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You shall have to take care of your health, with the effect of Rahu it will keep on fluctuating. You may receive held up monetary unexpectedly that you shall have considered almost as bad debt. Those who are waiting for getting married may meet their life partner. Bold actions shall be taken in business to overcome financial crunch also get support from administration. Work with an open eye otherwise you might be trapped in conspiracy. Mental peace shall be lacking.

The first half of the month is comparatively challenging regarding every aspect. Health will keep on fluctuating with the effect of Rahu, take proper diet and precautions, seek medical ailment immediately to stay fit and fine. Apart from the physical health, mentally you will not relaxed since series of financial problems will not let you fell satisfy. Decisions taken in rage and desperation will not bring the satisfactory results. Your social reputation and acceptance will decrease, despite of hard and honest labor you will not get the expected results but from the family front you will remain happy and you might be blessed by any of senior family member. To overcome from the financial crisis you will apply your best efforts and may fall in introspection phase periodically to find where the problem is exactly. This shall be a repeated phase. You will be in practice of gathering yourself and start again with new vigor, verge and vitality hence you get the results. Consistency will be somewhat lacking. Mismanagement of time is also one of the main factors of repetition of adverse time. However, despite of unavoidable professional challenges you will never pull your steps back and keep on trying with fighting spirit. Your endless efforts start bringing the results from the second week onwards. You will take bold decision that will bring major change in your professional approach and enjoy the benefits. Very soon you will be economically sound and there will be major achievement in your part. Take the monetary decisions wisely otherwise loss is also not ruled out. Legal complication will rise and you might be trapped. During the second half some held up money could be recovered financial gain is suspected, family bonding will strengthen and you could be invited somewhere as chief guest. Social reputation will also increase. Unmarried ones may tie in nuptial knot. During the last week you will be mentally relaxed and will be partially satisfied with your achievements. Your abilities and talent shall be recognized. Deteriorating health of any senior family member may add some worries and compel you to visit hospital repeatedly. You will get unexpected assistance from any of your close friends and administration. However the employees shall remain close to their seniors and boss. You may plan to renovate the interiors. By the end of month you might be trapped in conspiracy also there might be altercation with some close one. Most of your time will go in research work and studying the subject of your interest.

Leo August 2022 Weekly Forecast

Leo August 1st – 7th
Between 1st and 3rd you will have to take extra care since the time is not in favor. You may try to popularize yourself socially but you will be disappointed only. In profession sudden problems may arise which will hamper career progress pace, nothing substantial would be gained even after the application of hard efforts. Clashes and confrontations will be frequent leading to mental harassment. Take proper care of your physical health else you may suffer major ailments. Between 4th and 5th you may undergo self introspection phase to find out the cause of failure. Students will be dedicated to the subject of their interest, they may get favorable results. You will have to work hard to materialize your end. You may come in contact with some of your relatives. But the tide will take a positive turn and you will have comfortable phase between 6th and 7th. During the period you will inch towards success, although no substantial gains are indicated but results of your endeavors will be encouraging, things will move in the expected direction. You may come across with some good news from the close relatives or friends. At this juncture you will strike a perfect balance between familial and professional fields.

Leo August 8th – 15th
Between 8th and 10th you would be profession centric, to materialize your end you may go to any extent, blessings of any senior family members will help you to fight with the prevailing challenges. You will be highly drawn towards religion, may devote considerable time in offering prayers to seek mental peace and solace. You will discharge domestic needs properly, may buy some household things. Family atmosphere will improve. Between 11th and 12th physical health will be unstable due to the impact of Rahu. Legal issues may go complicate and you could be trapped in legal proceedings. Professional things will strive to move on, with the ill effects of planets ongoing project works would be held up. Patience will be your only weapon to fight with the situation. However there would be relief between 13th and 15th. Held up things may gather momentum, pending things will be completed within the time, your endeavors will be appreciated with proper return and the things will move in the desired way only. Financial condition may improve, during the phase you may get timely help from relatives and friends. Family atmosphere will improve and spouse will be much supportive.

Leo August 16th – 23rd
Between 16th and 17th the time is quite conductive for the politicians or those who want political exposure; they will receive achieve the height of popularity and success. New people will come in contact including some of the VIP or influential ones. You will have more powers and rights. Your leadership quality will appear in front of all and you will be able to convince masses. Between 18th and 19th you may get honor of high order, at any social gathering or seminar you could be introduced as chief guest. You would be successful in recovering long held up money that you might have considered as bad debt. Financially you would be on strong footing. The time is quite conductive you may get spectacular success in every sphere of life. Job seekers may get their dream job, results of exams, interviews or contests will go in favor. Family atmosphere will be quite amicable. Life would be luxurious and peaceful. However between 20th and 21st you will have to be cautious in dealing with strangers else you may suffer financial loss. Thing analytically based on the practical applicability then come on the conclusion. Between 22nd and 23rd you will regain your composure. Financially condition will be consolidated, may take some bold decision. Unmarried may get better matrimony prospects.

Leo August 24th – 31st
Between 24th and 25th you will get mixed results. You will posses high skills and abilities which will be praised highly by everyone but the results will be good and bad both. Mentally you will be calm and peaceful and retain your composure and keep on working hard. Deteriorating health condition of any senior family member make you rounds of hospital. You will incur huge on medication. Family atmosphere will be tensed. Between 26th and 27th hefty financial gain is indicated which will showcase your proficiency and abilities. Honor and reputation will increase. Financial condition will be consolidated. Administration will be supportive and you may get timely help. The service class will work with verve and vitality which will make them closer to their seniors and boss. Promotion chances would be brighter. You may undertake home decoration work. However the tide will take an adverse turn between 28th and 30th; you could be trapped in some conspiracy hatched by the rivals, they may try to overwhelm. You will remain upset due to altercation with somebody. Family tension will be high; health condition of senior family member may be serious. Relatives will be closer and supportive. You will engross yourself in studies.



The time is not favorable hence take vital decisions only after proper analysis else you may suffer loss. Unexpected challenges may crop in professional field, rivals may try to overwhelm you and divert your attention. You may come across with some tensed news from the close relatives or... Read More

The horoscope of Leo 2024 predicts that this year is a good year for you with ups and downs. The beginning of the year will be a good and peaceful time since the planet Rahu will be in your 10th house. However, Saturn and Jupiter's conjunction in the 6th house can surround you by enemies, controversies, and disputes. 2024 predicts that the planetary position of Mars, in the beginning, will favor your luck, and you will make good relations at the workplace. The position of Mars in the 9th house of your sign will strengthen your luck. Along... Read More


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