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Be analytical in money matters since some loss is suspected. Take safety measures while driving vehicle since an accident is not ruled out. Your talent and intelligence will be admired; in government related issues you will be successful. Keep control over temper, ego and langue otherwise you will be indulge in unwanted quarrel and altercation. Financial condition will fluctuate whereas this is the favorable time for love birds. You might be tempted by someone to do unethical things in profession or job, worship lord Ganesha to detach from greed.

Beginning of the month shall be good; mentally you will be in cool and confident state since you will be successful in generating quick income sources. If you are from private sector some upfront amount might be given. Although income shall be good but be analytical while investing in speculation projects like share or commodities. You will be filled will courage and confidence hence performance level would be high; your talent and intelligence shall be admired. The competitors shall be far apart. During the later portion of first quarter you will not be able to maintain focus; lethargy and lax will be prominent. Take monetary decisions wisely since monetary loss is suspected. Drive vehicle safely and take safety measures since any road accident is also not ruled out. You will have to keep control temper, ego and language else you will quickly pick the quarrel and the situation will become worse. During the second quarter some ongoing projects might be held up in the mid way, you will lack focus and dedication in profession or job. Students will be deflected from studies. During the phase you will spend most of the time with family and friends. Religious feelings may arise; may meet any of your old friends. In arrogance you may insult somebody. You will remain in contact with your friends and colleagues. By the end of this quarter your talent and intelligence shall be appreciated. In government cases you will be successful. During the third quarter monetary loss is suspected hence in money matters don’t rely on others and use head instead of heart. Decisions taken in emotion never bring fruitful results. Deteriorating health of any senior family member will be the matter of your concern. You may launch new project and may add luxuries to life. Family atmosphere will be congenial but you would have no time to spare. Financial condition will improve. During the fourth quarter; rivals will be aggressive; may suffer monetary loss again. If you are in service; anyone may try to tempt you to do unethical activities, you would be in confused state, better to worship lord Ganesha to detach from greed. Stay focused, dedicated and loyal towards works, it will give you better results in coming future. However you will remain in extreme work pressure, you may sing any new deal. By the end of the month financially you will be in crisis but from the health factor you will be rich.

Libra August 2022 Weekly Forecast

Libra August – 1st – 7th
Starting of the month shall be fair as between 1st and 2nd you will establish concrete sources of income. But investment in speculations prospects like share marker should be done after proper analysis. Those who are in private sector or working as freelancer may get payment in advance for their assignments. Mentally you will be in peaceful and stable state. If you want to rise in career and grow fast then you will have to be flexible in approach. Between 3rd and 5th you will be blessed with an auspicious phase, inflow of money shall be thick leading to strong financial footing. You will work with enthusiasm hence pending tasks would be completed with amazing speed and you will raise high in career. Mentally and physically you will be confident enough to pick out possibilities from odds. But the tide will not remain same as between 6th and 7th you will feel lethargy and procrastination will be prevalent. In profession you may take some wrong decision whose consequences may be severe and you may have to face financial loss. Drive vehicle carefully and take proper safety measures since the time is adverse any unwanted thing may happen. Stay aloof of worthless arguments and discussion else you may fall in tiff or quarrel with someone on minor issues. During the phase you will have to be patient enough to handle the situation. Mentally you will be tensed and listless.

Libra August 8th – 15th
On 8th you may come across with some unpleasant news from close relatives or friends. Due to adverse effect of planetary conjugation you will experience a plethora of ticklish problem in every sphere of life especially profession tasks will be hampered prominently. Ongoing work may be held back, students will not be able to maintain consistency in their studies; they could be distracted from their ultimate aim. Between 9th and 10th you would be in holiday mood hence devote complete time to family, friends and closed ones only. You will be highly drawn towards religion and spiritualism; may go to visit any holy place to offer prayers and seek the blessings of your deity. During the phase you may meet some of your old friends. Family atmosphere shall be congenial and members will be considerate for one another. Between 11th and 12th you may get relief from the government or legal issues as most of the verdict may go in favor. This may develop ego which will very harmful for your progress, someone may get hurt emotionally through your arrogant behavior and you may feel sorry later on. Between 13th and 15th you will be close to your relatives through personal contact or sources. In professional life you will attain the heights of success, personal relations would be warmer and marital life will be blissful.

Libra August 16th – 23rd
Between 16th and 17th Moon will in 8th house who may bring instability and confusion, due to this effect you may take some wrong decision which may bring severe consequences and you will be forced to repent it later on. Thing on the practical applicability and analyze pros and cons systematically before coming over any conclusion, use brain rather than heart to finalize the deal to escape from the challenging phase. Deteriorating health of any of the senior family member may cause worries, you will have to run around the hospital and incur money over medication. Between 18th and 19th you will work with much energy to bring the situation under control, but you will get only partial success. You may bring naval technology to enhance earning and settle with the market fluctuation. To make life easier, happy and smooth you may add luxuries and try to make atmosphere favorable. You will be close to coworkers and colleagues whereas personal relations will be induced with warmth. Between 20th and 21st you will be fully occupied in professional obligation so that it would be hard to find time for own self, but you will be very affectionate and considerate for family. Marital life would be sweet. Between 22nd and 23rd financially you will be on sound footing, since your past endeavors will bring satisfactory results.

Libra August 24th – 31st
Between 24th and 25th you will have to be very alert and cautious because businessmen may suffer financial loss and in service you could be tempted by someone to indulge in wrong ways, you will have to your discretion and professional acumen. Rivals and opponents will be very aggressive they may try to trap you in their conspiracies. During the period you will be drawn towards religion and spiritualism, may devote considerable time in offering prayers and practicing religious rituals. Between 26th and 28th you will have a conductive phase, some hefty deal may fall in your part which will boost up your confidence and financial status, you will work with much gusto hence efficiency will increase and due to high efficiency you will be able to cope with high work pressure. During the period you will get success in whatever work you undertake. But between 29th and 30th you will get only mixed results. Despite of hard work you will not get satisfactory results, expenses would be mounting and earnings will be less which may bring financial crisis. But from physical health you will be quite wealthy. On 31st you will come in contact with new fellows and make friends liberally. During the period you will be happy and enjoy good time with friends and close ones.



You would be blessed with a favorable phase, servicemen could be entrusted with more responsibilities whereas business prospects would be favorable. In both the conditions you will have more gain and powers. Family atmosphere shall be good, closed ones would be supportive and physically you will be... Read More

Here’s a detailed overview of the Libra (Tula) horoscope for 2025, touching upon key areas such as career, love, health, and personal growth. Libra Horoscope Overview for 2025 1. Career and Profession Balancing Work and Passion: 2025 brings new opportunities for Libra natives to strike a balance between their professional aspirations and personal fulfillment. Your natural sense of harmony will guide you to pursue work that aligns with your values, creativity, and desire for beauty and justice. Whether you're in a... Read More


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