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Any investment or loan given on the very first day will not be favorable, it might never come back. Some legal problems may irritate you and your health will deteriorate. Your effort to help others will go against him. Your contact with any VIP will prove profitable in near future. In the second half you may attend any bid religious function whereas financial condition will improve.

The month will begin with any inauspicious happening that will hurt you deeply. Investment or money lend on the first day will only bring depression because you could never recover it. This will be a disgusting phase when you may lose your temper. But the things will start improving from the next day. You will give more importance to your work instead of searching for problems. Your positive approach will soon get the resolution of almost all the worries. Financial condition will also improve. You may explore new ventures or finalize new profitable deal. Family and friends shall be supportive and you will enjoy their company. The employees shall be appreciated for their good work and their boss or superiors shall remain close to them. They may get benefit of this close relation in near future. Your reputation and honor will increase. The servicemen might be promoted and assigned with more responsibilities whereas the professionals and businessmen will perform better and may implement the plan for expansion. During the time you shall have to keep a check on your physical health. Take the legal issues sincerely otherwise you might be trapped. Later part of second half is vital; your honest efforts to help others may result in increasing his problems. There will be series of problems in your way but you will handle the situation with confidence and courage, very soon the problems will diminish and the situation will come under control. You will be mentally relaxed and may be able to focus on to your work dedicatedly. Ultimately your hard work will be rewarded with proper remuneration. Since you will be filled with enormous courage and confidence you may take some bold decision in professional field, which shall be very rewarding in near future. During the phase you may meet some VIP and establish cordial relation, which will also help you a lot. Again the later part of third week may be some troublesome when your enemies would be violent. It would be hard for you perform your professional work on time. Most of your running projects will be lag behind or may be stuck in the mid way. You are suggested to keep a check on your tongue and temper during the phase otherwise it will incur problems. In the last week you may attend some big religious occasion. In business front you will keep on facing crests and troughs however you will make plans for future stability and in most of the fronts you will be successful. During the later days of month you shall have to drive your vehicle consciously because minor injury is suspected.

Leo Weekly Forecast Report

Leo March 1st – 7th
You will have to be cautious in monetary transactions on 1st money lent to anybody would be hard to recover in future. The relations may be spoiled even on asking for your own money hence try to avoid such requests. Due to an unfavorable tide you will remain depressed and worried with unknown fear. Any inauspicious even may happen. But between 2nd and 3rd the things will start turning in favor. Through never give up approach you will find the solution to the prevailing problems, most of the worries would be subsided amicably. New vistas of success would be explored. In profession you will be successful and remain devoted in performing professional obligations. Between 4th and 6th you will be successful in all your endeavors, work efficiency will be high and hard work would be appreciated and rewarded with proper remuneration. You will invest quality time with closed ones and friends. However the service class fellows would be closed to the seniors and boss; may be successful in yielding favorable return in near future through cordial relations. Honor and reputation will enhance on 7th. You may come across with some pleasant news from the close relative or friends and financial condition will be consolidated.

Leo March 8th – 15th
On 8th you may inculcate some new technology to ensure profit in business substantially, business expansion plans could be implemented into action whereas the employees might be assigned with more responsibilities. This would be the suitable time for the job seekers too, they may find better job opportunities. Physical health may deteriorate so take precaution and balanced diet so as to remain fit and fine. Between 9th and 10th you could be trapped in controversies, ongoing legal issues may become more complicate and your efforts to help someone may not be good for that person and you as well, may be trapped in controversies. But between 11th and 12th you will experience a favorable time, held up things will gather momentum, you will come across with many new opportunities that will ensure fast career growth. You will be filled with extreme energy, confidence and courage hence life challenges would not be able to shatter you. You will face them bravely and surpass them quickly. Between 13th and 15th you will be free from worldly tensions and worries, since most of them would be drained away automatically. Financial condition may improve.

Leo March 16th – 23rd
Between 16th and 17th you will be engrossed in discharging professional and domestic responsibilities. In profession you will be highly dedicated and focused, work efficiency will enhanced, hard work would be appreciated and reward with proper remuneration on time. Due to festive time you will invest happy moments with family and closed ones and may buy new things also. You will come in contact with many new fellows including any influential fellow who would be very beneficial in near future. In profession you may take some bold decision to ensure profit substantially, may introduce new technology to compete with the market. You will get the favorable results of your efforts and decisions. But between 18th and 20th you will have to face bit tough time. Ongoing projects will be held up in the mid way whereas no new projects or ventures would be introduced. Hurdles will come in all works whether they are related to profession or domestic. Keep your tongue and temper in control else you may pick the quarrel quickly and you will be distracted from the right direction. Rivals and opponents shall be quite aggressive. However between 21st and 22nd influx of guest would prevail happiness in the family atmosphere and your efficiency will be exposed. On 23rd you will regain your confidence as a result you will perform much better than before.

Leo March 24th – 31st
On 24th you may attend some auspicious function. In professional life you will get only the mixed returns only. During the phase you will experience frequent crests and troughs in professional front. Between 25th and 27th you will remain occupied in discharging financial obligations, may design the future plans also which shall be duly implemented in due course of time. During the period you will have a different mental status and approach to see the world may vary. You would be quite centric and self bound. Between 27th and 29th you will have to be cautious, drive your vehicle cautiously and take proper safety measures since some road accident is suspected. Don’t let children drive your vehicle independently. Follow traffic rules to avoid such situations. However the servicemen will have to work sincerely and dedicatedly as their minor careless mistake can lead to embarrassing situation, they may be admonished by their boss or supervisors on trifle issues. Between 30th and 31st most of the time will go in discharging domestic liabilities. Ladies will devote considerable time in home maintenance and decoration. During the phase you may be some unexpected benefit from the government end. Financial condition will be consolidated.


Although no significant achievement is foreseen but you will be filled with immense energy and positive attitude which will surpass all the challenges. Ongoing worries would be drained away automatically paving a concrete path to success. Friends and family members would be supportive.Auspicious... Read More

Here’s an insightful overview of the Leo (Simha) horoscope for 2025, highlighting key areas such as career, love, health, and personal growth. Leo Horoscope Overview for 2025 1. Career and Profession Leadership and Recognition: 2025 is a powerful year for Leo natives when it comes to career growth. Your natural leadership abilities and charisma will shine, earning you recognition and opportunities for advancement. Whether you’re in a managerial role or aspiring to one, this year will provide chances to take on greater... Read More


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