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Not a suitable time for love affairs, misunderstanding may crop but the government cases may experience momentum. Over reliance in monetary issues might be harmful, some monetary loss is expected. Some seasonal ailments may surface time to time. Financial condition will keep on fluctuating, although there shall not be any remarkable achievement in your part but you will be satisfied with your efforts. Your loan could be sanctioned.

The month is filled with controversies; you will experience different shades of life in very less time. The month will start with some unwanted happening causing mental and emotional setback. You may go in depression hence you will be not in position to take right decision at the right time which will hamper growth as well. In performing simpler tasks you will have to apply more efforts. The things will be not easier. You will be extra considerate for elder family members as a result you will get moral support from family. This will be a turning point which will boost up your broken confidence; you will get back to work with verve and vitality which will show results in due course of time. With the in assistance of any influential fellow the government cases will be revived but this is not a suitable time for love affairs, misunderstanding may crop between the lover and beloved. Rivals will be very aggressive and they will leave no change to trap you in their conspiracies but you will be least affected. The employees will be successful in gaining confidence and support of their superior or boss. Money will start coming through your endless efforts, although you will have to apply extra efforts. By hook or crook you will materialize your end. You may implement new technologies to increase profit margin, new avenues might be explored which will be profitable in future. Eventually the condition will improve. During the second half you may initiate some of the coveted projects. You will be happy to see the things moving in the expected direction. Rapport with friends, relatives and close one will improve. For physical fitness you may involve in practicing exercise and Yoga. Some unwanted issues might be levied and you may bear infamy. In monetary transaction over reliance might be harmful, monetary loss is feared. Some favorable new will come. You may buy some new products for increasing family comfort, but any of the female members could disturb family atmosphere. Keep your tongue and temper in control else the situation may become bitter. Avoid indulgence in worthless pursuits. Don’t poke your nose in others affairs and focus on the assigned task. It will be a timely issue which will get resolved automatically. You will be filled up with upbeat confidence and high moral values because of success in recent past. You will experience various hurdles in professional arena, projects will be held up at the eleventh hour. From the health point of view you will have to be cautious since some seasonal ailments are indicated. Expected loan could be sanctioned by the end of the month.

Aquarius  July 2022 Weekly forecast 

Aquarius July 1st – 7th
Between 1st and 2nd you will have an unfavorable time. Nothing positive will happen around you during the time, on 1st some unpleasant thing may happen leading to high mental pressure and work load. You will have to put more efforts to achieve smaller targets. Unexpected hiccups in professional arena may take place, mentally you would be depressed and confused, decision power would be no more and you would be completely dependent on others. There would be some betterment in the prevailing condition between 3rd and 4th. You will pay due regards to parents and senior family members in return their blessing will bring your out from your worries. With the help of any influential fellow government and legal issues may gather momentum. This will develop confidence and new energy in you, but in love matters you will be disappointed. Between 5th and 7th rivals and opponents would be very active and they will try to trap you in their conspiracies, but fortunately you will get least affected by their ill attempts. In profession you will regain focus and dedication. Those who are in service may have fair time, their boss and seniors will be pleased with your work. You would be satisfied and happy. Physically and mentally you will feel stronger and confident.

Aquarius July 8th – 15th
Between 8th and 9th you will have a fair time, during the period you will get positive results but only after application of hard efforts. Your achievements would be quite in proportion to the application of efforts; hence you are suggested to work harder to earn more. The planetary conjugation will inspire you to develop dedication in professional chores. Family atmosphere shall be conductive and members would be supportive. Between 12th and 13th you may come in contact with any VIP; with whom you will be highly inspired. This meeting will develop new hopes and you will feel stronger and confident. Socially you would be very active but financially hard pressed. Between 13th and 14th by hook or crook you will materialize your end. Be aware of the relatives they may try to avoid you, so don’t poke nose willingly. Financially you will be in better condition. Working conditions will improve and colleagues will be supportive. You will be drawn towards religion and spiritualism, may devote considerable time in offering prayers and practicing religious rituals. On 15th you will experience frequent crests and troughs of life. You may fall in self introspection phase, may fall in nostalgia, but very soon you will realize the ultimate aim of life. You will reanalyze your profession and bring necessary changes. There would be betterment in the condition.

Aquarius July 16th – 23rd
On 16th you will strike a perfect balance between professional and familial life. In profession you will be highly dedicated and focused, some of long coveted projects would be materialized. In domestic life you will enjoy happy moments with family members. You will be contented and confident. Between 17th and 18th you will be successful in inducing warmth among personal relations; friends and relatives will reciprocate a positive gesture. You will be conscious about your physical health. To maintain it you may inculcate exercise and Yoga in daily routine chores. You will bear a humble, kind and generous attitude. Senior family members will be happy with your good conduct and you would be blessed by them. Between 19th and 20th although you will work hard and achieve success but their results will not benefit you in the immediate effect. During the phase financially you will be bit hard pressed. Be cautious in your conduct with outsiders else you may face infamy. Avoid indulge in worthless arguments and pursuits else situation may go against. Between 21st and 22nd you will have to be cautious and alert in monetary transactions, don’t rely anyone in important matters since monetary loss is indicated. Develop a practical approach to take any important decision. On 23rd you may come across with some good news from the close relative or friends.

Aquarius July 24th – 31st
On 24th something new could be purchased for household but family atmosphere may go tensed due to any female member. Keep your tongue and rage in control else you may have tiff and the situation may go worst. Better to focus of professional tasks, practice meditation to remain calm and in mental equilibrium. The period between 25th and 26th is good for those who are associated with public relation industry like media and politics. They will achieve the heights of success. Due to your past achievements your confidence will be waving high. Socially you would be very active. The tide will take an adverse turn between 27th and 29th. Due to the adverse effect of planetary combination you could be trapped with some seasonal ailments, take the medication immediate ones the symptoms appear else it may last for long. In profession unexpected hurdles will hamper career progress. Ongoing projects would be held up at the final moment whereas new projects would be limited to papers only. No positive development is foreseen. The tide will again take a positive turn between 30th and 31st. During the period you will experience a new surge of energy. Ongoing or pending state related issues will be duly completed. Hurdles in taking loan will be drained away automatically. You will be happy to see the things moving in the expected direction. 


The day is favorable, you will be dedicated to professional obligations, working pattern would be quite systematic. You will get proper returns of your endeavors. You would be contented and confident. Financial condition will improve, you will inch towards progress.Auspicious Number : 8, Auspicious... Read More

2025 promises to be a transformative year for Aquarius (Kumbh) natives. Ruled by Uranus and Saturn, Aquarius thrives on innovation, independence, and social connections. This year, you will experience shifts in your personal and professional life, offering opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and new beginnings. Here’s a detailed look at what 2025 holds for Aquarius in key areas like career, love, health, and personal development. 1. Career and Profession Innovation and Creativity: Aquarius is known for being... Read More


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