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Aries shall have a month of mixed results approximately in all the aspects including health, wealth, family and career growth. The beginning of the month will be good you will feel hilarious and energetic. Interested in establishing new contact which shall be fruitful for your future growth, in business you will perform better and shall implement new methodologies to expand. You will love the innovation and shall also include some comfortable things for home and office use. You will remain busy in buying new things and decorating home and work place. However in business you will have to keep working then only you can expect the return, but the best part is that you will get worthwhile of your effort though you work hard and most of the time feel over pressed. This is a challenging phase for you when opponents are quite aggressive and still you have to perform like before without getting disturbed from the hurdles. This is a consistent phase and better to learn how to cope with the challenges. Anyhow Arians are good learners and hard workers too; hence you will not feel any impossible thing in your life because you take every challenge as an opportunity to enhance your efficiency. You little effort in profession may bring good results. You will come across frequent crest and trough dealing your health and mental status as well. One day you will feel good the very next day you may dip. People will make high aspirations from you. While suffering from any grief if you share it to someone close it will lesser your pressure and you will feel better.

In finalizing some deal sometime you may be shrewd to ensure good margin. You will prefer to sing devotional song and doing religious practices in your spare time which will relax you. You will be interested in doing some selfless things as well hence in the mid of the month you may do some noble task.  You’re motivational and leadership thoughts will impress the people. You know well how to manage time between works and relax. Take care of your teeth because it may cause some worries. Deteriorating health may cause some worries and you may have to visit hospital repeatedly. In the second half of the month you may hear some unwanted news. You will plan to go on pilgrimage with your family. The employees will get good support of their superiors while the students will study devotedly. You may get some spouse related worries. By the end of the month inflow of money will increase and your honor and reputation will also increase. The lovers shall have good time but there may be some misunderstandings, for that they may have to take help of their friends. The end of month is health wise not supportive and you have to be extra cautious about your food and drinks. Financial issues like loans, funds or legacy will go in your favor and you will feel lucky.

Aries July 2022 Weekly forecast

Aries July 1st -7th
You would be blessed with an auspicious phase between 1st and 2nd. You would be successful in all your endeavors. In profession you will achieve the heights of success; life would be comfortable, happy and prosperous. You will come in contact with new fellows, PR circle will enhance. You would be humble, cooperative, submissive, kind and sensitive. Family atmosphere would be very conductive. This is quite a promising phase which will reward you with honor, prosperity and recognition. You may bring some changes in house set up. Between 3rd and 4th professionally you would be performing well, you may achieve big targets with little application of efforts. Decisions taken in profession will bring only fruitful results. You may go for shopping. Expenses would be heavy but due to stable financial footing it will least bother you. You would be confident and happy to see the things moving in night grooves. However between 5th and 7th it would be a very hard time. Unexpected hurdles will crop in every sphere of life. Progeny issues will add worries; due to mounting expenses financially you would be hard pressed. Rivals and opponents would be very aggressive they may impose baseless allegations on you. Mentally you would be shattered and listless. You will have to share the miseries with any of your confidant else you may fall ill. You may fall in depression. Physical heal may not support.

Aries July 8th – 15th
Between 8th and 9th you would be engrossed in sale purchase deals; through negotiation the deals could be cracked. Professional success is foreseen. At times you could be selfish in materializing your end, for this you may go to any extend. You would be highly diverted towards religion and spiritualism, may devote time in offering prayers and practicing religious rituals. Routine works would be duly completed happily. Between 10th and 12th you may indulge in any selfless noble work which will give you high order of mental peace and satisfaction. Those who are in creative field may attain remarkable success since innovation and creativity would be at the peak. Despite your busy schedule you will find time for relaxing. Between 13th and 14th there could be change in residence, firstly you may resist it but very soon you will feel happy. You would be supported and appreciated from in laws family end. You would remain busy in various work including domestic and professional both. Work load would be heavy and life would be much busy. On 15th your physical health may not support, some tooth related issues may surface. You will have to take immediate medication else the situation may lead to chronic consequences. Deteriorating health of any family member would also compel you to run around the hospital.

Aries July 16th – 23rd
On 16th work load would be very high leading to bursting situation. You would be upset, exhausted and worried. You may come across with some unpleasant news from the close relative or friends. It would be trying phase when you will have to apply more efforts to achieve smaller targets. Between 17th and 18th you would be much relaxed since the situation would be under control. There could be warm relations with the senior officials, they would be pleased with you, financial plans could be executed and you may undertake some religious journey with family to seek blessing, mental peace and solace. You may accomplish some noble work which will delight you eternally. Between 19th and 20th it would be a good time for the students, they would remain engrossed in their studies, may expect fruitful results too. Your expenses would be very high; vehicle may incur huge investment over maintenance and servicing. Between 21st and 22nd you will enjoy memorable moments with family, may conduct some outings or dinner in a restaurant. You would be successful in inducing warmth in personal relations. Married life would be blissful. But on 23rd there could be minor clashes with neighbors leading to minor damage of prestige and mental peace.  

Aries July 24th – 31st
24th is not a favorable day for the love birds; differences and misunderstanding may crop in their relations. Personal relations would be bit hostile. Electric appliance may go caput; you will have to check their status before committing. Manufacturers will have to take proper care of machines. Rival and opponents would be very aggressive and you may openly challenge them. Mentally you would be aggressive, frustrated and listless. Between 25th and 27th you will experience some betterment in the prevailing situations. Monetary gain is indicated from all the directions. You may gain from property or legacy. There could be financial gain from insurance or loans. Financially you would be on strong footing. In profession you would be highly focused and dedicated, work efficiency will increase and it would be duly appreciated with proper remunerations. You will come in contact with new people, PR circle will enlarge. Between 28th and 29th you will be cautious about your physical health, you will emphasize on proper intake of balanced diet. This will definitely keep you away from seasonal ailments and boost up immune system. However 30th and 31st would be a relaxing period. Nothing major is indicated. You will enjoy the day ideally with family and closed ones. Mentally you would be pleased and satisfied to see the things moving in the right direction.


Today you may take some bold decision in profession to enhance profit margin, due to high work efficiency pending works will be accomplished with high speed, may hold a strong position in office, your supremacy may establish both in domestic and professional fronts.Auspicious Number :  9,... Read More

Aries is the fire sign, which indicates the natives of this zodiac always ready to face challenges in life. The horoscope chart 2024 predicts fortune for Aries natives on many occasions. But you will go through several ups and downs to enjoy happiness. Always step up to achieve your dreams. Don't neglect your mind and body this year. This year is not a sound period in terms of your health. The movement of Rahu and Ketu can create stomach related issues. Thus, take care of your diet. Besides, you can also suffer from fatigue, tiredness,... Read More


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