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You may enter in new venture. In business or profession any close one may dupe you and loss of investment is also suspected. However devotion towards mentor shall be good and there would be the settlement of property disputes. Health may fluctuate some seasonal infections may surface. Take money matters seriously frequent loss is suspected. From the love and personal relation front July is quite supporting.

Financially your will frequently experience crests and troughs throughout the month. Financial worries will start with the start of month, while the other challenges shall be sort out. To increase your earnings you will be inspired to explore other opportunities. Your co-workers and superiors shall be quite supportive in paving the path to earn more. This is the phase when you will make future planning, but you shall have to be more and more cautious in monetary deals because any close may ditch you. Financial loss, loan given will not recovered, loss in investment will be frequent hence you are suggested to take proper suggestion with your mentor on whom you rely and analyze yourself before taking any initiative otherwise the things shall not be in your favor. Better to avoid any investment especially during the entire month. You will be highly devoted to your mentor and will devote your time in studying literature and religion. At times you may involve in occult sciences as well. You will feel restless from the financial crisis hence may take any important decision in profession. Try to apply your efforts instead of money for increasing profit in profession. Your hard work will bring the result and it will be duly rewarded too. Property disputes will come to an end after the intermediation of any influential fellow but you shall have to invest big in government related issues. Health will not remain fine and medical ailments will be needed to sub side seasonal infections. From the family end you will get the mixed results because the relations will be governed with your behavior only, during the second half there may be minor misunderstanding with your life partner. Some lucrative business deal will strengthen your financial status. Despite of frequent challenges including finance you will perform well as per your capability and up to some extend you will be successful too. Although most of the time you will remain engaged in performing your professional duties but even though you will manage the time for your family and spend good time with kids. By the end of the month family relations will become warm but the intervention of any third fellow may cause some misunderstandings. By the end of month you will feel your financial condition is improving and you will be relaxed. This month is quite favorable for the love birds, they will share their emotions liberally and exchange of gifts would be frequent, but over indulgence may divert you from the right track. Any of your love secret may be disclosed which will be a matter of embarrassment.

Leo  July 2022 Weekly forecast

Leo July 1st – 7th
Between 1st and 2nd life challenges may slow down but still you would be suffering from financial crisis situation. You may think to change profession or do some other job. You may try your hand in some other prospects. At this juncture of time you would be supported by family and friends who will be very considerate. Family atmosphere will be good and members would be supportive. You would be inspired and motivated by them. Financial gain from senior family member or colleagues is indicated. Between 3rd and 4th you would be in holiday mood, may make future plans and marital life would be blissful. The time is favorable for the love birds; lover and beloved will be dedicated to one another differences and misunderstanding will be dissolved, both will be highly considerate for one another’s sentiments. You will enjoy happy moments with family and closed ones; in fact there would be least professional activity. Between 5th and 7th you will have to be cautious and alert in monetary transaction and other important issues else you would be betrayed by some confidants. Don’t lend money to anyone else it will be gone forever. Mentally you would be tensed and morose but still enjoy the comforts of life.

Leo July 8th – 15th
Between 8th and 9th you will be very influenced from your mentor, interest towards religion and spiritualism shall be deep, may gain knowledge through inspirational literature or knowledge enriching text. In profession you would be engrossed deeply, may take some important decision, work efficiency will increased and it would be appreciated with proper returns. Between 10th and 11th you will be very innovative and creative by approach. Family property disputes would be settled with the intermediation of some influential or senior family members. Family atmosphere shall be cordial and spouse will be supportive. The time is good for the love birds. Between 12th and 14th there could be some positive development in professional area. You may join new venture with some of your old contacts or friends and explore new frontiers. To materialize government related issues you will have to spend money and time. You would be very submissive and humble by tongue and diplomatic by nature which will help you to serve your purpose easily. On 15th those who are suffering from long illness may experience fast healing, physical health will improve; but so far as professional challenges they will be still alive. Working conditions will be hard and challenging.

Leo July 16th – 23rd
On 16th you will have to be cautious since the tide is adverse. In profession make judicious investments based on practical grounds and only after proper analyzing pros and cons else you may suffer financial loss. Some unwanted thing may happen and there would be tensed relations with spouse. Mentally you would be unstable and listless. But the tide will be positive between 17th and 18th. Some of the long and old worry may come to an end which will surge positive energy and you would be feeling delighted. The tide will also be good for the love birds, they will enjoy sweet time. Relations with the spouse and other family members will improve. Friends, colleagues, subordinates and seniors will be close. Between 19th and 20th you would be highly engrossed in profession, work efficiency will enhance and hard work will be appreciated with proper returns. Financial condition will improve. Journey in connection to profession can be undertaken which will bring only favorable results. You would be happy to see the things moving in the right direction. Between 21st and 22nd you may crack some hefty deal which will boost up financial status. You will keep on working with verve and vitality, may introduce new technology or plan so as to enhance profit margin substantially. On 23rd minor seasonal ailments may surface but still you will maintain the pace of work.

Leo July 24th – 31st
On 24th some of your past secrets could be exposed leading to embarrassing situation. In money matters you will have to be vigilant since financial loss is indicated. You may get indulge in occult sciences to materialize your end. Mentally you would be puzzled and restless. However financial gain is expected between 25th and 27th due to the positive impact of planetary retrogression. You will be focused and dedicated to professional tasks, work efficiency will increase and it will be appreciated with proper remuneration. You may undertake business expansion plan, may introduce new technology or launch new venture so as to enhance profit margin substantially. Despite busy professional schedule you will give considerable time to family and kids. Family atmosphere will be harmonious. Between 28th and 29th interference of any outsider may disturb familial peace leading to tensed atmosphere. In profession you will develop a practical approach to see the world. Someone may keep you waiting for a longer time. Between 30th and 31st financially you would be on the strong footing. Business men may crack hefty deal whereas the employees may experience easy targets.


Take care of your health since blood related issues may surface. Rising expenses would be satisfied easily because inflow of money shall be thick and fast. Due to preference to family professional works could be discarded hence you will have to establish an equilibrium.Auspicious Number :  5,... Read More

The horoscope of Leo 2024 predicts that this year is a good year for you with ups and downs. The beginning of the year will be a good and peaceful time since the planet Rahu will be in your 10th house. However, Saturn and Jupiter's conjunction in the 6th house can surround you by enemies, controversies, and disputes. 2024 predicts that the planetary position of Mars, in the beginning, will favor your luck, and you will make good relations at the workplace. The position of Mars in the 9th house of your sign will strengthen your luck. Along... Read More


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