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Aquarius September Weekly Prediction Report

Aquarius September 1st – 7th
Starting of the month shall be favorable as between 1st and 2nd you may earn good money, may purchase something new for house hold or office use. Living standard will be raised and family atmosphere will be congenial. You will have cordial relations with coworkers and friends, may get their support to enhance the pace of progress. You will prefer to do work quite systematically which will ensure remarkable success in every sphere of life. Between 3rd and 4th the tide will take an adverse turn. Professional tasks will be hampered; most of them will be left unattended, ongoing project will be held up at last moment. In desperation you may commit some folly whose consequences will be severe, may suffer position or financial loss. Some unpleasant news from close relatives or friend is likely to arrive. Between 5th and 6th the students will be serious and dedicated to their studies, may get suitable results. You may undertake home renovation work with the assistance of closed ones. No substantial gain is foreseen in profession front but domestically you will be very active and discharge the duties properly. On 7th you will get emotional and moral support of spouse. The time is quite conductive for love borne relations, they will share their emotions liberally and relations will be induced with warmth.

Aquarius September 8th – 15th
On 8th the employees will be close to their boss, may expect better prospect in near future. Exams or interview results may come in favor. Work efficiency shall be high and you will inch towards success. Family atmosphere shall be good and physical health will be supportive. Between 9th and 10th you will experience many crests and troughs in life. Some of your indiscrete decision may prove wrong whose consequences will be unfavorable but financially you will on sound footing. You will be serious about future hence design a methodical approach to handle the tasks which will give you encouraging results. Spouse will be supportive but progeny may behave adamant. Between 11th and 13th keep a track over the usage or harsh language, anyone may get hurt emotionally and may turn into your enemy. Stay aloof of you egoistic attitude else you may spoil your own interest and the closed ones may behave like opponents. Expenses will be high in comparison to earnings. Between 14th and 15th influx of guests will be high and you will remain busy in offer your hospitality whereas in profession you may feel lethargy and procrastination. Work load may be heavy but you will give time to strengthen personal relations.

Aquarius September 16th – 23rd
The period between 16th and 17th will be conductive for the students; they will be dedicated to the subject of their interest. In profession you may achieve something permanent and worthy. Some pleasant news from the close relatives or friends is likely to arrive. Between 18th and 19th money due to you that you would have considered as bad debt could be recovered after huge efforts. Your outspoken and straightforward image will be casted at work field. Professionally you will be marching on the winning track and the things will keep on moving in the positive direction. Life will be comfortable and peaceful, mentally and physically you will be strong and confident enough to handle any situation. Between 20th and 22nd complications may arise in property matters. In profession you will exhibit high skills and through professional acumen and prudence you will be successful in materializing your end. Religious feeling would be waving with high altitude, may devote time in offering prayers and practicing religious rituals. Family atmosphere will be good and married life will be sweet. On 23rd take extra precautions while driving, take proper safety measures and follow traffic rules since some road accident if suspected.

Aquarius September 24th – 30th
On 24th you will get back to work with much gusto and energy, work pressure will be high but you will handle the situation through high skills and professional expertise, may find lesser time for family and own self. Between 25th and 27th socially you would be very popular; the time is quite favorable for those who are linked with politics or public relations. They may attain the heights of their career. Despite of busy schedule you will discharge domestic responsibilities on time. Honor and reputation will enhance. During the period property disputes could be resolved easily and comfortably through negotiation. Between 28th and 29th you could be helped by some opposite sex member in profession and with his/ her help career progress growth will be enhanced drastically. In profession you may take some bold and innovative decision to increase profit margin substantially. You will be very happy and satisfied to see the things moving in the desired direction. On 30th keep a vigilant eye over the moves of rivals since they will be very aggressive and may try to overwhelm you. You could be distracted from the core path. If you want consistent progress then you will have to develop a committed approach of work accomplishment.

You may suffer positional or financial loss. This is good time for the students and job seekers; they will perform much better in viva voce and interviews. Held up money shall be recovered that you would have considered as bad debt but real estate issues may become more complicate. Drive your vehicle carefully since some minor accident is suspected. In profession you will be assisted by opposite sex fellow. Financial condition will improve and family would be supportive.

Financially this is a promising month although you will have to apply hard efforts to attain it, but it will come under your coffers. You will witness dynamic changes of life on day to day basis. You may buy some significant thing for enhancing living standard since money will start coming from the beginning of the month. In profession you will prefer to work very methodically this will improve earnings substantially. There will be good rapport with friends, relatives and coworkers. In the first quarter you will have to face a setback regarding financial and positional. During the time most of projects will be held up at the final position. You may come across with some unpleasant news form the closed one. You will remain engaged in home renovation work with the assistance of family and friends. This is a favorable month for students and job seekers too. They will perform much better in viva voce and interviews. They will be engrossed with studies and least diverted from the worldly attractions. Lover and beloved will be closed to each other. Faith and loyalty will increase between the couple. However the employees will be successful in gaining the support of their boss and superior, they shall be happy with their performance and might be given extra advantage. The businessmen will gain better and may implement business expansion plan. They may introduce new technology to increase profit margin substantially which will give them desirable results, although you will have to work hard to generate capital. Lethargy will be dominating during the second quarter hence for a while the efficiency may degrade. Due to procrastination, lethargy and inefficient work you may suffer hard time and mental pressure. The condition will improve in the next quarters; during the phase you will be highly successful in every field of life and make huge money. This is the most favorable time of the month hence plan it accordingly. In profession you will acquire a stable position and your vision will be clear, your brilliant image of clear and outspoken fellow will appear. Reputation will increase exponentially. You will get back held up money but the property issues may grow complicate whereas family property disputes could be settled amicably. During the period drive your vehicle cautiously and take safety measures since minor accident is not ruled out. Work pressure would be more during the last quarter but will successfully discharge professional and domestic responsibilities. You will be assisted by opposite sex fellow in profession through which you will earn substantially. Political image will increase but the rival may divert your interest.


The day is favorable, you will be dedicated to professional obligations, working pattern would be quite systematic. You will get proper returns of your endeavors. You would be contented and confident. Financial condition will improve, you will inch towards progress.Auspicious Number : 8, Auspicious... Read More

2025 promises to be a transformative year for Aquarius (Kumbh) natives. Ruled by Uranus and Saturn, Aquarius thrives on innovation, independence, and social connections. This year, you will experience shifts in your personal and professional life, offering opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and new beginnings. Here’s a detailed look at what 2025 holds for Aquarius in key areas like career, love, health, and personal development. 1. Career and Profession Innovation and Creativity: Aquarius is known for being... Read More


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