needy fellow as well. However in the second half you will again come across many worries and financial crunch. There may be misunderstanding with spouse and any of your past secret affairs may be revealed and you may indulge in occult science like tantra mantra. Again by the end of month the time will change and your worries will drain out. This time you shall be quite analytical and shall manage everything methodically. You will fulfill your professional and domestic responsibilities successfully. You may plan to celebrate auspicious occasion at home. You may involve in some confidential deal with someone which would be troublesome and may incur loss. Some of your close one may become against due to some financial matter. In the later part of month you shall meet with people with zeal and enlarge your circle. You will spend quality time with your family any unexpected may also come by the end of month, this will create a happy ending of month. You will remain energetic and enjoy the bliss of life.

Taurus July 2022 Weekly forecast

Taurus July 1st – 7th
Between 1st and 2nd you would be highly focused and dedicated in professional chores, work efficiency will increase, and it would be appreciated with proper remuneration. You will be filled with energy and confidence. Honor and reputation will swell. From every corner you will hear only favorable news. Between 3rd and 4th you will be very creative and innovative in approach hence you will develop an attractive and charming personality. There would be many achievements in your part. Career progress would be fast and steady. Through hard and efficient work you may touch the heights of success, any of coveted wish would be fulfilled. You would feel contented to see the things moving in the expected direction. Family atmosphere would be congenial and warmth will be induced in familial relations. Marital life would be all sugar and honey. Progeny would be responsible and obedient. At this juncture you will strike a perfect balance between professional and familial life. You will discharge domestic responsibilities. Everyone would be pleased with your good work and conduct. Life style would be improved. Financially you would be on strong footing. In profession you may initiate new venture or project. Between 5th and 7th you may undertake some adventurous job, rivals and opponents would be far behind; however second half of 7th could be bit challenging because the favorable tide has taken turn.

Taurus July 8th – 15th
Between 8th and 9th you will pass through a difficult phase, due to mounting expenses monthly budget may disturb leading to a troublesome situation. Drive your vehicle safely; take proper safety measures since some road accident is not ruled out. In profession unexpected hurdles will hamper progress pace and you would be jealous of others success. Between 10th and 12th you will have a good time when you will be successful in all your endeavors irrespective of the nature of work. Pending tasks would be accomplished within stipulated time whereas held up projects may gather momentum. This would be the best time to undertake business expansion plans, you may introduce new technologies to enhance profit margin substantially. Between 13th and 14th the tide will remain same and you will keep on marching on the red carpet. You would be in holiday mood hence prefer to take a break and enjoy life utmost. Mentally you would be happy and satisfied to see the things moving in the expected direction. You may fall in self introspection phase to find the real aim of life. You would be drawn towards religion and spiritualism. On 15th you will accomplish daily chores on time and work on the priority basis. Monetary issues would be top on the priority list. Despite of the busy schedule you will take out the time for family and closed ones.

Taurus July 16th – 23rd
On 16th you will attain the heights of success. In profession you will be focused and dedicated and leave no stone unturned to achieve target. Work efficiency will be high. You will bear a philanthropic attitude hence may advance in charity or selfless welfare activities. Between 17th and 18th you would be trapped in plethora of worries due to the adverse effect of Moon on 12th. Ongoing projects would be held up at the final stage and no new projects could be initiated. You will have to apply more efforts to achieve little targets. Due to mounting expenses you may fall in economic crisis situation. Inflow of money would be negligible whereas outflow would be high. In profession financial loss is indicated. Some of your secret love affair could be reveled leading to misunderstanding and differences with life partner. Between 19th and 20th you will have a fair target that would be as per your capacity. You may undertake some secret deals during the same time. To materialize your end you may take the support of occult sciences. Some auspicious occasion can be celebrate at home. Between 21st and 23nd you will be satisfied and happy although there would not be any significant achievement in professional life. You will come in contact with new people, financial condition shall be consolidated.

Taurus July 24th – 31st
On 24th you would be profession centric, you will posses required professional focus and dedication as a result get desired results. Inflow of money shall be thick and you will discharge professional and domestic responsibilities quite happily. At this juncture you will prefer to do things systematically so that proper attention can be given to every individual task. Between 25th and 27th you will have to put a check over spend thriftiness so as to cope with the situation. Due to the adverse effect of planetary conjugation you will have to be cautious and prudent while finalizing important deals, minor carelessness may lead to financial loss. In past you may have any secret deal which will prove quite damaging hence better to spare yourself from such pursuits before the arrival of panic situation. Between 28th and 29th you will warmly meet people and try to materialize your end diplomatically and tactfully. You would be successful in your aim up to some extent. You will give considerable time to family. However between 30th and 31st unexpected wealth is suspected to come that will boost up your financial condition. You would be out of most of the worries. Confidence will be high and you would be highly contented.


You will waste most of the time in worthless pursuits and possess less focus over professional tasks. Honor and reputation may sully down, friends and closed one may not support. You may feel lax and lethargy. Vehicle may incur investment in maintenance. Think before you speak.Auspicious Number :... Read More

Here’s a detailed overview of the Taurus (Vrishabha) horoscope for 2025, covering key aspects like career, love, health, and personal growth. Taurus Horoscope Overview for 2025 1. Career and Profession Stability and Progress: 2025 brings steady progress in your career. Hard work and persistence will yield results, and you’ll find yourself gaining more recognition in your workplace. Opportunities for Advancement: You may encounter opportunities for promotions or new responsibilities. Keep an eye out for leadership... Read More


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