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Birth Time Rectification

Birth Time Rectification

Horoscope is developed on the basis of some basic information which include exact date and time of birth and place of birth. The biggest challenge comes when the seeker does not sure about the birth time, which results in tentative prediction.

The exact predictions can never be made nevertheless the information is exact. This is the main reason why people feel that the astrology is a fake and it is just a source of making fool and earning money. Most of us do not know our exact birth time do you know? Just do one exercise and check all the watches at your home are they all showing the same time. You will see none of the two watches are showing similar time, it is a general thing which happens with the hospitals as well. The watch of hospital, doctor or nurse show different time.

For a moment let’s assume if the hospital is up to a second correct then too at the time of birth nursing staff and doctors have the priority to bring out the baby safely, they can’t have a eye on the two things simultaneously, this time gap causes inaccuracy in birth time.

There are very few astrologers in the world who know how to calculate the exact birth time, this process is quite complicated which has almost became obsolete, Fortunately we have some very experienced astrologers who know how to find it out with the help of provided information and minute study of the life happening the exact birth time can be taken out.
If you seriously want to know whether your birth time is correct or not then we encourage you to take initiative now.
Birth time rectification features:

  • Exact birth time on the analysis of BAD (Bhukti, Antra and Dasha).
  • Free Vedic astrological remedies to convert tough time into favorable one.